Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1487

Bishop Events

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownDiedLydechinus AbelisBishop of V�ster�s (Westeraes), Sweden
DiedGiovanni Angelo de Barbiano, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Mottola (Motula), Italy
91.0DiedAntonio Bertini, Gesuati †Bishop of Foligno, Italy
DiedPietro BoccaBishop of Bagnoregio (Bagnorea), Italy
DiedLi�vin Brunstorp, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Halberstadt, Germany
DiedLorenzo CapodiferroBishop of Pesaro, Italy
AppointedThomas Cornish, O.S. Jean de J�r †Auxiliary Bishop of Exeter, England, Great Britain
DiedDaniel , O.S.A. †Auxiliary Bishop of Treviso, Italy
DiedGaleazzo della RovereBishop of Agen, France
BornGeorge Dowdall, O.S.C. †Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland
BornPaweł Dunin-WolskiBishop of Poznań, Poland
BornAnton EngelbrechtAuxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Speyer, Germany
DiedDiego de FonsecaBishop of Coria, Spain
BornSimone de GaleottiBishop of Squillace, Italy
BornPiotr GamratArchbishop of Gniezno, Poland
BornRodrigo Gonz�lez de MarmolejoBishop-Elect of Santiago de Chile
BornMatteo Griffoni (Grifonio) Pioppi, O.S.B. †Bishop of Trivento, Italy
DiedNicola de GuidiccioniBishop of Nicotera, Italy
DiedJan Bishop of Kyiv (Kij�w), Ukraine
AppointedNestor MalvasiaBishop of Pesaro, ItalyBishop-Elect
DiedBartolomeo MaraschiBishop of Citt� di Castello, Italy
DiedGiuliano Matovi, O.P. †Bishop of Sulcis, Italy
BornVincenzo NegusantiBishop Emeritus of Arbe (Rab), Croatia
DiedBonadias de NigronibusBishop of Isola, Italy
DiedTito NovelloBishop of Adria, Italy
DiedSean (John) O’HedianBishop of Ossory, Ireland
Ordained PriestKaspar PreielPriest of Bamberg, GermanyAuxiliary Bishop
ProfessedHieronymus Schultz, O. Praem. †Member of Order of the Canons Regular of Premontre; NorbertinesBishop of Havelberg, Germany
31.8AppointedAscanio Maria SforzaAdministrator of Pesaro, ItalyCardinal, Administrator of Pavia, Italy
DiedRodrigo de Soria, O.F.M. †Bishop of M�laga, Spain
BornChristoph von Braunschweig-L�neburgArchbishop of Bremen (and Hamburg), Germany
BornAntoine de Vergy (Verzy)Archbishop of Besan�on, France
BornPhilippe von GundelsheimBishop of Basel, Switzerland
DiedGonzalo de VilladiegoBishop of Oviedo, Spain
DiedPedro de Villalobos, O.S.A. †Auxiliary Bishop of Coria, Spain
JanDiedJacopo VannucciBishop Emeritus of Perugia, Italy
5 JanAppointedErhard BaumgartnerBishop of Lavant, Slovenia
6 JanAppointedGuglielmo OglerBishop of Galtelli, Italy
18 JanAppointedSean O’Cassin de Tuderto, O.F.M. †Bishop of Killala, IrelandBishop Emeritus
23 Jan49.0DiedWedigo Gans zu PutlitzBishop of Havelberg, Germany
24 JanAppointedHugh ArwardBishop of Elphin, Ireland
26.0AppointedBernardino Venier (Fenier)Bishop of Chioggia, ItalyBishop Emeritus
26 JanAppointedTroilo AgnesiBishop of Lavello, ItalyBishop of Guardialfiera (Guardia), Italy
AppointedAntonio Bonito de Cucharo, O.F.M. †Bishop of Montemarano, ItalyBishop of Acerno, Italy
57.0DiedPhilipp von HennebergBishop of Bamberg, Germany
28 Jan52.0Ordained BishopRobert MortonBishop of Worcester, England, Great Britain
