Sharkslayer Title Changed

DreamWorks confirmed that SHARKSLAYER would now be called SHARK TALE. A less violent title, which was desired, but this computer-animated tale by any other name is still about gangster sharks, opening Oct. 1, 2004. The comedic riff on THE SOPRANOS, THE GODFATHER and CAR WASH, the first computer-animated feature produced at the Glendale, California-based campus, rendered in mental ray, boasts an all-star cast of voices, including Will Smith, Robert DeNiro, Renee Zellweger, Angelina Jolie, Jack Black, Martin Scorsese and James Gandolfini. Bibo Bergeron and Vicky Jenson direct from a script by Damian Shannon, Mark Swift, Michael J. Wilson and Michael Wilson.

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.