Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1403

Bishop Events

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownDiedGiovanni Alessio, O.F.M. †Bishop of Aegina Insula, Greece
AppointedAntonio , O.F.M. †Bishop of Tortiboli, Italy
DiedAntonio Bishop of Termoli, Italy
DiedGerardo di Bisarchio, O. Carm. †Titular Bishop of Bethleem
DiedBernard de BonnevalBishop of Limoges, France
AppointedAndrea dei Benzi di Gualdo (Brenti)Titular Archbishop of SamariaBishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland
BornFilippo CalandriniCardinal, Bishop of Bologna, Italy
DiedMuredach CleraghBishop of Killala, Ireland
BornGuillaume d’Estouteville, O.S.B. †Cardinal, Archbishop of Rouen, France
AppointedCrisogono de DominisArchbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary
Ordained BishopPhilippe de Ville-sur-IllonBishop of Toul, France
DiedJo�o EanesBishop of �vora, Portugal
ResignedIvan de GaraArchbishop of Kalocsa, HungaryArchbishop Emeritus
AppointedBartolomeo GhiniArchbishop of Oristano, ItalyBishop of Massa Marittima, Italy
AppointedGiacomo Titular Bishop of Julinensis (Juliadensis)Bishop of Tinos and Mykonos, Greece
ResignedGy�rgy Bishop of Bosnia (Bosna, Diacovar, Diakovar), CroatiaBishop Emeritus of Veszpr�m, Hungary
DiedIves Hirgou�tBishop of Tr�guier, France
DiedLope Bishop of Lugo, Spain
DiedD�ghall di LorneBishop of Dunblane, Scotland, Great Britain
DiedYthier de MartreuilBishop of Poitiers, France
DiedSenzio di MatteoBishop of Nocera Umbra, Italy
AppointedMinore Bishop of Svač, SerbiaArchbishop of Durr�s (Durazzo), Albania
ResignedNicola DattiloBishop of Rossano, ItalyBishop Emeritus
DiedGiovanni da Pisa, O.P. †Bishop of Lettere (-Gragnano), Italy
AppointedJacques Puche, O.F.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Th�rouanne, France
AppointedJacques Puche, O.F.M. †Bishop of C�diz, SpainAuxiliary Bishop of Th�rouanne, France
DiedAngelo RicasoliBishop of Arezzo, Italy
AppointedSancho de RojasBishop of Palencia, SpainArchbishop of Toledo, Spain
ResignedHeinrich Schatzmeister aus Orlam�ndeBishop of Merseburg, GermanyBishop Emeritus
DiedHugues de Saint-MartialCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Portico (Octaviae)
DiedTommaso Bishop of Acerra, Italy
15.0ProfessedJuan de Torquemada, O.P. †Member of Order of Friars PreachersCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
DiedJuan de VillacrecesBishop of Burgos, Spain
DiedZamparino Bishop of Vieste, Italy
DiedGilberto Zorzi, O.P. †Bishop of Asolo (Cittanova; Eraclea), Italy
2 JanBornBessarion Basilios , O.S.B.M. †Cardinal, Titular Archbishop of Thebae
3 JanAppointedPietro BudanoArchbishop of Messina, Italy
10 JanAppointedKnut BossonBishop of Link�ping, Sweden
31 JanAppointedFrancesco Aregazzi, O.F.M. †Bishop of Bergamo, Italy
7 FebAppointedNicola Bishop of Policastro, Italy
AppointedLuca de Roccacontrata, O.F.M. †Bishop of Belcastro, Italy
15 FebDiedJean TabariBishop of Th�rouanne, France
21 FebAppointedAntonio Dexart, O. de M. †Archbishop of Cagliari, Italy
2 MarAppointedLuigi Gometi, O.P. †Bishop of Nachitschewan (Naxivan, Nakhtchevan, Nakhchivan), Armenia
AppointedJohn Greyby, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of Stefaniaco e Benda, AlbaniaAuxiliary Bishop of Ely, England, Great Britain
AppointedRiccardo Multon, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of Capitolias
5 MarAppointedBonifacio da Corgnato, O.F.M. †Bishop of Acqui, Italy
AppointedStefano GovernoArchbishop (Personal Title) of Calvi Risorta, ItalyBishop
AppointedBartolomeo Vanni, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), AlbaniaBishop Emeritus of Bovino, Italy
9 MarAppointedStefano AlfanoBishop of Conversano, Italy
AppointedGy�rgy Bishop of Veszpr�m, HungaryBishop Emeritus
17 MarAppointedOtto von RietbergBishop of Minden, Germany
2 AprAppointedJean de Gimbrosio, O.P. †Bishop of Toulon, France
DiedOnofrio TrinciBishop of Foligno, Italy
18 AprAppointedPellegrino d’Aragona, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Split (Spalato), Croatia
9 MayDiedGregor Schenk von OsterwitzArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
20 MayOrdained BishopLadislas Laczko de KrawazBishop of Olomouc (Olm�tz), Czechia
25 MaySelectedEberhard von NeuhausArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
