Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1395

Bishop Events

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown54.7AppointedAngelo AcciaioliAdministrator of Patrae Veteres (Patras), GreeceCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
DiedRodrigo de Alcal�, O.F.M. †Bishop of C�diz, Spain
DiedAngelo Bishop of Civita Castellana, Italy
AppointedBartolomeo d’ApranoArchbishop of Taranto, ItalyArchbishop of Salerno, Italy
AppointedNicol� d’Assisi, O.S.B. †Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), ItalyBishop Emeritus of Senj, Croatia
DiedCaterino Barbo, O.F.M. †Bishop of Canea (Cydonia, Eg�e), Greece
AppointedLudovico BonitoArchbishop of Bar (Antivari), MontenegroArchbishop Emeritus of Taranto, Italy
DiedBeltramo da BorsanoBishop of Como, Italy
ResignedGiacomo Bustini, O.F.M. †Auxiliary Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, BelgiumBishop of Asolo (Cittanova; Eraclea), Italy
DiedCostantino Bishop of Termoli, Italy
BornAlessio de CesariArchbishop of Benevento, Italy
Ordained PriestGiacopo Del TorsoPriestCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria Nuova
AppointedFilippo Bishop of Gravina (di Puglia), ItalyArchbishop of Otranto, Italy
AppointedGiacomo Bishop of Potenza, Italy
DiedGiovanni Bishop of Argos, Greece
AppointedGuglielmo Bishop of Muro Lucano, ItalyBishop of Capaccio, Italy
AppointedNicholas Ileyan, O.P. †Bishop of Kilmacduagh, Ireland
DiedGregory IleyanBishop of Kilmacduagh, Ireland
DiedJ�nos Bishop of Csan�d, Hungary
DiedJohannes Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv�rad}, Romania
BornWincenty Kot z Dębna (Dembicy)Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland
ResignedHienrich KuwalBishop of Samland (Sambia), PolandBishop Emeritus
DiedRoberto Lanfranchi, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Bobbio, Italy
DiedBenedetto Matteucci Accorselli, O.S.B. †Bishop of Sarsina, Italy
AppointedGiovanni MontinoBishop of Luni, Italy
AppointedNicola Bishop of Melfi, ItalyArchbishop of Conza, Italy
BornWładysław OporowskiArchbishop of Gniezno, Poland
CeasedStefano PalosioAdministrator of Todi, ItalyCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Marcello
BornAlfonso de ParadinasBishop of Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain
BornReginald Pecock (Peacock)Bishop Emeritus of Chichester, England, Great Britain
DiedTebaldo PellisiaeBishop of Bertinoro, Italy
AppointedAntonio Pizzamano, O.P. †Bishop of Salpi (Salapia), Italy
BornGiovanni di Ragusa, O.P. †Bishop of Ardjisch (Argeș; Argesch), Romania
DiedRaymundo , O.S.A. †Archbishop of Bar (Antivari), Montenegro
DiedTommaso Renda, O.P. †Bishop of Andravida, Greece
BornKaspar von Sch�nbergBishop of Mei�en (Meissen), Germany
DiedUgolino da SessoBishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy
DiedMartino di Torba, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Cardica, Greece
Ordained BishopJohn TrevorBishop of Saint Asaph, Wales, Great BritainBishop Emeritus
DiedMaurice Usk, O.P. †Bishop of Bazas, France
BornSigmund von VolkersdorfArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
1 JanDiedBertrand de La Tour d’Auvergne, O.S.B. †Bishop of Langres, France
2 JanAppointedIvan de GaraBishop of Zagreb (Agram), CroatiaArchbishop Emeritus of Kalocsa, Hungary
16 JanDiedMaurice de Coulange-la-Vineuse, O.P. †Bishop of Nevers, France
18 JanDiedNiels Jacobsen UlfeldtBishop of Roskilde (Roeskilde), Denmark
23 JanAppointedEdmund StaffordBishop of Exeter, England, Great Britain
27 Jan35.0AppointedAntonio Caetani (Sr.)Patriarch of Aquileia, ItalyCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
AppointedGuillaume d’OrtolanBishop of Bazas, FranceBishop of Rodez, France
AppointedUlrich von RadefeldBishop of Naumburg, Germany
FebDiedEduardus de Sabaudia (Savoia-Achaya)Archbishop of Tarentaise (Mo�tiers-en-Tarentaise), France
