Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | | Ordained Priest | Adrien Aernoult, O. Carm. † | Priest of Order of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel | Auxiliary Bishop of Cambrai, France |
| Died | Galcerandus de Andrea, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Leighlin, Ireland |
| Appointed | Antonio † | Bishop of Chiusi, Italy |
31.2 | Ordained Priest | Adolf von Anhalt-Zerbst † | Priest | Bishop of Merseburg, Germany |
| Born | Corneille Van Berghen † | | Bishop Emeritus of Li�ge, Belgium |
| Born | Konrad von Bibra † | | Bishop-Elect of W�rzburg, Germany |
| Born | Georg von Blumenthal † | | Bishop of Lebus, Germany |
| Died | Antonio Clementis † | Bishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy |
33.0 | Appointed | Julius Caesar Cantelmi † | Titular Archbishop of Nicaea | Bishop Emeritus of Montepeloso, Italy |
33.0 | Resigned | Julius Caesar Cantelmi † | Bishop of Montepeloso, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Giacomo Cauco (Cocco) † | | Archbishop of Corf�, Greece |
| Born | Giovanni Vincenzo Acquaviva d’Aragona † | | Cardinal, Bishop of Melfi e Rapolla, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni Domenico † | Bishop of San Leone, Italy |
| Born | Gavin Dunbar † | | Archbishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain |
| Born | Mikołaj Dzierżgowski † | | Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland |
| Died | Magn�s Eyj�lfsson † | Bishop of Sk�lholt, Iceland |
| Died | Angelo Fasolo † | Bishop of Feltre, Italy |
59.0 | Resigned | Johann (Jan) Filipec z Prostějov, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv�rad}, Romania | Bishop Emeritus |
59.0 | Resigned | Johann (Jan) Filipec z Prostějov, O.F.M. † | Administrator of Olomouc (Olm�tz), Czechia | Bishop Emeritus of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv�rad}, Romania |
| Born | Giovanni Francisco de Gaeta † | | Bishop of Ascoli Satriano (Puglia), Italy |
| Died | Pascasio di Gallignana † | Bishop of Pedena, Austria |
| Died | Matthieu Geant, O.F.M. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Th�rouanne, France |
| Died | Guillaume † | Bishop of Andros, Greece |
| Professed | Johannes von Helmont, O.S.B. † | Member of Order of Saint Benedict | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Trier, Germany |
| Died | Bernardo Jover † | Bishop of Castro [di Sardegna], Italy |
| Born | Philippe de La Chambre, O.S.B. † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati |
| Died | Pierre de Leone † | Archbishop of Toulouse, France |
| Resigned | Ejler Madsen B�lle † | Bishop of Aarhus (Århus), Denmark | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Miguel Maiques P�rez, O.S.A. † | | Bishop of Ales e Terralba, Italy |
| Born | Bernardo Manrique, O.P. † | | Bishop of M�laga, Spain |
| Died | Corrado Marcellini † | Bishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy |
| Born | Christoph Metzler von Andelberg † | | Bishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany |
| Died | Pedro de Ocana, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Guadix, Spain |
| Resigned | Sean O’Cassin de Tuderto, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Killala, Ireland | Bishop Emeritus |
| Died | Guglielmo Ogler † | Bishop of Galtelli, Italy |
| Born | Sebasti�n Ram�rez de Fuenleal (Arellano) † | | Bishop of Cuenca, Spain |
| Born | Gerolamo Sansoni † | | Bishop of Lodi, Italy |
| Died | Rodrigo de Sesse, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Civita (Tempio), Italy |
| Died | Pietro de Sonnino † | Bishop of Nicastro, Italy |
| Born | Edward Staples † | | Bishop Emeritus of Meath, Ireland |
| Died | Nicola Tomacelli † | Bishop of Cassano all’Jonio, Italy |
| Born | Vicente de Valverde, O.P. † | | Bishop of Panam� |
| Born | Jobst von der Recke † | | Bishop Emeritus of Dorpat (Tartu), Estonia |
| Selected | Valentin Vlk (Farkas) † | Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv�rad}, Romania |
| Born | Mikołaj Wolski † | | Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland |
Jan | | Died | Agircola de Panisse † | Bishop of Apt, France |
15 Jan | | Appointed | Georg Fabri, O.P. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany |
| Appointed | Georg Fabri, O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Bir Seba | Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany |
7 Feb | | Confirmed | Thomas Grote † | Bishop of L�beck, Germany | Former Bishop-Elect |
8 Feb | 48.1 | Appointed | Arduino Santaleoni † | Bishop of Nicotera, Italy |
| Appointed | Antonio Sicardo Lucido † | Bishop of Nicastro, Italy |
26 Feb | | Appointed | Stjepan Crispo † | Bishop of Sirmio (Srijem; Sirmium), Croatia |
3 Mar | | Appointed | Luca Borsciani Cybo, O.S.M. † | Bishop of Foligno, Italy | Titular Archbishop of Ephesus |
| Appointed | Henri d’Aradon, O. Carm. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Vannes, France |
| Appointed | Henri d’Aradon, O. Carm. † | Titular Bishop of Citrus | Auxiliary Bishop of Vannes, France |
31.1 | Died | Friedrich von �ttingen † | Bishop-Elect of Passau, Germany |
| Appointed | Francesco Rosa † | Bishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy |
50.7 | Confirmed | Friedrich von Schaumberg † | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria |
10 Mar | | Appointed | Jean Chabrol (d’Espinay) † | Bishop of Apt, France | Bishop of Valence and Die, France |
11 Mar | 43.1 | Selected | Christoph Schachner † | Bishop of Passau, Germany |
13 Mar | | Ordained Bishop | Georg Fabri, O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Bir Seba | Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany |
14 Mar | | Ordained Bishop | Henri d’Aradon, O. Carm. † | Titular Bishop of Citrus | Auxiliary Bishop of Vannes, France |
40.2 | Appointed | Maciej ze Starej Łomży † | Bishop of Chełm, Poland |
24 Mar | | Born | Giovanni Salviati † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
Apr | 69.2 | Resigned | Jean Balue † | Bishop of Autun, France | Cardinal, Bishop of Angers, France |
| Resigned | William Roche † | Bishop of Cork and Cloyne, Ireland | Bishop Emeritus |
17 Apr | | Appointed | Antoine de Chalon † | Bishop of Autun, France | Bishop Emeritus |
21 Apr | | Appointed | Nicolas Maguire † | Bishop of Leighlin, Ireland |
35.3 | Appointed | Thaddeus McCarthy † | Bishop of Cork and Cloyne, Ireland |
2 May | | Died | Jean Bureau † | Bishop of B�ziers, France |
50.8 | Ordained Bishop | Friedrich von Schaumberg † | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria |
5 May | | Appointed | Niels Clausen Skade † | Bishop of Aarhus (Århus), Denmark | Bishop Emeritus |
21 May | | Appointed | Galcerando , O.F.M. † | Bishop of Bisarcio, Italy |
| Appointed | Juan de Ortega † | Bishop of Almer�a, Spain |
| Appointed | Garc�a de Quijada, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Guadix, Spain |
Jun | | Died | Ludwig Burgsdorf † | Bishop of Lebus, Germany |
7 Jun | | Appointed | Giovanni † | Bishop of San Leone, Italy |
17.4 | Appointed | Antonio Lascaris de Tenda † | Bishop of Riez, France |
13 Jun | | Ordained Bishop | Vid (Vitus) Hvaranin (de Ruschis) † | Bishop of Duvno, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
14 Jun | | Appointed | Miguel Danyon † | Bishop of Ales (Uselli), Italy |
| Appointed | Gonzalo Fern�ndez de Heredia † | Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain |
50.4 | Appointed | Pedro Garcia † | Bishop of Barcelona, Spain |
24 Jun | | Born | Juan L�pez de Z�rate † | | Bishop of Antequera, Oaxaca, M�xico |
| Ordained Bishop | Maunu S�rkilahti (Stiernkors) † | Bishop of Åbo, Finland |
26 Jun | 43.4 | Confirmed | Christoph Schachner † | Bishop of Passau, Germany |
| Appointed | Guglielmo Vidal † | Bishop of Galtelli, Italy |
28 Jun | | Born | Albrecht von Brandenburg † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Mainz, Germany |
30 Jun | 31.3 | Ordained Priest | Adriaan Florenszoon Dedel † | Priest | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
5 Jul | | Appointed | Pierre Javailhac † | Bishop of B�ziers, France | Bishop Emeritus |
3 Aug | 82.5 | Died | Jaime Perez de Valencia, O.S.A. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia, Spain |
10 Aug | 41.5 | Died | Pierre de Foix (Jr.) † | Cardinal, Bishop of Vannes, France |
| Died | Giovanni Venier † | Archbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia |
29 Aug | 40.6 | Appointed | Lorenzo Cibo de’ Mari † | Administrator of Vannes, France | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Benevento, Italy |
| Appointed | Giovanni Sacco † | Archbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia |
14 Sep | | Resigned | Marco Lascaris de Tenda † | Bishop of Riez, France | Bishop Emeritus |
23 Sep | | Appointed | Guglielmo Bruno † | Bishop of Andros, Greece |
Oct | | Born | Olaus M�nsson † | | Archbishop of Uppsala, Sweden |
6 Oct | | Died | Fran�ois de Savoie † | Archbishop of Auch, France |
20 Oct | 30.8 | Selected | Dietrich von B�low † | Bishop of Lebus, Germany |
5 Nov | | Appointed | Izarn de Barri�re † | Bishop of Maguelonne, France |
30.8 | Confirmed | Dietrich von B�low † | Bishop of Lebus, Germany |
65.8 | Appointed | Antoine Champion † | Bishop of Gen�ve {Geneva}, Switzerland |
| Appointed | Marco Cibo (Cybo) † | Bishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy |
| Appointed | Girolamo Calagrani † | Bishop of Mondovi, Italy |
25.8 | Appointed | Jean-Fran�ois de la Tr�moille † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Auch, France |
40.8 | Appointed | Giovanni Battista Orsini † | Administrator of Taranto, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Giovanni e Paolo |
| Appointed | Pedro Stornello, O.P. † | Bishop of Civita (Tempio), Italy |
20 Dec | | Appointed | Juan Crespo, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Castro [di Sardegna], Italy | Bishop of Ales e Terralba, Italy |
| Appointed | Prosdocimus † | Bishop of Sap�, Albania |
| Appointed | Vicente Trilles, O.F.M. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Urgell, Spain |
| Appointed | Vicente Trilles, O.F.M. † | Auxiliary Bishop of L�rida, Spain | Auxiliary Bishop of Urgell, Spain |
| Appointed | Vicente Trilles, O.F.M. † | Titular Bishop of Marocco o Marruecos, Titular Sees | Auxiliary Bishop of Urgell, Spain |
27 Dec | | Died | Nicolas Boutault † | Bishop of Lu�on, France |
30 Dec | | Died | John Hales † | Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, England, Great Britain |