Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | 60.9 | Resigned | Ottavio Accoramboni † | Bishop of Fossombrone, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus of Urbino, Italy |
| Born | Adam Adami, O.S.B. † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Hildesheim, Germany |
| Born | Antonio Agust�n Soria, O.S.H. † | | Bishop of Albarracin, Spain |
| Born | Orazio degli Albizzi † | | Bishop of Volterra, Italy |
| Born | Francesco Maria Annoni, C.R. † | | Bishop of Muro Lucano, Italy |
| Born | Juan Astorga de Castillo † | | Bishop of Zamora, Spain |
| Born | Jos� Barber� † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia, Spain |
25.0 | Ordained Priest | Augustinus Basrci (Bagesius), O.P. † | Priest of Order of Friars Preachers | Archbishop of Nachitschewan (Naxivan, Nakhtchevan, Nakhchivan), Armenia |
| Born | Matteo Benlich, O.F.M. † | | Bishop of Beograd {Belgrade}, Serbia |
| Born | Domenico Carnevale † | | Bishop of Isola, Italy |
| Born | Diego Castiglione Morelli † | | Bishop of Mileto, Italy |
| Born | Michelangelo Catalani, O.F.M. Conv. † | | Bishop of Isernia, Italy |
| Born | Filippo Cesarini † | | Bishop of Nola, Italy |
| Born | Giuseppe Cigala (Cicala), C.R. † | | Archbishop of Messina, Italy |
| Born | Francesco Cini † | | Bishop of Macerata e Tolentino, Italy |
37.0 | Selected | Paul David a Felistal † | Bishop of Knin (Tinin), Croatia | Bishop of Veszpr�m, Hungary |
26.0 | Ordained Priest | Angelo Della Ciaia † | Priest | Bishop of Teano, Italy |
| Born | Opizio d’Este † | | Bishop of Modena, Italy |
| Born | Augustin Donghi, C.R. † | | Bishop of Aleria, France |
| Born | Giuseppe de Rossi, O.F.M. Conv. † | | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
| Installed | Fran�ois-Etienne Dulci, O.P. † | Archbishop of Avignon, France |
| Born | Francesco Maria Falcucci † | | Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy |
| Died | Luca Fieschi † | Bishop of Albenga, Italy |
| Born | Atanazy Zachariasz Furs † | | Bishop of Chełm (Ukrainian), Poland |
| Born | Filippo Galilei † | | Bishop of Cortona, Italy |
| Born | Honuphrius Ippoliti † | | Titular Bishop of Porphyreon |
20.0 | Entered | Szymon Jackiewicz-Stawrowski, O.S.B.M. † | Member of Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (Order of St. Basil the Great) | Coadjutor Bishop Emeritus of Kyiv-Halyč {Kiev} (Ukrainian), Ukraine |
| Born | Gabriel de la Calle y Heredia † | | Bishop of Valladolid, Spain |
| Born | Leonardo Leria, O. Carm. † | | Bishop Emeritus of Minori, Italy |
33.7 | Resigned | �ric de Lorraine, O.F.M. Cap. † | Bishop of Verdun, France | Bishop Emeritus |
25.1 | Ordained Priest | Ren� du Lou�t de Coetjunval † | Priest | Bishop of Quimper, France |
| Died | Simone Lunadori † | Bishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy |
| Born | Francesco Massucci † | | Bishop of Penne e Atri, Italy |
| Born | Mart�n de Montalvo Calderon de la Barca, O.S.A. † | | Bishop of La Paz, Bolivia |
40.0 | Died | Mario Moro † | Bishop of Venosa, Italy |
| Born | Francesco de Marchi † | | Bishop of Krk (Veglia), Croatia |
| Died | Malachy O’Moloney † | Bishop of Kilmacduagh, Ireland |
| Died | Franciscus Optimates, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Milos (Melos), Greece |
67.0 | Died | Lazaro Pellizzari, O.P. † | Bishop of Modena, Italy |
37.0 | Installed | Jean Richardot † | Archbishop of Cambrai, France |
