Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1319

Bishop Events

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownOrdained BishopGiacomo AlbertiBishop of Castello, ItalyCardinal, Bishop Emeritus
DiedMartino Arbesano, O.F.M. †Bishop of Šibenik (Knin), Croatia
DiedRuggero d’Arminio MonforteBishop of Frigento, Italy
BornArnaud AubertArchbishop of Auch, France
DiedBartolomeo Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy
DiedBenedek , O.P. †Bishop of Transilvania, Erd�ly, Siebenb�rgen, Romania
AppointedBertrando , O.P. †Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy
DiedPietro Boccaplanula, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Cosenza, Italy
AppointedPietro di Caserta, O.P. †Bishop of Boiano, Italy
DiedGonzalo Daza y OsorioBishop of Orense, Spain
AppointedRoselinn des Baux, O.F.M. †Bishop of Riez, France
AppointedDomenico Bishop of Andria, Italy
AppointedSancho d’Ull, O. Carm. †Bishop of Segorbe-Albarracin, Spain
DiedGutierre G�mez de ToledoArchbishop of Toledo, Spain
DiedUgolino GualterottiBishop of Citt� di Castello, Italy
DiedLandulphe Bishop of Valva e Sulmona, Italy
DiedLiberio , O.S.B. †Bishop of Trogir (Tra�), Croatia
BornPierre de La Jugi�, O.S.B. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Clemente
DiedGuillaume de La MotheBishop of Bazas, France
DiedGoffredo LuzziBishop of Bisignano, Italy
DiedHenry MacCrossanBishop of Raphoe, Ireland
AppointedTomas MacCarmaic ui Domnaill, O. Cist. †Bishop of Raphoe, Ireland
AppointedMichel MacLochlainnBishop of Derry, Ireland
DiedGelasius (Cornelius) O’BananBishop of Clogher, Ireland
DiedGregory O’BrogyBishop of Clonfert, Ireland
DiedOnofrio Archbishop of Salerno, Italy
DiedOtto LascarisBishop of Ventimiglia, Italy
AppointedBenito P�rezBishop of Segovia, Spain
AppointedKonrad von Sch�neckBishop of Worms, Germany
DiedLucifero di StefanuziaArchbishop of Santa Severina, Italy
DiedBl. Giovanni d’UguccioneBishop of Osimo, Italy
JanAppointedGuillaume de DurfortArchbishop of Rouen, France
14 JanAppointedGonzalo Bishop of Mondo�edo, Spain
Ordained BishopStephen GravesendBishop of London, England, Great Britain
18 JanDiedHugues BotBishop of Apt, France
24 JanAppointedBenvenuto Bishop of Montefeltro, Italy
29 JanDiedRainer von DequedeBishop of Havelberg, Germany
2 FebDiedGuillaume BeaufilsBishop of Nevers, France
6 FebDiedPierre Pleine-Chassagne, O.F.M. †Bishop of Rodez, France
8 FebAppointedFilippo Bishop of Ferentino, Italy
25 FebAppointedPietro Bishop of Cagli, ItalyBishop Emeritus
4 MarAppointedPierre de Castelnau-BretenouxBishop of Rodez, France
14 Mar60.2DiedWulfing von Stubenberg, O.P. †Bishop of Bamberg, Germany
18 MarOrdained BishopSancho d’Ull, O. Carm. †Bishop of Segorbe-Albarracin, Spain
23 MarAppointedPaganus della TorrePatriarch of Aquileia, Italy
2 AprAppointedNicolas de AcernoBishop of Bisignano, ItalyBishop of Nola, Italy
9 AprDiedGuglielmo de LonghiCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of San Nicola in Carcere
16 AprAppointedRaymond (Vehens) de Mostu�jouls, O.S.B. †Bishop of Saint-Papoul, FranceCardinal, Bishop Emeritus
19 AprAppointedHenri de Fautri�re, O.S.B. †Bishop of Saint-Flour, France
20 AprAppointedAndre Bishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy
22 AprOrdained BishopNicolas de AcernoBishop of Bisignano, ItalyBishop of Nola, Italy
4 May23.3AppointedHenri de La Tour-du-PinBishop of Metz, FranceFormer Bishop-Elect
6 MayAppointedRaymond BotBishop of Apt, France
7 MayOrdained BishopRaymond BotBishop of Apt, France
AppointedEgidio da MontefalcoBishop of Terni, ItalyBishop-Elect
14 MayAppointedHeinrich Bishop of Havelberg, Germany
23 MayAppointedOtto von WoldenbergBishop of Hildesheim, GermanyBishop Emeritus
25 MayAppointedAndrea CapograssiBishop of Valva e Sulmona, Italy
AppointedJourdain de Miramont, O.P. †Bishop of Acerno, Italy
JunDiedHugh O’NeillBishop of Derry, Ireland
8 JunDiedHeinrich von DaunBishop of Worms, Germany
AppointedRicardo Archbishop of Sorrento, Italy
27 JunAppointedHildebrand ContiBishop of Padova {Padua}, Italy
AppointedPierre de Saint-Jean, O.P. †Bishop of Bayonne, France
7 JulAppointedMartinho Bishop of Guarda, Portugal
9 JulAppointedGuillaume de FlavacourtBishop of Viviers (Aps), FranceArchbishop of Rouen, France
AppointedRostaing Bishop of Orange, France
26 AugOrdained BishopHaymo Hethe, O.S.B. †Bishop of Rochester, England, Great Britain
3 SepAppointedSimon d’ArchiacArchbishop of Vienne, FranceCardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Prisca
10 SepAppointedGuillaume de CunBishop of Bazas, FranceBishop of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France
12 SepAppointedRaimond RogaudiArchbishop of Embrun, France
18 SepAppointedGaspert de LavalBishop of Marseille, FranceArchbishop of Narbonne, France
19 SepAppointedBartolomeo , O.P. †Bishop of Konavlje, AlbaniaBishop of Comacchio, Italy
23 SepDiedHenryk z WierzbnaBishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland
25 SepAppointedRodrigo Ib��ezBishop of Lugo, SpainBishop of Tuy, Spain
AppointedGonzalo N��ez de NovoaBishop of Orense, Spain
OctDiedJohn SendaleBishop of Winchester, England, Great Britain
1 OctOrdained BishopRoselinn des Baux, O.F.M. †Bishop of Riez, France
10 OctOrdained BishopRicardo Archbishop of Sorrento, Italy
17 OctOrdained BishopMikolaj Afri, O.P. †Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland
18 OctConfirmedMikolaj Afri, O.P. †Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland
20 OctDiedRichard de SentillyBishop of S�es {S�ez}, France
27 OctDiedBenito P�rezBishop of Segovia, Spain
14 Nov27.8AppointedJuan de Arag�nArchbishop of Toledo, SpainArchbishop of Tarragona, Spain
25 NovOrdained BishopAndre Bishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy
AppointedGabriele , O.S.B. †Bishop of Dolia (Doglia), Italy
3 DecAppointedLutho von BaldersheimBishop of Pomesania (Pomezania), Poland
AppointedJohann von ClareBishop of Samland (Sambia), Poland
10 DecOrdained BishopGaspert de LavalBishop of Marseille, FranceArchbishop of Narbonne, France
18 DecOrdained BishopBertrando , O.P. †Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy
21 DecDiedHeinrich KindtBishop of Merseburg, Germany
25 DecAppointedVitus de HabdankBishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland
30 DecDiedGuillaume de BaufetBishop of Paris, France


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