Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | | Died | Enneco de Alemannia, O.P. † | Bishop of Siracusa, Italy |
| Appointed | William Andrew, O.P. † | Bishop of Meath, Ireland |
| Appointed | Antonio Arcioni † | Bishop of Aquino, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Pietro in Vincoli |
| Died | Domingo de Arroyuelo † | Bishop of Burgos, Spain |
| Died | Bottolf Asbj�rnsson † | Bishop of Stavanger, Norway |
| Born | Johannes von Asel † | | Bishop Emeritus of Verden, Germany |
| Appointed | Bartolomeo † | Bishop of Terni, Italy |
| Born | Giovanni Berardi † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina |
| Appointed | Pietro Niccol� Blandibelli † | Bishop of Sovana (Soana), Italy |
| Appointed | Bonaventura † | Bishop of Mariana, France |
| Appointed | Pietro Borghesi † | Bishop of Jesi, Italy |
| Died | Beltrando de Borsano † | Bishop of Parma, Italy |
69.0 | Died | Ludovico di Capua † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria Nuova |
| Appointed | Tirello Caracciolo † | Archbishop of Otranto, Italy |
| Appointed | Niccol� Caracciolo Moschino, O.P. † | Administrator of Messina, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Ciriaco alle Terme Diocleziane |
| Born | Juan de Cervantes † | | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
| Appointed | Pietro Cenci † | Bishop of Tivoli, Italy | Bishop of Sutri, Italy |
| Died | Giovanni di Ceva † | Bishop of Tortona, Italy |
| Born | Regnault de Chartres † | | Archbishop Emeritus of Reims, France |
| Appointed | Antonio Cipolloni, O.P. † | Bishop of Giovinazzo, Italy | Archbishop of Torres, Italy |
12.0 | Appointed | Oddone Colonna † | Bishop of Urbino, Italy | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
| Appointed | J�nos Czudar † | Bishop of Csan�d, Hungary | Bishop of Zagreb (Agram), Croatia |
42.0 | Removed | Philippe d’Alen�on de Valois † | Patriarch of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
| Born | Fantino Dandolo † | | Bishop of Padova {Padua}, Italy |
| Appointed | Francesco Dentice † | Bishop of Siracusa, Italy |
| Born | Konrad von Dhaun (Stein) † | | Archbishop of Mainz, Germany |
| Died | Pierre de Dinteville † | Bishop of Nevers, France |
| Appointed | Leonardo Dolfin † | Bishop of Asolo (Cittanova; Eraclea), Italy | Archbishop of Candia {Crete}, Greece |
| Resigned | Biagio Domenico † | Bishop of Bitonto, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Bl. Giovanni Dominici, O.P. † | Priest of Order of Friars Preachers | Cardinal, Administrator of Bova, Italy |
| Died | Bernard du Sault † | Bishop of Saintes, France |
| Appointed | Pietro da Fano, O.E.S.A. † | Bishop of Massa Marittima, Italy |
| Died | Guy de Faye, C.R.S.A. † | Bishop of Maillezais, France |
| Appointed | Loup Fern�ndez de Luna † | Titular Patriarch of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine |
| Appointed | Giovanni Fieschi † | Cardinal-Priest of San Marco | Cardinal, Bishop of Vercelli, Italy |
| Died | Francesco † | Bishop of Acqui, Italy |
| Appointed | Giuliano , O.F.M. † | Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy | Bishop of Nicastro, Italy |
| Appointed | Angelo Gozzadini † | Bishop of Castro [del Lazio], Italy |
| Appointed | Gualteiro † | Bishop of Sagone (Sagona), France |
| Appointed | Francesco Guerriero † | Bishop of Alessano, Italy |
| Appointed | Jo�o Guti�rrez † | Bishop of Acqs (Dax), France |
| Appointed | Peter Haguet † | Archbishop of Cashel, Ireland |
| Died | Izydor † | Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine |
| Born | John Kempe † | | Cardinal, Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Great Britain |
45.0 | Ordained Priest | Matth�us von Krakau † | Priest | Bishop of Worms, Germany |
| Born | Mikołaj Lasocki † | | Bishop-Elect of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland |
| Born | Hugues of Lusignan † | | Priest |
| Died | Andrew Magnus † | Bishop of Dunblane, Scotland, Great Britain |
| Removed | Nicolas Mele † | Bishop of Gerace, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
