This Week In the BMJ As many as one in 475 pregnancies may be denied BMJ 2002; 324 :d (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Deprived children have more fractures than affluent ones BMJ 2002; 324 :c (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Eating fish in pregnancy prevents preterm birth BMJ 2002; 324 :0 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Can animal experiments inform human health care? BMJ 2002; 324 :g (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Hepatitis C infection does not increase all cause mortality BMJ 2002; 324 :a (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Subjective estimates are acceptable for calculating coronary risk BMJ 2002; 324 :h (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Acute neuropathies are diagnostic emergencies BMJ 2002; 324 :f (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Ultrasonography plus plain x ray films are best for investigating men with urinary tract infection BMJ 2002; 324 :b (Published 23 February 2002) Permission NHS plan underestimates numbers of new doctors needed BMJ 2002; 324 :e (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Editorials Recombinant human parathyroid hormone BMJ 2002; 324 :435 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Guidelines for managing community acquired pneumonia in adults BMJ 2002; 324 :436 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Academic medicine: a faltering engine BMJ 2002; 324 :437 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Yellow fever vaccine BMJ 2002; 324 :439 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Doctors working in prisons BMJ 2002; 324 :440 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses LettersDownload PDF Postoperative starvation after gastrointestinal surgery BMJ 2002; 324 :481 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Cardiotocography v Doppler auscultation BMJ 2002; 324 :482 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in general practice BMJ 2002; 324 :485 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Caesarean section rate in England and Wales BMJ 2002; 324 :486 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Self management is the future BMJ 2002; 324 :486 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Responses Management of chronic disease BMJ 2002; 324 :487 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Responses News Yeast genome shares 50 genes with human diseases BMJ 2002; 324 :441 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Higher folic acid levels could reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease BMJ 2002; 324 :441 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Smoking increases among teenagers in eastern Europe BMJ 2002; 324 :442 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Monitoring body criticises hospital for mixed sex wards BMJ 2002; 324 :442 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission In brief BMJ 2002; 324 :442 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission DNA needs to be protected by law BMJ 2002; 324 :443 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Proposed genetic database on Tongans opposed BMJ 2002; 324 :443 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Doctors' chambers—pipe dream or blueprint for the future? BMJ 2002; 324 :445 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Survey shows serious shortage of medical academics in the UK BMJ 2002; 324 :446 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Clinical Reviews Peripheral neuropathy BMJ 2002; 324 :466 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Introduction. II—Basic terminology BMJ 2002; 324 :470 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Minerva Minerva BMJ 2002; 324 :494 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Editor's Choice Psychic wages BMJ 2002; 324 :i (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission News roundup [abridged versions appear in the paper journal] European Union plans electronic health card to guarantee treatment BMJ 2002; 324 :444 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Medical journals can reduce global health inequity, conference told BMJ 2002; 324 :444 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission UK patients group hits back at anti-vivisectionists BMJ 2002; 324 :444 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses 22 year old damaged by aspirin loses compensation claim BMJ 2002; 324 :444 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Harvard School of Public Health refuses tobacco funds BMJ 2002; 324 :444 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission News extra [these stories appear only on the web] Mandela presents his concerns about AIDS policy to ANC committee BMJ 2002; 324 :446 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Responses Urgent reform of NHS governance needed BMJ 2002; 324 :446 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission United States starts to consider paying organ donors BMJ 2002; 324 :446 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Spain to ban drinking in the street BMJ 2002; 324 :446 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission People who sleep for seven hours a night live longest BMJ 2002; 324 :446 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Responses Forum calls for action on child health to tackle heart disease BMJ 2002; 324 :446 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Papers Low consumption of seafood in early pregnancy as a risk factor for preterm delivery: prospective cohort study BMJ 2002; 324 :447 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Clinical course of hepatitis C virus during the first decade of infection: cohort study BMJ 2002; 324 :450 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Ultrasonography and abdominal radiography versus intravenous urography in investigation of urinary tract infection in men: prospective incident cohort study BMJ 2002; 324 :454 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Association between childhood fractures and poverty: population based study BMJ 2002; 324 :457 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Denial of pregnancy: population based study BMJ 2002; 324 :458 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Primary care Experiences and career intentions of general practice registrars in Thames deaneries: postal survey BMJ 2002; 324 :464 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Education and debate Does animal experimentation inform human healthcare? Observations from a systematic review of international animal experiments on fluid resuscitation BMJ 2002; 324 :474 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Evaluation of diagnostic procedures BMJ 2002; 324 :477 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Books The Encyclopedia of Arthropod-Transmitted Infections BMJ 2002; 324 :490 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Hormone Replacement Therapy and Cardiovascular Disease: The Current Status of Research and Practice BMJ 2002; 324 :490 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Film A Beautiful Mind BMJ 2002; 324 :491 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Responses RADIO 28 Minutes to Save the NHS BMJ 2002; 324 :491 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission PRESS How parents decide on MMR BMJ 2002; 324 :492 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission WEBSITE OF THE WEEK Venomous creatures BMJ 2002; 324 :492 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Responses Personal View A day in the field that changed my methodology BMJ 2002; 324 :493 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Responses Soundings The inaugural BMJ 2002; 324 :493 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Fillers The world's trouble BMJ 2002; 324 :458 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission The sanitary condition of the house BMJ 2002; 324 :458 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Comparison of estimates and calculations of risk of coronary heart disease by doctors and nurses using different calculation tools in general practice: cross sectional study BMJ 2002; 324 :459 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses “A little white tablet, doctor” BMJ 2002; 324 :473 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Self pity BMJ 2002; 324 :477 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Corrections Photofinish BMJ 2002; 324 :465 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission In grandfather's room BMJ 2002; 324 :465 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Christiaan Barnard: his first transplants and their impact on concepts of death BMJ 2002; 324 :465 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Income, health, and the National Lottery BMJ 2002; 324 :465 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission ObituariesDownload PDF Struan Sutherland BMJ 2002; 324 :488 (Published 23 February 2002) PDF Permission Responses Anthony Charles William Mosbergen da Roza BMJ 2002; 324 :488 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Archibald Walter Forbes Erskine BMJ 2002; 324 :488 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Kenneth Boyd Fraser BMJ 2002; 324 :488 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission James Munro Christie Gill BMJ 2002; 324 :488 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Alexander (“Sandy”) James Gray BMJ 2002; 324 :488 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission John Webb Hallewell BMJ 2002; 324 :488 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Elizabeth Joan Harbott (née Bowen) BMJ 2002; 324 :488 (Published 23 February 2002) Permission Back to top PreviousNext