1 FebAppointedPhilippe Froment, O.P. †Bishop of Nevers, France
AppointedPierre de Marville, O.P. †Bishop of Toulon, France
2 FebDiedPoncello OrsiniCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Clemente
15 FebAppointedBartolomeo Vanni, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Calvi Risorta, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Bovino, Italy
2 MarAppointedNils MikaelssonBishop of V�ster�s (Westeraes), Sweden
11 MarDiedHenry WakefieldBishop of Worcester, England, Great Britain
15 MarAppointedThomas Bittyler, O.F.M. †Titular Bishop of Christopolis
AppointedStefano GovernoArchbishop of Acerenza e Matera, ItalyBishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy
17 MarAppointedAlfonso de EgeaBishop of �vila, SpainAdministrator of Sevilla {Seville}, Spain
AppointedJuan Gonzalez Fernandez de IllescasBishop of Zamora, SpainBishop of Sig�enza, Spain
AppointedPedro Bishop of Orense, Spain
22 MarDiedThomas d’EstoutevilleBishop of Beauvais, France
23 MarDiedPietro Bishop of Gaeta, Italy
25 MarDiedSeguin d’AutonTitular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch}
29 MarAppointedNicola Archbishop of Conza, Italy
AppointedGiacomo da Sanseverino, O.S.C. †Bishop of Sarsina, ItalyBishop Emeritus
30 MarAppointedHenrich von SeefeldBishop of Samland (Sambia), Poland
2 Apr45.2AppointedPierre d’AillyBishop of Le Puy-en-Velay, FranceCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Crisogono
25.2AppointedLouis de BarBishop of Langres, FranceCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
AppointedLouis d’Orl�ansBishop of Beauvais, France
AppointedYthier de MartreuilBishop of Poitiers, France
3 AprAppointedPietro di CorsicaBishop of Ampurias, ItalyBishop of Ajaccio, France
AppointedDemeter Hont-P�zm�nyBishop of Veszpr�m, Hungary
AppointedMaternus Bishop of Transilvania, Erd�ly, Siebenb�rgen, Romania
AppointedTebaldo da Sesso, O.S.B. †Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy
14 AprDiedAlbert von Braunschweig-Wolfenb�ttelArchbishop of Bremen (and Hamburg), Germany
16 AprAppointedFilippo Archbishop of Otranto, Italy
18 AprDiedPierre d’ArcyBishop of Troyes, France
SelectedFilippo Bishop of Pozzuoli, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Marsi, Italy
20 Apr68.3AppointedAngelo Correr {Corrario}Administrator of Coron (Coronea), GreeceBishop Emeritus of Roma {Rome}, Italy
26 AprAppointedRodolphe de BonnetBishop of Belley, France
AppointedPierre ColombArchbishop of Tarentaise (Mo�tiers-en-Tarentaise), France
AppointedPietro Giovanni de Paludibus, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Corinthus, GreeceBishop of Cefalonia e Zante, Greece
ResignedAimone de S�chalAdministrator of Belley, FranceTitular Patriarch of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine
28 AprDiedAymar de La Voulte, O.S.B. †Bishop of Marseille, France
30 AprAppointedGiovanni ArcioniBishop of Civita Castellana, Italy
AppointedDomenico de Dominicis, O. Carm. †Bishop of Sitia, Greece
1 MayAppointedFrancesco Bonaccorsi, O.F.M. †Bishop of Gravina (di Puglia), ItalyBishop Emeritus of Acci (Accia), France
4 MayAppointedPietro ZaccarioBishop of Sap�, Albania
15 MayAppointedGiovanni Bonifacio PanellaArchbishop of Durr�s (Durazzo), AlbaniaBishop of Muro Lucano, Italy
21 MayAppointedNiccol� VivariBishop of Ferentino, ItalyBishop of Chieti, Italy
29 MayAppointedGon�alo Vasques da CunhaBishop of Guarda, Portugal
14 JunAppointedAndrew BarretBishop of Llandaff, Wales, Great Britain
15 JunAppointedTideman de WinchcombBishop of Worcester, England, Great Britain
20 JunOrdained BishopEdmund StaffordBishop of Exeter, England, Great Britain
25 JunAppointedCorrado CaraccioloArchbishop of Nicosia, CyprusCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Crisogono
3 JulAppointedPeder Jensen LodehatBishop of Roskilde (Roeskilde), Denmark
8 JulAppointedBo MogensenBishop of Aarhus (Århus), Denmark
