Catholic-Hierarchy DC

The Year of Our Lord 1190

Bishop Events

See Also: Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1189) | Next Year (1191)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownAppointedAlexius Bishop of Brandenburg, Germany
AppointedLope Andr�sBishop of Astorga, Spain
AppointedNikolas ArnessonBishop of Oslo, Norway
DiedBaldram , O. Praem. †Bishop of Brandenburg, Germany
AppointedImbert d’AiguieresArchbishop of Arles, France
BornEudes de Ch�terouxCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
AppointedDominik Bishop of Zagreb (Agram), Croatia
DiedGuy (Guianus) RufusBishop of Bangor, Wales, Great Britain
DiedHelge Bishop of Oslo, Norway
AppointedBerno von HildesheimBishop of Hildesheim, Germany
BornGerhard zur LippeArchbishop of Bremen (and Hamburg), Germany
BornDietrich von Mei�enBishop of Naumburg, Germany
BornGregorio de MontelungoPatriarch of Aquileia, Italy
BornHeinrich von M�llenarkArchbishop of K�ln {Cologne}, Germany
AppointedPietro Bishop of Firenze, Italy
AppointedGuglielmo SpinolaBishop of Brugnato, Italy
AppointedPhilipp von SchwabenBishop of W�rzburg, Germany
BornHeinrich von TanneBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
JanDiedGualtiero Archbishop of Palermo, Italy
6 MarDiedGottfried von Spitzenberg-HelfensteinBishop of W�rzburg, Germany
17 MarDiedRodrigo de CascanteBishop of Calahorra, Spain
10 AprAppointedCorrado di H�hnenburgBishop of Strasbourg, France
3 MayDiedWilliam de NorthallBishop of Worcester, England, Great Britain
JulAppointedRobert FitzRalphBishop of Worcester, England, Great Britain
15 JulAppointedDiethelm von KrenkingenBishop of Konstanz {Constance}, Germany
17 JulDiedMartin Bishop of Mei�en (Meissen), Germany
22 JulAppointedGuillermo BerengerArchbishop of Narbonne, France
SepAppointedGuy Par�, O. Cist. †Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in TrastevereCardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
Elevated to CardinalGuy Par�, O. Cist. †Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina
30.6AppointedLotario dei conti di SegniCardinal-Deacon of Santi Sergio e BaccoPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
30.6Elevated to CardinalLotario dei conti di SegniPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
20 SepDiedAdelog von HildesheimBishop of Hildesheim, Germany
20 Oct50.8AppointedJohann Archbishop of Trier, Germany
3 Nov50.8DiedDiepold (Theobald) von BergBishop of Passau, Germany
19 Nov70.8DiedBaldwin Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Great Britain
23 NovBornGui FoucoisPope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
1 Dec72.9AppointedHamelin Bishop of Le Mans, FranceBishop Emeritus


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