30.0 | Resigned | Bartolomeo Mezzavacca † | Bishop of Rieti, Italy | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Biaggio Molino † | | Titular Patriarch of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}, Palestine |
| Died | Fran�ois Morozzi † | Bishop of Asti, Italy |
| Appointed | Johann von Neuberg † | Bishop of Seckau, Austria |
| Appointed | Nicola † | Bishop of Vladimir (Wlodzimierz), Ukraine | Titular Bishop of Selymbria |
| Appointed | Hallgeirr Osmundsson † | Bishop of Stavanger, Norway |
| Appointed | Giacomo Piccolomini † | Bishop of Luni, Italy |
| Died | Filippo Ruffini (Gezza), O.P. † | Cardinal, Bishop of Tivoli, Italy |
| Appointed | Rugiano † | Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine |
| Born | Konrad von Schlesien-Ols † | | Bishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland |
| Died | Philippe de Sainte-Croix † | Bishop of M�con, France |
| Died | Magnus Slangestorp, O.P. † | Bishop of Hamar, Norway |
| Died | Roquesalve de Soliers, O.P. † | Bishop of Nice, France |
| Died | Milo Sweetman † | Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland |
| Died | Tam�s † | Bishop of Csan�d, Hungary |
| Removed | Ugo Terrissonio, O.P. † | Bishop of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Johann Tiergart, O.T. † | | Bishop of Curland, Latvia |
| Appointed | Tommaso † | Bishop of Acerno, Italy |
| Died | Philip de Torrington, O.F.M. † | Archbishop of Cashel, Ireland |
| Appointed | Giorgio Torti † | Bishop of Tortona, Italy | Bishop of Cremona, Italy |
| Resigned | Giacomo Tura Scottini, O.P. † | Bishop of Luni, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
| Died | Jean d’Uzes † | Bishop of N�mes, France |
| Ordained Priest | Johann von Egloffstein † | Priest | Bishop of W�rzburg, Germany |
1 Jan | | Installed | Serafino Tavacci da Trino, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy | Bishop of Santa Giusta (Othoca), Italy |
10 Jan | | Died | Pedro Amariz (Clasquerin) † | Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain |
14 Jan | | Appointed | Pietro Albertini † | Bishop of Marsi, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Penne e Atri, Italy |
| Appointed | Seguin d’Auton † | Archbishop of Tours, France | Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} |
88.0 | Died | Jan Očko z Vlašim † | Cardinal-Priest of Santi XII Apostoli | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Praha {Prague}, Czechia |
| Appointed | Bertrand Robert de Saint-Jal, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Montauban, France |
47.0 | Died | Albrecht von Sternberg † | Bishop of Litomyšl, Czechia |
27 Jan | | Appointed | Raymond de Bonne, O.P. † | Bishop of Vaison, France |
6 Feb | 75.0 | Died | Florian z Mokrska (Mokrski) † | Bishop of Krak�w, Poland |
14 Feb | | Appointed | Agostino da Lanzano (Cacciaguerra) † | Bishop of Penne e Atri, Italy | Bishop of Spoleto, Italy |
22 Feb | | Appointed | Benedek Himh�zi † | Bishop of Veszpr�m, Hungary |
26 Feb | | Died | Eblon du Puy † | Bishop of Chartres, France |
28 Feb | | Appointed | Raoul de Chissey † | Archbishop of Tarentaise (Mo�tiers-en-Tarentaise), France |
| Appointed | Fran�ois de Conzi� † | Bishop of Grenoble, France | Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
Mar | | Appointed | Barnaba Malaspina † | Archbishop of Pisa, Italy |
5 Mar | | Appointed | Jean Le F�vre, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Chartres, France |
| Appointed | Giovanni Stino, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Nemosia (Limasol), Cyprus |
13 Mar | | Appointed | Bertrand d’Orn�san † | Bishop of Pamiers, France |
21 Mar | | Died | Heinrich von Spiegel Desenberg, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Paderborn, Germany |
25 Mar | | Died | Augustin M�nzmeister von Breisach, O.E.S.A. † | Bishop of Seckau, Austria |
26 Mar | | Appointed | Nicolas de Saint Saturnin, O.P. † | Administrator of Nice, France | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Silvestro e Martino ai Monti |
Apr | | Died | Albert von Winkel † | Bishop of Passau, Germany |
4 Apr | | Appointed | Zawisza z Kurozwęk † | Bishop of Krak�w, Poland |
| Ordained Bishop | Zawisza z Kurozwęk † | Bishop of Krak�w, Poland |
