Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1286

Bishop Events

See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1285) | Next Year (1287)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownAppointedTommaso AndreiBishop of Pistoia, Italy
DiedBernardo de’ ArimondiArchbishop of Genova, Italy
DiedBo Bishop of Link�ping, Sweden
AppointedFilippo CapuanoArchbishop of Salerno, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
ResignedIngerand de Cr�quiBishop of Cambrai, FranceBishop of Th�rouanne, France
DiedDiodato , O.P. †Bishop of Mileto, Italy
AppointedDolgfinnr Bishop of Orkney (Kirkwall), Scotland, Great Britain
Ordained BishopDolgfinnr Bishop of Orkney (Kirkwall), Scotland, Great Britain
AppointedRobert du PontBishop of Saint-Malo, FranceBishop Emeritus
AppointedPedro Fechor, O.F.M. †Bishop of Salamanca, Spain
AppointedPietro GuerraAdministrator of Sora, ItalyPatriarch of Aquileia, Italy
DiedGuglielmo Bishop of Ferrara, Italy
AppointedGundisalvus Bishop of Sig�enza, Spain
Ordained BishopGundisalvus Bishop of Sig�enza, Spain
AppointedHeinrich Bishop of Pomesania (Pomezania), Poland
AppointedJohannes , O.P. †Bishop of Åbo, FinlandArchbishop of Uppsala, Sweden
AppointedJ�rund Bishop of Hamar, NorwayArchbishop of Nidaros (Trondheim), Norway
DiedKettil Bishop of Åbo, Finland
AppointedBruno von LangenbogenBishop of Naumburg, Germany
DiedJuan de LunaArchbishop of Riga, Latvia
DiedHenri de MursBishop of Th�rouanne, France
ResignedManegold von NeuenburgBishop-Elect of Bamberg, GermanyBishop of W�rzburg, Germany
DiedPasquale Bishop of Monopoli, Italy
DiedPietro Bishop of Capaccio, Italy
DiedAlvino de PortisBishop of Trieste, Italy
AppointedRomano Bishop of Croja, Albania
DiedJacques S�r�neArchbishop of Embrun, France
BornDominic Serra, O. de M. †Cardinal, Master General of Order of Our Lady of Mercy
DiedArias SogaBishop of Lugo, Spain
AppointedJohannes von VechtenBishop of Warmia (Ermland), PolandArchbishop of Riga, Latvia
71.0DiedWillem van Moerbeke, O.P. †Archbishop of Corinthus, Greece
JanDiedGeoffrey Saint-L�gerBishop of Ossory, Ireland
4 JanAppointedGuillaume des GardiesBishop of Uz�s, France
10 JanAppointedJohannes von VechtenArchbishop of Riga, Latvia
29 JanDiedMiguel S�nchez de UncastilloBishop of Pamplona, Spain
30 JanAppointedNicolas de Barro (Bar)Bishop of M�con, France
31 JanDiedBertrand de MiremontBishop of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France
3 FebDiedBertrand de l’Isle JourdainBishop of Toulouse, France
9 FebDiedNu�o P�rezBishop of Mondo�edo, Spain
10 FebOrdained BishopJohn Le Romain (Romanus)Archbishop of York, England, Great Britain
21 FebDiedGiudaloste VergiolesiBishop of Pistoia, Italy
25 FebAppointedGiacomo de CluzanoBishop of Fossombrone, Italy
AppointedMarco MirabelloArchbishop of Sorrento, Italy
AppointedPandolfo Bishop of Patti e Lipari, ItalyArchbishop
AppointedPeregrino BricioBishop of Oviedo, Spain
AppointedPietro Saraceni, O.P. †Bishop of Monopoli, ItalyBishop of Vicenza, Italy
28 FebDiedGuy de La Tour-du-Pin, O.P. †Bishop of Clermont, France
MarAppointedJuan Fern�ndez de SotomayorBishop of Tuy, Spain
2 MarAppointedTolomeo , O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Ravello, Italy
5 MarOrdained BishopPedro Fechor, O.F.M. †Bishop of Salamanca, Spain
7 MarConfirmedFilippo CapuanoArchbishop of Salerno, ItalyArchbishop Emeritus
17 MarAppointedArnaud de MorlanaBishop of Lescar, France
31 MarDiedBertrand AlmaricArchbishop of Arles, France
AppointedTommaso Bishop of Chieti, Italy
ConfirmedGiacomo de VenereBishop of Marsi, Italy
AprDiedPellegrino Archbishop of Brindisi, Italy
7 AprOrdained BishopJohn de Sandford, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Dublin, Ireland
12 AprDiedAgustin P�rezBishop of Osma, Spain
24 AprAppointedBourchard Dayn (Dain)Archbishop of Tours, France
26 AprDiedHeinrich von FinstingenArchbishop of Trier, Germany
29 AprAppointedPietro CalzaBishop of Ceneda, Italy
May46.3Ordained BishopJan GerbiczBishop of Poznań, Poland
4 MayAppointedJuan AlvarezBishop of Osma, Spain
9 MayAppointedGuillaume d’Anonia (Hainaut)Bishop of Cambrai, France
15 MayAppointedHenri d’Isny, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Mainz, Germany
AppointedPeter Reich von ReichensteinBishop of Basel, Switzerland
AppointedArnold von SolmsBishop of Bamberg, Germany
22 MayOrdained BishopMagnus BossonArchbishop of Uppsala, Sweden
25 MayAppointedCinzio della PignaArchbishop of Capua, Italy
AppointedRodrigo Gonz�lezArchbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
AppointedJo�o Bishop of Lamego, Portugal
28 MayAppointedJacopo da Castelbuono, O.P. †Bishop of Firenze, Italy
31 May56.4AppointedEst�v�o Anes de VasconcelosBishop of Lisboa, Portugal
3 JunDiedPierre de MontbrunArchbishop of Narbonne, France
9 JunOrdained BishopTommaso AndreiBishop of Pistoia, Italy
11 JunDiedHenri de Gran�on (Grandson)Bishop of Verdun, France
15 JunDiedHugh Belsham, O.S.B. †Bishop of Ely, England, Great Britain
17 JunAppointedBartolomeo QueriniAdministrator of Chioggia, ItalyBishop of Trento, Italy
20 JunAppointedBernardo , O.S.B. †Bishop of Tripolis, Syria
4 JulDiedHartmann von DillingenBishop of Augsburg, Germany
6 JulDiedJens TrugothBishop of Odense, Denmark
12 JulAppointedWalter de Fulbourn, O.F.M. †Bishop of Waterford, Ireland
AppointedStephen of Fulburn, O.F.M. †Archbishop of Tuam, Ireland
AppointedSaba MalaspinaBishop of Mileto, Italy
ConfirmedThomas de Saint-LegerBishop of Meath, Ireland
19 JulAppointedSiegfried von AlgertshausenBishop of Augsburg, Germany
26 JulSelectedJohn KirkbyBishop of Ely, England, Great Britain
27 JulAppointedAndrea PerroBishop of Rieti, Italy
30 JulAppointedAimar de CrosBishop of Clermont, France
AugAppointedFernando P�rez de P�ramoBishop of Lugo, Spain
2 AugAppointedPedro Ya�ez de NovoBishop of Orense, Spain
4 AugAppointedGuillaume Archbishop of Embrun, France
5 AugAppointedRostaing de la CapreArchbishop of Arles, France
11 AugAppointed�lvaro G�mezBishop of Mondo�edo, SpainBishop of Palencia, Spain
16 AugDiedJacopo da Castelbuono, O.P. †Bishop of Firenze, Italy
17 AugConfirmedJohn KirkbyBishop of Ely, England, Great Britain
20 AugResignedGiovanni BoccamazzaAdministrator of Monreale, ItalyCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
AppointedPietro GuerraArchbishop of Monreale, ItalyPatriarch of Aquileia, Italy
23 AugAppointedPietro CorrerTitular Patriarch of Constantinople
AppointedGoberto Bishop of Capaccio, Italy
AppointedMauro , O.S.B. †Bishop of Amelia, Italy
24 AugAppointedPietro di Romanuccio CapocciBishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy
27 AugAppointedBerardo di PoggioBishop of Ancona, ItalyBishop of Rieti, Italy
Sep32.6AppointedBengt BirgerssonBishop of Link�ping, Sweden
22 SepOrdained BishopJohn KirkbyBishop of Ely, England, Great Britain
25 SepDiedWalter ScammellBishop of Salisbury, England, Great Britain
1 OctDiedJacques de BeauvoirBishop of Autun, France
AppointedWilliam CliffordBishop of Emly, Ireland
26 OctAppointedRoberto Archbishop of Corinthus, Greece
28 OctDiedBernardo NicelliBishop of Vicenza, Italy
3 NovOrdained BishopThomas de Saint-LegerBishop of Meath, Ireland
5 Nov56.8AppointedBernard de LanguiselAdministrator of Santa PrassedeCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
15 DecAppointedMart�n Gonz�lezBishop of Astorga, Spain
29 DecAppointedAndrea de’ MozziBishop of Firenze, ItalyBishop of Vicenza, Italy


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