Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1273

Bishop Events

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownResignedAlberto Landi (de Andito)Bishop of Bobbio, ItalyBishop Emeritus
AppointedGuillaume de BlayeBishop of Angoul�me, France
AppointedGuy des Pr�sBishop of Noyon, France
DiedNicolas de FontainesBishop of Cambrai, France
AppointedStephen of Fulburn, O.F.M. †Bishop of Waterford, IrelandArchbishop of Tuam, Ireland
Ordained BishopStephen of Fulburn, O.F.M. †Bishop of Waterford, IrelandArchbishop of Tuam, Ireland
DiedTommaso Fusconi, O.P. †Bishop of Siena, Italy
DiedEnrico de GerolseckBishop of Strasbourg, France
AppointedArnau de Jard�Bishop of Tortosa, Spain
43.0AppointedBernard de LanguiselArchbishop of Arles, FranceCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
AppointedCorrado de LichtenbergBishop of Strasbourg, France
DiedNicolas LisBishop of Poznań, Poland
27.0AppointedMeinher von NeuenburgBishop of Naumburg, Germany
DiedGarc�a P�rez de ZuazoBishop of Huesca, Spain
AppointedIncelerio Prodić, O.E.S.A. †Bishop of Budua (Budva), Montenegro
DiedReginald Bishop of Cloyne, Ireland
AppointedAimaro di Rossiglione, O.S.B. †Archbishop of Lyon, France
AppointedRaymond de SabouliesBishop of (Saint-Lizier de) Couserans (or Conserans), France
BornSt. Roberto di Salle, O.C�l. †Priest of Benedictine Congregation of the Celestines
DiedAlbert Suerber, O.P. †Archbishop of Riga, Latvia
DiedF�l�p Szentgr�tiArchbishop of Esztergom, Hungary
AppointedFrederic WalchenArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
AppointedRobert WishartBishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain
AppointedJan WyszkowicBishop of Poznań, Poland
Ordained BishopPedro Ximenez SeguraBishop of Segorbe-Albarracin, Spain
5 JanOrdained BishopGuy des Pr�sBishop of Noyon, France
14 JanAppointedPeder IngraedsonBishop of Aarhus (Århus), Denmark
DiedRobert de MarzyBishop of Nevers, France
15 JanDiedPierre de GuelisBishop of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, France
25 Jan83.0DiedEudes de Ch�terouxCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
28 JanDiedOdilon de MercoeurBishop of Mende, France
29 JanOrdained BishopRobert WishartBishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain
14 FebDiedEsger Bishop of Ribe, Denmark
DiedPonce de SisseyBishop of Chalons-sur-Sa�ne, France
24 FebDiedUlrich de Sarvay (Sarnay)Bishop of Verdun, France
26 Feb58.1Ordained BishopRobert Kilwardby, O.P. †Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Great BritainCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
MarAppointedMelenio P�rezBishop of Astorga, Spain
5 Mar60.1DiedOttaviano UbaldiniCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Via Lata
24 MarAppointedFilippo Bishop of Fermo, Italy
25 MarDiedEgnone di AppianoBishop of Trento, Italy
3 AprAppointedEnrico da FucecchioBishop of Luni, ItalyBishop Emeritus
17 AprAppointedPierre BarbetArchbishop of Reims, France
AppointedPietro Bishop of Chiusi, Italy
MayAppointedGuillaume du Bl�Bishop of Chalons-sur-Sa�ne, France
7 MayAppointedRobert of StutevilleBishop of Dunkeld, Scotland, Great Britain
Ordained BishopFrederic WalchenArchbishop of Salzburg, Austria
15 MayAppointedWilliam WishartBishop of Saint Andrews, Scotland, Great Britain
24 MayDiedRodolfo di ValpellineBishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland
28 MayAppointedRanieri UbertiniBishop of Volterra, Italy
29 MayConfirmedPierre de VannesBishop of Saint-Brieuc, France
1 JunAppointedRuggero di StefanuziaArchbishop of Santa Severina, ItalyArchbishop of Cosenza, Italy
2 JunAppointedBernardo di BoncioBishop of Siena, Italy
AppointedGuido Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy
AppointedGiovanni MisnelioArchbishop of Palermo, Italy
3 Jun56.4AppointedSt. Bonaventura (Giovanni) , O.F.M. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano
56.4Elevated to CardinalSt. Bonaventura (Giovanni) , O.F.M. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano
63.4AppointedJo�o Pedro Juli�oCardinal-Bishop of FrascatiPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
63.4Elevated to CardinalJo�o Pedro Juli�oPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
AppointedBertrand de Saint Martin, O.S.B. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
Elevated to CardinalBertrand de Saint Martin, O.S.B. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
49.4AppointedBl. Pierre de Tarentaise, O.P. †Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
49.4Elevated to CardinalBl. Pierre de Tarentaise, O.P. †Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
63.4Appointed(Guillaume) Vicedomino de VicedominisCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
63.4Elevated to Cardinal(Guillaume) Vicedomino de VicedominisCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
18 JunDiedJean de CossonayBishop of Lausanne, Switzerland
21 JulAppointedGuillaume di ChampventBishop of Lausanne, Switzerland
27 JulDiedFouques de CailleBishop of Riez, France
30 JulDiedArnaud Bishop of Chalons-sur-Marne, France
16 AugDiedPierre Bishop of Angoul�me, France
5 SepDiedBarth�lemy de RouxBishop of Cahors, France
12 SepDiedHenry SandwichBishop of London, England, Great Britain
16 SepAppointedMathieu de LusarchesBishop of Riez, France
29 SepAppointedEnrico , O.T. †Bishop of Trento, Italy
11 OctDiedHildebold von WunstorfArchbishop of Bremen (and Hamburg), Germany
15 OctOrdained BishopWilliam WishartBishop of Saint Andrews, Scotland, Great Britain
11 Nov56.8Ordained BishopSt. Bonaventura (Giovanni) , O.F.M. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano
DecAppointedPierre d’OronBishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland
7 DecAppointedJohn ChishullBishop of London, England, Great Britain
21 DecAppointedAime de ChantalBishop of Vercelli, Italy
AppointedRaimondo della TorrePatriarch of Aquileia, Italy
27 DecDiedGiacomo PetrellaBishop of Faenza, Italy


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