22 May | | Appointed | Giovanni Rusconi † | Bishop of Parma, Italy |
28 May | | Appointed | Giacomo † | Bishop of Famagusta, Cyprus | Bishop-Elect |
| Appointed | Francesco Rafardi, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Segorbe-Albarracin, Spain |
| Appointed | ��igo Vallterra S�nchez de Heredia † | Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain |
30 May | 75.4 | Appointed | Tommaso da Frignano, O.F.M. † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati |
Jun | | Appointed | Simon von Sternberg † | Bishop of Paderborn, Germany |
4 Jun | 42.4 | Appointed | Philippe d’Alen�on de Valois † | Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
| Appointed | Marion del Giudice † | Archbishop of Taranto, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Pudenziana |
| Appointed | Jean Rousseau, O.P. † | Bishop of Maillezais, France | Archbishop of Osimo, Italy |
15 Jun | | Appointed | Pietro Albertini † | Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Penne e Atri, Italy |
| Appointed | Giuliano Tomasi, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Marsi, Italy | Bishop of Capri, Italy |
| Appointed | Pietro de Valle, O.E.S.A. † | Bishop of Bitonto, Italy |
18 Jun | | Appointed | Nicola de Severola, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Ostuni, Italy |
19 Jun | | Died | Enrico de Sessa † | Bishop of Como, Italy |
20 Jun | | Appointed | Seguin d’Auton † | Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} |
| Appointed | Seguin d’Auton † | Administrator of N�mes, France | Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} |
| Appointed | Jean Bertet, O.P. † | Bishop of Angoul�me, France |
| Appointed | Al�aume Boistel † | Archbishop of Tours, France |
Jul | | Appointed | Francesco Moricotti Prignani Butillo † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina |
11 Jul | | Died | Stefano della Sanit� † | Archbishop of Capua, Italy |
18 Jul | | Died | Dionisio da Murcia, O.E.S.A. † | Archbishop of Messina, Italy |
23 Jul | | Appointed | Ludovico degli Alfani † | Bishop of Rieti, Italy |
29 Jul | | Died | Alexander de Kininmund † | Bishop of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain |
9 Aug | | Appointed | Beltramo da Borsano † | Bishop of Como, Italy |
10 Sep | | Died | Paolo Gabrielli † | Bishop of Lucca, Italy |
| Appointed | Corrado Malaspina, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Acqui, Italy |
20 Sep | | Appointed | D�ghall di Lorne † | Bishop of Dunblane, Scotland, Great Britain |
30 Sep | | Ordained Bishop | Johann von Neuberg † | Bishop of Seckau, Austria |
3 Oct | 60.7 | Died | Agapito Colonna † | Bishop of Lisboa, Portugal | Cardinal, |
5 Oct | | Appointed | Jean de Boissy † | Bishop of M�con, France | Bishop of Amiens, France |
7 Oct | | Died | Romeo de Cescomes † | Bishop of L�rida, Spain |
10 Oct | | Appointed | Guido da Baisio † | Bishop of Modena, Italy | Bishop of Ferrara, Italy |
| Appointed | Ambrogio da Parma † | Archbishop (Personal Title) of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy | Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy |
15 Oct | 53.7 | Appointed | Angelo Correr {Corrario} † | Bishop of Castello, Italy | Bishop Emeritus of Roma {Rome}, Italy |
| Appointed | Adam de Tyninghame † | Bishop of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain |
17 Oct | | Appointed | Dalmacio † | Bishop of Elne, France | Bishop-Elect |
| Appointed | Raimundo de Escalas, O.S.A. † | Bishop of L�rida, Spain | Bishop of Barcelona, Spain |
29 Oct | | Appointed | Antonio da Riparia † | Bishop of Lucca, Italy |
Nov | | Ordained Bishop | Adam de Tyninghame † | Bishop of Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain |
7 Nov | | Died | Barnaba Malaspina † | Archbishop of Pisa, Italy |
19 Nov | | Appointed | Francisco Riquer y Bastero, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Monreale, Italy | Bishop of Segorbe-Albarracin, Spain |
20 Dec | 70.9 | Died | Johannes von Neumarkt † | Bishop of Olomouc (Olm�tz), Czechia |
22 Dec | | Appointed | Luigi della Ratta † | Archbishop of Capua, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus |