Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1260

Bishop Events

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DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknown23.0ProfessedMatteo d’Acquasparta, O.F.M. †Member of Order of Friars MinorCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina
AppointedMartin �lvarezBishop of Segorbe-Albarracin, Spain
DiedTommaso ArimondoBishop of Castello, Italy
BornArnaud d’AuxCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano
DiedBenedek Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary
BornGottfried von B�lowBishop of Schwerin, Germany
BornGiacomo Caetani StefaneschiCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of San Giorgio in Velabro
AppointedJohn de Cheam (Cheyam)Bishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain
Ordained BishopJohn de Cheam (Cheyam)Bishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain
DiedAndrzej CiołekBishop of Płock, Poland
DiedBonifacio de CocconatoBishop of Asti, Italy
BornPietro ColonnaCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Sant’Angelo in Pescheria
AppointedRobert de CressonsartBishop of Senlis, France
AppointedG�rard d’AudiranBishop of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France
AppointedDemetrius Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv�rad}, Romania
BornVital Du FourCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano
35.0Ordained BishopWerner d’EppensteinArchbishop of Mainz, Germany
AppointedGregorio ErmolaoBishop of Arbe (Rab), Croatia
DiedErnst , O.P. †Bishop of Pomesania (Pomezania), Poland
DiedLope Fern�ndez Da�n, O.F.M. †Bishop of Marrakesh, Morocco
AppointedTommaso FrancoBishop of Castello, Italy
DiedKarl von FriesachBishop of Lavant, Slovenia
BornBl. Augustin Kažotić (Gazotti), O.P. †Bishop of Lucera, Italy
DiedGiovanni Bishop of Forlimpopoli, Italy
BornGuillaume Pierre Godin, O.P. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
AppointedGottifredo Bishop of Tivoli, ItalyBishop of Rieti, Italy
BornJens GrandArchbishop of Bremen (and Hamburg), Germany
ResignedAymo di GrandsonBishop of Gen�ve {Geneva}, SwitzerlandBishop Emeritus
DiedHeinrekur K�rssonBishop of H�lar, Iceland
DiedJacopo MansuetiBishop of Narni, Italy
AppointedRobert de MarzyBishop of Nevers, France
DiedOtto von MehringenBishop of Brandenburg, Germany
AppointedMartin , O.F.M. †Bishop of Segovia, Spain
AppointedPiotr NiedlichBishop of Płock, Poland
AppointedMilo O’ConnorBishop of Elphin, Ireland
Ordained BishopMilo O’ConnorBishop of Elphin, Ireland
AppointedLeonardo PantaleoArchbishop of Candia {Crete}, Greece
DiedWilliam of Port RoyalBishop of Connor, Ireland
DiedRaimond Bishop of Senez, France
DiedBernerio da SommaBishop of Cremona, Italy
AppointedFidenzo da SpoletoBishop of Aversa, Italy
60.0DiedStefano di Spagna, O.P. †Archbishop of Torres, Italy
AppointedGeoffrey Saint-L�gerBishop of Ossory, Ireland
Ordained BishopGeoffrey Saint-L�gerBishop of Ossory, Ireland
AppointedJohannes von TralauBishop of L�beck, Germany
ResignedRanieri UbertiniBishop-Elect of Volterra, ItalyBishop
AppointedUgone Archbishop of Cagliari, Italy
5 Jan67.0AppointedSt. Albert (the Great) von Bollst�dt, O.P. †Bishop of Regensburg, GermanyBishop Emeritus
11 JanOrdained BishopRaymond BellinBishop of Lod�ve, France
15 JanAppointedManfredo RobertiBishop of Verona, Italy
12 FebAppointedPierre de MincyBishop of Chartres, France
15 FebOrdained BishopHenry WenghamBishop of London, England, Great Britain
27 FebDiedGuy Bishop of Bayeux, France
ConfirmedJanusz TarnowaArchbishop of Gniezno, Poland
29 FebOrdained BishopJanusz TarnowaArchbishop of Gniezno, Poland
MarAppointedCorrado RadicatiBishop of Asti, Italy
3 MarDiedEnrico de StahleckBishop of Strasbourg, France
10 MarDiedHeinrich , O.P. †Bishop of �sell (Oesell) [Saare-L��ne], Estonia
27 MarAppointedWalter de GerolseckBishop of Strasbourg, France
7 AprAppointedErbordo , O.P. †Bishop of Bergamo, Italy
17 AprAppointedMart�n Gonz�lezBishop of Burgos, Spain
29 AprDiedRudolf von Dingelst�dtArchbishop of Magdeburg, Germany
MayAppointedRuprecht von Querfurt (Mansfeld)Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany
6 MayAppointedHeinrich , O.S.B. †Bishop of Gen�ve {Geneva}, SwitzerlandBishop Emeritus
16 MayOrdained BishopAymer of LusignanBishop of Winchester, England, Great Britain
31 MayDiedGuillaume de GrandpuyBishop of Nevers, France
26 JunAppointedAlberto da ColliceBishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy
24 JulDiedBenvenuto Archbishop of Monreale, Italy
AugAppointedHeinrich von FinstingenArchbishop of Trier, Germany
9 AugDiedWalter KirkhamBishop of Durham, England, Great Britain
DiedHerv� de LandeleauBishop of Quimper, France
10 AugAppointedWilliam de HayBishop of Connor, Ireland
15 SepDiedJohann von BrakelBishop of Hildesheim, Germany
30 SepSelectedRobert de Stichill, O.S.B. †Bishop of Durham, England, Great Britain
Oct60.7DiedJacopo (Giacomo) Buoncambio (Boncambio), O.P. †Bishop of Bologna, Italy
Ordained BishopRuprecht von Querfurt (Mansfeld)Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany
1 OctDiedRobert de La HoussayeBishop of Senlis, France
9 Oct9.7AppointedOtto von Braunschweig-L�neburgBishop of Hildesheim, Germany
14 OctDiedThorkill Bishop of Reval (Rewel), Estonia
24 OctDiedJacques de LorraineBishop of Metz, France
30 OctDiedJuli�o FernandesBishop of Porto, Portugal
NovAppointedOttaviano UbaldiniBishop of Bologna, Italy
6 NovDiedMichel VilloiseauBishop of Angers, France
19 NovOrdained BishopHeinrich von FinstingenArchbishop of Trier, Germany
23 NovConfirmedRobert de Stichill, O.S.B. †Bishop of Durham, England, Great Britain
DecAppointedPietro du PalaisBishop of Aosta, Italy
2 DecAppointedVicente MendesBishop of Porto, Portugal
4 DecDiedAymer of LusignanBishop of Winchester, England, Great Britain
21 DecDiedAbraham O’ConnelanArchbishop of Armagh, Ireland
30 DecDiedWilhelm von HolteBishop of M�nster, Germany


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