Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1370

Bishop Events

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownDiedAndreas Bishop of Ploaghe, Italy
AppointedAntonio , O.F.M. †Titular Archbishop of ThessalonicaBishop of Malta
BornJean d’ArcesArchbishop of Tarentaise (Mo�tiers-en-Tarentaise), France
DiedPietro d’Argentino, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Bovino, Italy
AppointedBenedetto Bishop of Milos (Melos), Greece
DiedHallvard Bj�rnarssonBishop of Oslo, Norway
DiedFrancesco BrancaleoniBishop of Urbino, Italy
DiedMart�n de CandeBishop of Segovia, Spain
DiedNicol� CasottiBishop of Trogir (Tra�), Croatia
DiedBertrando Colleti, O.P. †Bishop of Larino, Italy
BornLouis de BarCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
DiedLouis Herpin d’ErqueryBishop of Coutances, France
DiedGiacomo da FirenzeBishop of Zaitun (Zeiton; Zaitoun), China
AppointedTord GunnarssonBishop of Str�ngn�s (Strengn�s), Sweden
DiedHugues , O.S.A. †Bishop of Lectoure, France
DiedJakob Bishop of Curland, Latvia
DiedJohn Bishop of Dunkeld, Scotland, Great Britain
BornLuis de La Palud, O.S.B. †Cardinal, Bishop of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France
DiedBurkhard von Lindow-RuppinBishop of Havelberg, Germany
DiedPere de LunaBishop of Urgell, Spain
DiedNicola Bishop of Pult (Pulati), Albania
DiedRichard O’ReillyBishop of Kilmore, Ireland
DiedJohannes PietarinpoikaBishop of Åbo, Finland
DiedGiovanni di PistoiaBishop of Spoleto, Italy
ResignedRemigio de Florentia, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Pistoia, ItalyBishop Emeritus
DiedJohannes von Sachsen-LauenburgBishop of Kammin (Camin), Germany
DiedFernando de San MarceloBishop of Astorga, Spain
DiedAlexander StewardBishop of Ross (Rosemarkie, Fortrose), Scotland, Great Britain
DiedJohn de Tatenhalk, O.P. †Bishop of Ossory, Ireland
BornMagnus Olaf TavastBishop Emeritus of Åbo, Finland
DiedTeobaldo Bishop of Sarno, Italy
BornMaciej z TrokBishop of Vilnius, Lithuania
DiedPietro ValerianiBishop of Mileto, Italy
DiedAlfonso de VargasBishop of �vila, Spain
BornFriedrich von Aufse� (Aufsess)Bishop Emeritus of Bamberg, Germany
BornKonrad von VechtaArchbishop Emeritus of Praha {Prague}, Czechia
BornRobert WhittyBishop Emeritus of Ferns, Ireland
DiedJohn YoungBishop of Leighlin, Ireland
4 JanDiedJohann von IsenburgBishop of Mei�en (Meissen), Germany
14 JanAppointedBenedikt Ringstad, O.P. †Bishop of Bj�rgvin (Bergen), Norway
AppointedSven MoltkeBishop of B�rglum (Aalborg), DenmarkBishop Emeritus
16 JanAppointedJacopo , O.F.M. †Bishop of Frigento, Italy
19.0AppointedRainolfo (Renoul) de MonterucBishop of Sisteron, FranceCardinal, Bishop Emeritus
23 Jan40.0AppointedPietro Pileo da PrataArchbishop of Ravenna, ItalyCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
30 JanAppointedHeinrich Bishop of Schleswig, GermanyBishop of �sell (Oesell) [Saare-L��ne], Estonia
AppointedDietrich von ManBishop of Havelberg, Germany
11 FebAppointedSiegfried BlombergArchbishop of Riga, Latvia
18 FebAppointedMarion del GiudiceBishop of Castellammare di Stabia, ItalyCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Pudenziana
3 MarDiedAimery de MonsBishop of Poitiers, France
4 MarAppointedThomas BrentinghamBishop of Exeter, England, Great Britain
6 MarAppointedPercivalle di AleriaBishop of Cefalonia, Greece
AppointedGiovanni Fardini, O.P. †Titular Bishop of Gorhigos (Coricos, Korghos)Bishop of Cerenzia, Italy
11 MarAppointedGuglielmo de Prato, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Cambaluc (Peking, Khanbaliq), China
17 Mar28.2Ordained BishopWilliam CourtenayBishop of Hereford, England, Great BritainArchbishop of Canterbury, England, Great Britain
20 MarAppointedCosmas , O.F.M. †Archbishop of Zarew (Saraj), Russian Federation
27 Mar50.2AppointedKuno von FalkensteinApostolic Administrator of K�ln {Cologne}, GermanyArchbishop Emeritus of Trier, Germany
DiedTorkel JonssonBishop of Str�ngn�s (Strengn�s), Sweden
AppointedJean de Maillac (Mailhaco), O.F.M. †Bishop of Riez, France
29 MarAppointedBernardo Guascone, O.F.M. †Bishop of Cervia, Italy
3 Apr27.2AppointedHenry de SpencerBishop of Norwich, England, Great Britain
21 Apr27.3Ordained BishopHenry de SpencerBishop of Norwich, England, Great Britain
22 AprAppointedGiovanni Benzi di Firenze, O.P. †Bishop of Gubbio, Italy