12 JulAppointedBernard de ChevenonBishop of Agen, FranceBishop of Beauvais, France
AppointedHugues de ManhacBishop of Saint-Flour, FranceBishop of Limoges, France
AppointedPierre VissacBishop of Lavaur, France
19 JulAppointedEtienne de GivryBishop of Troyes, France
20 JulDiedGerhard HoltorpBishop of Ratzeburg, Germany
21 JulAppointedGiovanni Bishop of Venosa, ItalyBishop of Grosseto, Italy
24 JulAppointedSimone MargensBishop of Castro [di Sardegna], ItalyBishop of Civita (Tempio), Italy
28 JulAppointedJuan de Ezcaray, O.F.M. †Bishop of C�diz, Spain
AugDiedAlexander BacheBishop of Saint Asaph, Wales, Great Britain
3 AugSelectedDetlef von BerkentinBishop of Ratzeburg, GermanyBishop Emeritus
13 AugDiedHumbert de MontchalArchbishop of Vienne, France
20 AugAppointedPierre Ravat, C.R.S.A. †Bishop of M�con, FranceArchbishop Emeritus of Toulouse, France
AppointedThi�baud de RougemontArchbishop of Vienne, FranceArchbishop of Besan�on, France
AppointedAngelo Vecchio, O.F.M. †Bishop of Ferentino, ItalyBishop of Lesina, Italy
27 AugAppointedNicholas MacBradaighBishop of Kilmore, Ireland
1 SepAppointedCarlo GiustinianiBishop of Chios (Scio), Greece
17 SepDiedJohn de WalthamBishop of Salisbury, England, Great Britain
18 SepConfirmedFilippo Bishop of Pozzuoli, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Marsi, Italy
19 SepAppointedEnrico de SolanaBishop of Mileto, Italy
1 OctConfirmedDetlef von BerkentinBishop of Ratzeburg, GermanyBishop Emeritus
2 Oct31.7AppointedOtto von Braunschweig-L�neburgArchbishop of Bremen (and Hamburg), Germany
AppointedLuchino Bishop of Famagusta, Cyprus
14 OctAppointedGrimaldo TurculisBishop of Giovinazzo, Italy
19 OctAppointedLukas de �r�v (Sz�nt�)Bishop of Csan�d, HungaryBishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv�rad}, Romania
20 OctAppointedGilbert MacBradyBishop of Ardagh (and Clonmacnois), Ireland
23 OctAppointedGilforte RiccobonoArchbishop of Palermo, Italy
30 OctDiedGeorg von Neuberg (Neidberg)Bishop of Chiemsee, Germany
31 OctAppointedEckart von PerneggBishop of Chiemsee, Germany
3 NovAppointedRichard MetfordBishop of Salisbury, England, Great Britain
AppointedRichard Northalis, O. Carm. †Archbishop of Dublin, IrelandBishop of Ossory, Ireland
AppointedThomas Peverel, O. Carm. †Bishop of Ossory, IrelandBishop of Worcester, England, Great Britain
AppointedRobert Waldby, O.E.S.A. †Archbishop (Personal Title) of Chichester, England, Great BritainArchbishop of York, England, Great Britain
5 NovAppointedAmelias du BeuilArchbishop of Tours, France
12 NovAppointedPaolo Alberti, O.F.M. †Bishop of Orte, ItalyBishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy
AppointedAgostino de Urbe, O.E.S.A. †Administrator of Cagli, ItalyBishop of Gaeta, Italy
AppointedAgostino de Urbe, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Gaeta, Italy
15 NovAppointedUrso AfflittiBishop of Bertinoro, ItalyBishop of Monopoli, Italy
45.8AppointedPierre d’AillyBishop of Cambrai, FranceCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Crisogono
19 Nov40.8AppointedMikołaj KurowskiBishop of Poznań, PolandArchbishop of Gniezno, Poland
29 NovAppointedCorrado Flader, O.P. †Bishop of Argos, Greece
DecSelectedLudovico BonitoArchbishop of ThessalonicaArchbishop Emeritus of Taranto, Italy
1 DecAppointedPetruccio da Penne, O.P. †Bishop of Scala, Italy
AppointedPietro Bishop of Termoli, Italy
3 DecAppointedRoger EllesmereBishop of Cork, Ireland
5 DecDiedThomas ApplebyBishop of Carlisle, England, Great Britain
21 DecAppointedAntonio , O.F.M. †Bishop of Segni, ItalyBishop of San Leone, Italy
22 Dec54.9AppointedAntonio CalviBishop of Todi, ItalyCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Marco
AppointedMarino da DulcignoArchbishop of Bar (Antivari), Montenegro
AppointedGiacomo GuidottiBishop of Imola, Italy


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