30.2 | Ordained Priest | George Anton von Rodenstein † | Priest of Speyer, Germany | Bishop of Worms, Germany |
| Born | J�n Salix, O. Cist. † | | Bishop of P�cs, Hungary |
60.0 | Died | Paolo Emilio Sammarco † | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
35.0 | Professed | Diego Secco, S.J. † | Member of Society of Jesus | Coadjutor Patriarch of Ethiopia |
| Born | Antonius Serra † | | Bishop of Milos (Melos), Greece |
59.0 | Resigned | Francisco de Sosa, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain | Bishop of Osma, Spain |
| Born | Diego de Sousa † | | Archbishop of �vora, Portugal |
| Born | Johannes Maximus Stainer von Pleinfelden † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany |
| Born | Braulio Sunyer † | | Bishop of L�rida, Spain |
| Born | Jakiv Suša, O.S.B.M. † | | Bishop of Chełm (Ukrainian), Poland |
| Born | Paul de Tauris-Jancic, O.F.M. Obs. † | | Bishop of Pedena, Austria |
| Born | Giambattista Ventriglia † | | Bishop of Caserta, Italy |
| Born | Juan P�rez Guti�rrez, O.F.M. † | | Bishop of Tuy, Spain |
| Born | Peter Walenburch † | | Auxiliary Bishop of K�ln {Cologne}, Germany |
| Born | Jan Stefan Wydżga † | | Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland |
| Born | Francisco de Z�rate y Ter�n † | | Bishop of Cuenca, Spain |
1 Jan | 59.0 | Died | Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Pietro in Vincoli |
5 Jan | 34.0 | Appointed | Scipione Caffarelli-Borghese † | Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina |
8 Jan | 41.7 | Appointed | Maffeo Barberini † | Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
10 Jan | 70.0 | Died | Jean du Bec (-Crespin) † | Bishop of Saint-Malo, France |
63.0 | Died | Matteo de Oviedo, O.F.M. Obs. † | Archbishop of Dublin, Ireland |
11 Jan | 52.0 | Appointed | Lanfranco Margotti † | Cardinal-Priest of San Pietro in Vincoli | Cardinal, Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy |
| Appointed | Girolamo Palazzuoli † | Bishop of Isola, Italy |
| Appointed | Archangelus de Rossi, C.R.L. † | Bishop of Carinola (Calina), Italy |
27 Jan | 45.0 | Appointed | P�l Alm�sy † | Bishop of V�c, Hungary |
60.0 | Appointed | Lorenzo Mongi� Galatino, O.F.M. Obs. † | Archbishop of Lanciano, Italy | Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy |
47.0 | Appointed | Demetrii Napragyi † | Bishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
47.0 | Appointed | Demetrii Napragyi † | Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary | Bishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
| Confirmed | Louren�o de T�vora, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Funchal, Portugal | Bishop Emeritus of Elvas, Portugal |
35.0 | Appointed | J�nos Telegdy † | Bishop of Bosnia (Bosna, Diacovar, Diakovar), Croatia | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary |
1 Feb | 54.5 | Appointed | Pedro Gin�s Casanova † | Bishop of Segorbe, Spain |
51.1 | Installed | Fran�ois de La Rochefoucauld † | Cardinal-Priest of San Callisto | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Senlis, France |
2 Feb | 34.4 | Ordained Bishop | Johann Gottfried von Aschhausen † | Bishop of Bamberg, Germany |
5 Feb | | Died | Giuseppe de Rossi † | Archbishop of Acerenza e Matera, Italy |
10 Feb | | Born | Matteo Orlandi, O. Carm. † | | Bishop of Cefal�, Italy |
