Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1314

Bishop Events

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownDiedRainaldo di AcquavivaBishop of Teramo, Italy
AppointedGuillen de Aranyo, O.P. †Bishop of L�rida, Spain
DiedOddone ArcioniArchbishop of Trani, Italy
AppointedArduino Bishop of Satriano, Italy
BornJan d’ArkelBishop of Li�ge, Belgium
AppointedGuillaume BeaufilsBishop of Nevers, France
DiedÞ�r BokkiBishop of Garðar, Greenland
SelectedBorzysław Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland
AppointedThomas BrightBishop of Down, Ireland
Ordained BishopThomas BrightBishop of Down, Ireland
DiedLeoline BromfieldBishop of Saint Asaph, Wales, Great Britain
DiedAngelo da Camerino, O.E.S.A. †Patriarch of Grado, Italy
AppointedDomenico Bishop of Torcello (Turris), ItalyPatriarch of Grado, Italy
AppointedGiacomo da Fusignano, O.P. †Bishop of Lucera, ItalyBishop of Modon (Medone, Methone), Greece
AppointedGiovanni , O.F.M. †Bishop of Stagno (Ston) et Curzola (Korcula), Croatia
ResignedGrgur , O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Bosnia (Bosna, Diacovar, Diakovar), CroatiaBishop Emeritus
AppointedGuglielmo Bishop of Potenza, Italy
DiedIngjald Bishop of Hamar, Norway
AppointedL�szl� K�r�gyiBishop of P�cs, Hungary
AppointedPietro Lancetti, O.S.B. †Bishop of Forlimpopoli, Italy
DiedLoterio Bishop of Veroli, Italy
DiedMatthew MacDuibneBishop of Kilmore, Ireland
DiedAlfonso Mart�nezBishop of Astorga, Spain
ResignedNicol� Archbishop of Candia {Crete}, GreeceTitular Patriarch of Constantinople
AppointedPatrick O’CridiganBishop of Kilmore, Ireland
AppointedHugues OdardBishop of Angers, France
DiedArne SigurdssonBishop of Bj�rgvin (Bergen), Norway
AppointedAudfinn SigurdssonBishop of Bj�rgvin (Bergen), Norway
BornJohann von ZesterflethBishop of Verden, Germany
11 JanAppointedAmanieu de FargisBishop of Agen, France
12 JanDiedSigibodo de LichtenbergBishop of Speyer, Germany
28 JanAppointedRaimond Bishop of P�rigueux (Vesuna), France
10 Feb64.1DiedRiccardo PetroniCardinal-Deacon of Sant’EustachioCardinal,
11 FebDiedG�rard DoucetBishop of Tarbes, France
MarConfirmedBarthelemy Abbot of Saint-Maurice, SwitzerlandAbbot Emeritus
2 MarAppointedAlessandro di Sant’Elpidio, O.E.S.A. †Archbishop of Candia {Crete}, GreeceArchbishop Emeritus
14 MarAppointedJean d’AuxoisBishop of Troyes, France
AppointedGuichard , O.S.B. †Bishop of Bosnia (Bosna, Diacovar, Diakovar), CroatiaBishop Emeritus
28 MarAppointedPaolo Gualducci de Pilastri, O.P. †Patriarch of Grado, Italy
Ordained BishopOnofrio Archbishop of Salerno, Italy
29 MarAppointedFortius d’AuchBishop of Poitiers, France
AppointedBernard de VillaBishop of Bayonne, France
30 MarAppointedAndr� de Fr�dol, O.S.A. †Bishop of Uz�s, FranceBishop of Maguelonne, France
1 AprDiedP�ter Bishop of P�cs, Hungary
20 Apr50.3DiedBertrand de GotPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
13 MayDiedGuillaume le MaireBishop of Angers, France
30 MayDiedNils KettilssonArchbishop of Uppsala, Sweden
JunAppointedEmich von LeiningenBishop of Speyer, Germany
4 JunDiedJean de SavignyBishop of Nevers, France
13 JulDiedAlberigo ViscontiBishop of Fermo, Italy
27 AugDiedGottfried von HexenaggerBishop of Freising, Germany
SepDiedRobert de DesiseBishop of Chalons-sur-Sa�ne, France
7 SepSelectedDavid ap BlethynBishop of Saint Asaph, Wales, Great Britain
9 SepAppointedOlov Bj�rnssonArchbishop of Uppsala, Sweden
1 OctDiedAltogrado CattaneoBishop of Vicenza, Italy
3 OctAppointedKonrad der SendlingerBishop of Freising, Germany
4 OctAppointedEst�v�o Bishop of Guarda, Portugal
1 Nov54.8DiedGottfried von B�lowBishop of Schwerin, Germany
3 NovBornNicol�s Rossell, O.P. †Cardinal,


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