2 JunAppointedLadislas Laczko de KrawazBishop of Olomouc (Olm�tz), Czechia
12 JunDiedAlbrecht von QuerfurtArchbishop of Magdeburg, Germany
25 JunAppointedPetrus IngevastssonBishop of V�ster�s (Westeraes), Sweden
2 JulAppointedDietrich Tolke, O.T. †Bishop of Reval (Rewel), Estonia
8 Jul16.5EnteredJuan Casanova, O.P. †Member of Order of Friars PreachersCardinal, Administrator of Gerona, Spain
22 JulDiedJan Mr�z (Frost)Bishop of Olomouc (Olm�tz), Czechia
30 JulAppointedVicente Arias BalboaBishop of Plasencia, Spain
AppointedGarc�a de Castronu�o, O.P. †Bishop of Coria, Spain
AppointedAngelo de ConsilioBishop of Acerra, Italy
AppointedAlfonso de EgeaArchbishop of Sevilla {Seville}, SpainAdministrator
AppointedJuan Gonzalez Fernandez de IllescasBishop of Sig�enza, Spain
AppointedJuan de Freijo, O.P. †Bishop of Lugo, Spain
AppointedLorenzo de GilottoBishop of Vieste, ItalyBishop of Pozzuoli, Italy
AppointedAlfonso de IllescasBishop of Zamora, SpainBishop of Burgos, Spain
AppointedJean LamiTitular Bishop of BethleemBishop of Sarlat, France
AppointedPedro de Luna AlbornozArchbishop of Toledo, Spain
AppointedJuan Ram�rez de Guzm�nBishop of �vila, Spain
AppointedGuglielmo Scarbotti, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Nemosia (Limasol), Cyprus
50.5AppointedPaolo di Santa Mar�aBishop of Cartagena (en Espa�a)Bishop Emeritus of Burgos, Spain
AugAppointedSimone de DominisBishop of Trogir (Tra�), Croatia
3 AugAppointedGiacomo Bishop of Lavello, Italy
AppointedGiovanni , O.F.M. †Bishop of Ales (Uselli), Italy
AppointedLuciano LercaroBishop of Famagusta, Cyprus
AppointedGiovanni de Soglio, O.M. †Bishop of Mondovi, Italy
7 AugAppointedAlfonso de Arg�ello, O.P. †Bishop of Le�n, SpainArchbishop of Zaragoza, Spain
8 AugAppointedStefano da Civita Castellana, O.F.M. †Bishop of Termoli, ItalyBishop of Civita Castellana, Italy
9 AugAppointedDomenico , O.F.M. †Archbishop of Cambaluc (Peking, Khanbaliq), China
16 AugAppointedJean de Tauste, O.F.M. †Bishop of Huesca, SpainBishop of Segorbe-Albarracin, Spain
17 AugAppointedJean Bauff�sBishop of L�rida, Spain
AppointedFrancesco Climent Sapera (P�rez Clemente)Bishop of Mallorca, SpainArchbishop of Zaragoza, Spain
AppointedLuis de Prad�s y de Aren�sBishop of Tortosa, SpainBishop of Mallorca, Spain
20 AugAppointedHugues Lestoquer, O.P. †Bishop of Tr�guier, FranceBishop of Vannes, France
24 AugAppointedProgano PrintzenagoBishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania
AppointedBartolomeo Vanni, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Bovino, ItalyBishop Emeritus
1 SepDiedLorenzo CorviniBishop of Spoleto, Italy
5 SepDiedBertrand Robert de Saint-Jal, O.S.B. †Bishop of Montauban, France
10 SepAppointedFionnlagh MacCaileinBishop of Dunblane, Scotland, Great Britain
AppointedHenry WardlawBishop of Saint Andrews, Scotland, Great Britain
17 SepAppointedOtto von HonsteinBishop of Merseburg, Germany
21 SepAppointedGiacomo Bishop of Tinos and Mykonos, Greece
27 SepAppointedG�raud du PuyBishop of Montauban, FranceBishop of Carcassonne, France
AppointedG�rard de MontaiguBishop of Poitiers, FranceBishop of Paris, France
OctDiedJean Bauff�sBishop of L�rida, Spain
6 OctDiedPierre de VergneCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Via Lata
8 OctAppointedDonato da Murano, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Asolo (Cittanova; Eraclea), Italy
10 OctAppointedGiacomo Bishop of Lettere (-Gragnano), Italy
12 Oct21.7AppointedG�nther von SchwarzburgArchbishop of Magdeburg, Germany
14 OctOrdained BishopDietrich Tolke, O.T. †Bishop of Reval (Rewel), Estonia
17 OctAppointedFrancisco AlfonsoBishop of Nice, FranceBishop of Orense, Spain
27 Oct66.8DiedMart�n de ZalbaCardinal, Administrator of Pamplona, Spain
31 OctAppointedCarlo , O.S.B. †Bishop of Spoleto, Italy
AppointedFernando ManuelBishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain
5 NovDiedGuillaume LetortBishop of Marseille, France
16 NovAppointedFederico Frezzi, O.P. †Bishop of Foligno, Italy
21 NovAppointedPierre Adh�mar, O.S.B. †Bishop of Lescar, FranceBishop of Maguelonne, France
29 NovAppointedPietro RicciBishop of Arezzo, ItalyArchbishop of Pisa, Italy
4 DecAppointedPedro ZagarrigaBishop of L�rida, SpainArchbishop of Tarragona, Spain
19 DecAppointedEnrico Deinardi, O.S.B. †Bishop of Aegina Insula, Greece


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