
Quest description[]

Daughter Entrati gets more than she bargained for when she enlists the Tenno to investigate a call for reinforcements aboard a Narmer Murex.

Inbox Message[]

Who Is Pazuul?

Tenno, need your help. Check the message for details.

  • Daughter: "Nora Night keeps saying Narmer isn't dead. Someone new is at the top. All she knows is a name, Pazuul. Well, guess what, Tenno? I have a lead. I detected a dot code signal broadcast from inside a Murex. It only says one thing, over and over again. "NEED REINFORCEMENTS." It's probably one of the freedom fighters Nora keeps talking about. If they made it into a Murex, they have to know about Pazuul. Come on, Tenno, say you'll help."  (download, history)

Investigate the Murex[]

Entering the Medusa Hub
After destroying the Medusa Hub

After Getting Gun
After Finding Brother
When Field Dissipation is at Half Progress
After Releasing your Brother

After destroying blockage

Using jetpack
When Field Dissipation is at Half Progress
After Freeing Grineer
Approaching Corpus Captive

After Freeing Corpus
After Rescuing Every Captive

After Shooting the Node Thing
Approaching the Dropship
After Manning the Gun
After Destroying Tether Nodes

After Freeing All Brothers

Return to the Drifter's Camp[]

Talk to Kahl[]

Inbox Message[]



Heard you're going to start hunting Archons. Now that sounds exciting!

What if I told you that Archon Shards can be used to enhance your Warframes?

My brother has designed a new Helminth segment for you. Build and install it, then give it a Shard to work with, and enjoy.

(Of course, you'll need to be on speaking terms with your Helminth in order to use this, and if you don't know what I'm talking about you probably should be spending a bit more time on Deimos.)

You know, what with Kahl doing the intel gathering on the ground, me running mission command and you all ready to take down the Archons, this team is synergizing quite deliciously.

'Blue Girl'

These items have been delivered to your inventory.


(Attachment: Helminth Archon Shard Segment Blueprint)

Field Dissipation at Half Progress[]

Field Dissipation at 2/3 Progress[]

Freeing Captive[]