24 AprDiedAymeric d’HuguesBishop of Lod�ve, France
12 MayOrdained BishopThomas BrentinghamBishop of Exeter, England, Great Britain
AppointedGuy de MalsecBishop of Lod�ve, FranceCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
27 MayOrdained BishopBernardo Guascone, O.F.M. †Bishop of Cervia, Italy
29 MayAppointedAntonio de MaseriBishop of Belluno e Feltre, Italy
AppointedPrincivalle , O.F.M. †Bishop of Ceos and Thermia, Greece
AppointedPhilipp von RehbergBishop of Kammin (Camin), Germany
AppointedDietrich von Sch�nbergBishop of Mei�en (Meissen), GermanyBishop-Elect
31 May65.4AppointedPhilippe de CabassoleCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
7 Jun35.4AppointedPietro CorsiniCardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in DamasoCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
35.4Elevated to CardinalPietro CorsiniCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
50.4AppointedPierre d’Estaing, O.S.B. †Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in TrastevereCardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
50.4Elevated to CardinalPierre d’Estaing, O.S.B. †Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
8 JunAppointedBernard de Castelnau, O.S.B. †Bishop of Saint-Papoul, France
AppointedPierre de Cros (de Calmefort), O.S.B. †Archbishop of Bourges, FranceFormer Administrator of Arles, France
19 JunAppointedPoncello OrsiniBishop of Aversa, ItalyCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Clemente
AppointedAngelo RicasoliBishop of Firenze, ItalyBishop of Arezzo, Italy
21 JunAppointedSabino Bishop of Larino, Italy
AppointedFrancesco ScaccanoBishop of Nola, Italy
AppointedUgo Terrissonio, O.P. †Bishop of Ploaghe, ItalyBishop Emeritus of Castellammare di Stabia, Italy
28 JunAppointedGiovanni Lourlis, O.P. †Bishop of AlbaniaBishop Emeritus
JulDiedDietrich von Sch�nbergBishop-Elect of Mei�en (Meissen), Germany
1 JulAppointedLeale MalatestaBishop of Pesaro, ItalyBishop of Rimini, Italy
AppointedNicol� Marciari (Merciari) de PerusioBishop of Fermo, ItalyTitular Bishop of Dionysias
AppointedAlonso de Toro (Tauro), O.F.M. †Bishop of Astorga, Spain
5 JulAppointedPietro de’ NataliBishop of Equilio (Jesolo), Italy
DiedFrancesco RufoloBishop of Nola, Italy
AppointedGiovanni Vivenzi, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Pistoia, ItalyBishop of Cervia, Italy
12 JulAppointedPietro Calice, O.P. †Archbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia
AppointedUgo de Scuria, O.F.M. †Archbishop (Personal Title) of Ostuni, ItalyBishop
27 JulDiedOdo O’NeilBishop of Clogher, Ireland
19 AugAppointedAntonio , O.F.M. †Archbishop (Personal Title) of MaltaBishop
AppointedRidolfo da Castello, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Senigallia, Italy
AppointedGiovanni Bishop of Belcastro, Italy
AppointedAmaury de Lautrec, C.R.S.A. †Bishop of (Saint-Lizier de) Couserans (or Conserans), FranceCardinal, Administrator of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France
AppointedLorenzo da Portegno, O.P. †Bishop of Pult (Pulati), Albania
25 AugDiedHenri de PoitiersBishop of Troyes, France
31 AugAppointedJohannes WestfalBishop of Åbo, Finland
20 SepAppointedJean de BraqueBishop of Troyes, France
AppointedBerenguer de Eril, O.S.B. †Bishop of Urgell, Spain
24 SepDiedGervas de CastroBishop of Bangor, Wales, Great Britain
2 OctAppointedJean de RevaillonBishop of Sarlat, France
3 OctAppointedJuan SierraBishop of Segovia, Spain
21 OctAppointedVignier de ManhaudoBishop of Lectoure, France
Nov50.8ResignedKuno von FalkensteinApostolic Administrator of K�ln {Cologne}, GermanyArchbishop Emeritus of Trier, Germany
13 NovAppointedKonrad von Kirchberg-WallhausenBishop of Mei�en (Meissen), Germany
22.8AppointedFriedrich von SaarwerdenArchbishop of K�ln {Cologne}, Germany
30 NovDiedGeoffroy Le MeingreBishop of Laon, France
DecDiedGuglielmo PusterlaArchbishop of Milano {Milan}, Italy
4 DecDiedPierre d’EstironBishop of Oloron (Oloron-Sainte-Marie), France
10 DecDiedAymon de VillersexelArchbishop of Besan�on, France
19 Dec60.9DiedBl. Guillaume Grimoard, O.S.B. †Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
30 Dec41.9ElectedPierre Roger de BeaufortPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)


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