subject has role (P2868)

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role/generic identity of the item ("subject") in the context of a statement. For the role of the value of the statement ("object"), use P3831 ("object has role"). For acting roles, use P453 ("character role"). For persons, use P39.
  • subject had role
  • subject of qualified statement has role
  • subject of statement has role
  • has role
  • role
Language Label Description Also known as
default for all languages
No label defined
    subject has role
    role/generic identity of the item ("subject") in the context of a statement. For the role of the value of the statement ("object"), use P3831 ("object has role"). For acting roles, use P453 ("character role"). For persons, use P39.
    • subject had role
    • subject of qualified statement has role
    • subject of statement has role
    • has role
    • role

    Data type



    Use this property to define the role of an item, also as part of a relation. Use for "subject" as in "concept", not "person" (use P3831 instead). For character roles (e.g. of actors) use P453. (English)
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    속성 값의 한정어로 넣는 것이라면 이 속성 대신 P3831을 넣으시고, 작품의 배역을 넣는 거라면 이 속성 대신 P453을 넣어주세요. (Korean)
    0 references
    Usa esta propiedá pa definir el rol d'un elementu como parte d'una rellación. Pa roles artísticos (p.ex. d'actores) usa P453. (Asturian)
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    使用此属性定义项的角色,作为关系的一部分。对于人物角色(例如演员的)请使用P453。 (Simplified Chinese)
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    Utilisez cette propriété pour définir le rôle d'un élément dans une relation. Pour les rôles de personnage (par exemple des acteurs), utilisez P453. (French)
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    このプロパティを使用して、アイテムの役割を関連の一部として定義します。キャラクターの役割(俳優など)の場合には、P453を使用します。 (Japanese)
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    使用此屬性定義項的角色,作為關係的一部分。對于人物角色(例如演員的)請使用P453。 (Traditional Chinese)
    0 references
    Bruk denne verdien for å definere rolla som eit emne har, også om relasjonar. For karakterroller (t.d skodespelarar) bruk P453 (Norwegian Nynorsk)
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    if one of the sitelinks is a redirect, the applicable badget should be used or the sitelink deleted. If there are several items about the same topic, these should be merged (English)
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