15 Feb | 22.8 | Installed | Ferdinando Gonzaga † | Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Domnica | |
52.1 | Appointed | Miguel Angulo G�mez de Carvajal, O.S. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia, Spain |
52.1 | Appointed | Miguel Angulo G�mez de Carvajal, O.S. † | Titular Bishop of Coronea | Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia, Spain |
51.1 | Appointed | Fran�ois de La Rochefoucauld † | Bishop of Senlis, France | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus |
17 Feb | 67.1 | Died | Timocrate (Democrate) Aloigi (Aloisi) † | Bishop of Cagli, Italy |
21 Feb | 72.7 | Died | Cesare Camillo Ferrero † | Bishop of Ivrea, Italy |
28 Feb | 49.1 | Ordained Bishop | Afonso Furtado de Mendon�a † | Bishop of Guarda, Portugal | Archbishop of Lisboa, Portugal |
| Ordained Bishop | Girolamo Palazzuoli † | Bishop of Isola, Italy |
Mar | | Born | Tommaso D’Avalos, O.P. † | | Bishop of Lucera, Italy |
| Succeeded | Gregorio Santacroce, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Giovinazzo, Italy |
75.1 | Died | Giovanni Antonio Viperani † | Bishop of Giovinazzo, Italy |
1 Mar | 35.1 | Appointed | Antoine Rose † | Bishop of Clermont, France |
| Appointed | Diogo de Sousa † | Archbishop of �vora, Portugal |
10 Mar | 49.1 | Appointed | Jos� de Melo † | Bishop of Miranda (do Douro), Portugal | Archbishop of �vora, Portugal |
15 Mar | | Appointed | Petar Domitrović † | Bishop of P�cs, Hungary | Bishop of Zagreb (Agram), Croatia |
16 Mar | 56.2 | Died | Giuseppe Ferrerio † | Archbishop of Urbino, Italy |
19 Mar | 78.2 | Died | Salentin von Isenburg † | Former Archbishop-Elect of K�ln {Cologne}, Germany |
| Died | Valeriano Muti † | Bishop of Citt� di Castello, Italy |
21 Mar | 39.2 | Ordained Bishop | Jo�o Manuel de Ata�de † | Bishop of Viseu, Portugal | Archbishop of Lisboa, Portugal |
22 Mar | 42.7 | Appointed | Pellegrino Bertacchi † | Bishop of Modena, Italy |
45.2 | Appointed | Juan de Moncada † | Bishop of Barcelona, Spain | Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain |
27 Mar | 44.2 | Died | Innocenzo Del Bufalo-Cancellieri † | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Camerino, Italy |
28 Mar | 42.8 | Ordained Bishop | Pellegrino Bertacchi † | Bishop of Modena, Italy |
29 Mar | | Confirmed | Franjo Ergelski Hasanović † | Bishop of Veszpr�m, Hungary | Bishop of Zagreb (Agram), Croatia |
41.2 | Appointed | Agostino Gradenigo † | Bishop of Feltre, Italy | Patriarch of Aquileia, Italy |
41.2 | Appointed | Nicolas Pac † | Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania | Bishop Emeritus |
49.2 | Appointed | Pedro Ponce de L�on, O.P. † | Bishop of Zamora, Spain | Bishop Emeritus |
Apr | | Born | Juan Lozano, O.S.A. † | | Bishop of Plasencia, Spain |
1 Apr | 21.0 | Ordained Priest | Gregor Kathmann von Maurugk † | Priest of Mei�en (Meissen) {Lusazia o Lausitz; Sassonia}, Germany | Prefect |
12 Apr | 41.2 | Ordained Bishop | Agostino Gradenigo † | Bishop of Feltre, Italy | Patriarch of Aquileia, Italy |
18 Apr | 60.2 | Died | Gerolamo Arsengo, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Bacău, Romania |
36.2 | Ordained Bishop | Jean de Watteville, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Lausanne, Switzerland |
19 Apr | 50.7 | Appointed | Wawrzyniec Gembicki † | Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland | Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland |
50.2 | Appointed | Pedro Ord��ez y Fl�rez † | Archbishop of Santaf� en Nueva Granada, Colombia |
22 Apr | | Born | Pietro Vito Ottoboni † | | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
26 Apr | 43.6 | Appointed | Antonio Albergati † | Apostolic Nuncio to Germany | Bishop Emeritus of Bisceglie, Italy |
65.3 | Resigned | Attilio Amalteo † | Apostolic Nuncio to Germany | Apostolic Nuncio |
61.3 | Appointed | Juan Nicol�s Vald�s de Carriazo † | Bishop of Islas Canarias {Canary Islands}, Spain | Bishop of Guadix, Spain |
| Appointed | Giovanni Antonio Santorio † | Bishop of Policastro, Italy |
| Appointed | Luca Semproni † | Bishop of Citt� di Castello, Italy |
May | 52.3 | Died | Luis Pereira de Miranda † | Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde |
5 May | | Appointed | Benedetto Ala † | Archbishop of Urbino, Italy |
42.0 | Appointed | Maffeo Barberini † | Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Onofrio | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
74.9 | Appointed | Domenico Toschi † | Cardinal-Priest of San Pietro in Montorio | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Tivoli, Italy |
9 May | | Ordained Bishop | Benedetto Ala † | Archbishop of Urbino, Italy |
54.7 | Ordained Bishop | Pedro Gin�s Casanova † | Bishop of Segorbe, Spain |
52.3 | Ordained Bishop | Miguel Angulo G�mez de Carvajal, O.S. † | Titular Bishop of Coronea | Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia, Spain |
| Ordained Bishop | Luca Semproni † | Bishop of Citt� di Castello, Italy |
13 May | 55.3 | Died | Antonio de Alzega (Alcega), O.F.M. † | Bishop of Coro, Venezuela |
16 May | 45.3 | Ordained Bishop | Juan de Moncada † | Bishop of Barcelona, Spain | Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain |
17 May | 53.3 | Appointed | Filippo Bigli (Bili), C.R. † | Bishop of Cagli, Italy |
| Appointed | Juan Estelrich † | Auxiliary Bishop of Tarragona, Spain | Bishop of Jaca, Spain |
| Appointed | Juan Estelrich † | Titular Bishop of Dragobitia (Drago) | Bishop of Jaca, Spain |
19 May | | Born | Fran�ois-Etienne de Caulet † | | Bishop of Pamiers, France |
22 May | | Born | Francesco Alberti di Poja † | | Bishop of Trento, Italy |
26 May | 31.4 | Appointed | Antonio Idi�quez Manrique † | Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain | Bishop of Segovia, Spain |
46.4 | Appointed | Pietro Giorgio Odescalchi † | Bishop of Vigevano, Italy |
57.4 | Appointed | Bernardo de Salba, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Urgell, Spain |
30 May | 31.5 | Ordained Priest | Albert von T�rring † | Priest of Regensburg, Germany | Bishop |
31 May | 53.4 | Ordained Bishop | Filippo Bigli (Bili), C.R. † | Bishop of Cagli, Italy |
6 Jun | | Ordained Bishop | Louren�o de T�vora, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Funchal, Portugal | Bishop Emeritus of Elvas, Portugal |
15 Jun | | Born | Fran�ois de Baillencourt † | | Bishop of Brugge {Bruges}, Belgium |
52.4 | Died | Charles Bourbon de Vend�me † | Archbishop Emeritus of Rouen, France |
20 Jun | 40.4 | Ordained Bishop | Atanasij Aleksander Krupeckyj † | Bishop of Przemyśl, Sambor, et Sanok (Ukrainian), Poland |
21 Jun | 58.4 | Appointed | Enrique Enr�quez de Almansa Manrique, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Plasencia, Spain |
23 Jun | 66.4 | Died | Juan Orozco Covarrubias y Leiva † | Bishop of Guadix, Spain |