29 JanAppointedPeter CourtenayBishop of Winchester, England, Great Britain
39.0AppointedRichard FoxBishop of Exeter, England, Great BritainBishop of Winchester, England, Great Britain
31 JanAppointedJames ChisholmBishop of Dunblane, Scotland, Great BritainBishop Emeritus
1 FebSelectedHeinrich Gro� von TrockauBishop of Bamberg, Germany
2 FebDiedMannus MorulaBishop of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy
12 FebAppointedPietro Palagario, O.F.M. †Bishop of Telese o Cerreto Sannita, Italy
14 FebBornHeinrich von Rhein (Palatins, von der Pfalz)Bishop of Freising, Germany
16 FebAppointedPietro Paolo CapobiancoBishop of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, Italy
AppointedMenelao GennariBishop of Acerno, ItalyArchbishop of Sorrento, Italy
AppointedRaphael Mercatel, O.S.B. †Auxiliary Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium
AppointedRaphael Mercatel, O.S.B. †Titular Bishop of RhosusAuxiliary Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium
19 FebBornJohannes von LupfenFormer Bishop-Elect of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
4 Mar45.1Ordained BishopHermann von HessenArchbishop of K�ln {Cologne}, Germany
5 MarAppointedAlesandro de Campo FregosoBishop of Ventimiglia, ItalyBishop Emeritus
46.1ResignedAntonio Gentile PallaviciniBishop of Ventimiglia, ItalyCardinal, Bishop of Orense, Spain
14 Mar46.2AppointedPietro BarozziBishop of Padova {Padua}, Italy
AppointedGiovanni Antonio Pavaro (Penosis)Bishop of Poreč (Parenzo), Croatia
21 Mar60.2ResignedJohann BeckenschlagerArchbishop of Esztergom, HungaryArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
60.2SucceededJohann BeckenschlagerArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
69.2DiedBernhard von RohrArchbishop Emeritus of Salzburg, Austria
25 MarOrdained BishopAntoine Pierre de Narbonne, O. Cist. †Bishop of Vabres, France
26 MarAppointedWalter BlakeBishop of Clonmacnoise, Ireland
AppointedOliver Cantwell, O.P. †Bishop of Ossory, Ireland
28 MarConfirmedHeinrich Gro� von TrockauBishop of Bamberg, Germany
Apr26.2Ordained BishopBernardino Venier (Fenier)Bishop of Chioggia, ItalyBishop Emeritus
2 AprAppointedRoberto PiscicelliAdministrator of Mottola (Motula), ItalyArchbishop of Brindisi, Italy
4 AprAppointedHuan (John) Blackleach (Hesketh), O.S.A. †Bishop of The Isles (Sodor), Scotland, Great Britain
22.2AppointedBernardo de’ RossiBishop of Belluno, ItalyBishop of Treviso, Italy
AppointedSimon Vargius, O.F.M. †Bishop of Sulcis, Italy
8 Apr39.2Ordained BishopRichard FoxBishop of Exeter, England, Great BritainBishop of Winchester, England, Great Britain
11 Apr79.2DiedParacleto Malvezzi, O.S.A. †Bishop of Acerno, Italy
27 AprSelectedBusso von AlvenslebenBishop of Havelberg, Germany
45.3AppointedTam�s Bak�czBishop of Győr (Raab), HungaryCardinal, Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary
AppointedOrb�n D�czy von Nagyl�cseBishop of Eger, Hungary
11 MayAppointedPietro Menzi de VincentiaBishop of Cesena, Italy
18 MayAppointedJuan Arias de VillarBishop of Oviedo, SpainBishop of Segovia, Spain
AppointedVasco Ram�rezBishop of Coria, Spain
21 May8.1AppointedIppolito d’Este (I)Administrator of Esztergom, HungaryCardinal, Administrator of Eger, Hungary
31 MayAppointedNicol� Maria d’EsteBishop of Adria, Italy
1 Jun74.4AppointedPedro Beltr�n (Bertrandi)Bishop of Tuy, Spain
60.4AppointedPierre d’Abzac, O.S.B. †Bishop of Lectoure, FranceArchbishop of Narbonne, France
AppointedHugo d’EspagneBishop of Rieux, France
82.4AppointedDiego de Muros (Moiras), O. de M. †Bishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain
AppointedAntonio Sicardo LucidoBishop of Nicotera, ItalyBishop of Nicastro, Italy
22 JunAppointedMichael de Leopoli, O.P. †Bishop of Kyiv (Kij�w), Ukraine
3 Jul25.7SelectedRuprecht Pfalzgraf Simmer von Bayern de RheinCoadjutor Bishop of Regensburg, GermanyBishop
8 JulOrdained BishopRaphael Mercatel, O.S.B. †Titular Bishop of RhosusAuxiliary Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium
15 Jul60.5InstalledJohann BeckenschlagerArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
Ordained BishopHeinrich Gro� von TrockauBishop of Bamberg, Germany
16 Jul72.5DiedBrande CastiglioniBishop of Como, Italy
30 JulConfirmedBusso von AlvenslebenBishop of Havelberg, Germany
AugDiedMarco CattaneoArchbishop of Durr�s (Durazzo), Albania
3 AugAppointedLudwig BurgsdorfBishop of Lebus, Germany
12 AugOrdained BishopNicol� Maria d’EsteBishop of Adria, Italy
15 AugDiedJean de BonaldBishop of Maguelonne, France
DiedLorenz von FreibergBishop of Gurk, Austria
24 AugAppointedBernardino Barbiani, O.F.M. Obs. †Bishop of Bisaccia, Italy
AppointedMartino de Maggio (Madio da Tramonti)Bishop of Bisceglie, ItalyBishop Emeritus
27 Aug25.8ConfirmedRuprecht Pfalzgraf Simmer von Bayern de RheinCoadjutor Bishop of Regensburg, GermanyBishop
30.6AppointedAntonio Trivulzio (Sr.), C.R.S. Ant. †Cardinal, Bishop of Como, Italy
10 SepBornGiovanni Maria Ciocchi del MontePope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
17 SepAppointedRostaing d’AncezuneBishop of Fr�jus, FranceArchbishop of Embrun, France
24 SepAppointedGiovanni Battista LagniBishop of Citt� di Castello, ItalyArchbishop of Rossano, Italy
OctOrdained BishopBusso von AlvenslebenBishop of Havelberg, Germany
1 OctAppointedGuillaume Leroy de ChavignyBishop of Maguelonne, France
19 OctAppointedPierre de Castro BayachoBishop of Pamiers, France
1 NovDiedJohann von Wei�enbachBishop of Mei�en (Meissen), Germany
5 NovAppointedOlof Andreae de Vallibus (Laurentii)Bishop of V�ster�s (Westeraes), Sweden
12 NovDiedPierre du ChaffaultBishop of Nantes, France
43.0SelectedJohann SalhausenBishop of Mei�en (Meissen), Germany
21 NovAppointedPierre HallwynBishop of Alet, FranceBishop Emeritus
27 NovAppointedJean AlbrigaBishop of Toulon, FranceTitular Archbishop of Tarsus
5 DecAppointedPedro D�az de Toledo y OvalleBishop of M�laga, Spain
9 Dec23.9AppointedLeonardo Grosso della RovereBishop of Agen, FranceCardinal, Major Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary
17 DecAppointedPedro Montemol�n, O.P. †Auxiliary Bishop of Osma, SpainAuxiliary Bishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
AppointedPedro Montemol�n, O.P. †Titular Bishop of Marocco o Marruecos, Titular SeesAuxiliary Bishop of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
28 DecDiedKarl Sigurdsson SkaktavlBishop of Hamar, Norway


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