Hey guys! After a week of the overcomplicated, drastic change in Damage 2.0's health system -- I have finally updated the formatting of enemy pages, they now include their own specific health types rather than just Health, Shield and Armor. Click here to see the difference!
As updating this enemy template goes, there has been drastic changes in all enemy pages with the outdated data, it was a rough week, but we've finally got most of the pages updated! In case you stumbled across an outdated enemy page --
Here's what you do:[]
- Copy the entire "Blank Template" below.
- Go into source mode in outdated enemy pages.
- Paste the template, and refill all of the info along with the new informations. (Leave any values you do not know or that do not apply blank)
- You have just helped this wiki!
{{Enemy | name = Enemy name | image = Image file (typically formatted as name.jpg) | faction = Faction Enemy is associated with | type = Role of enemy (i.e. Melee/Short Ranged/Long Ranged/Heavy/Utility) | weapon = Primary weapon enemy uses | clonedflesh = Amount at base level, see codex for reference. | flesh = Amount at base level. | fossilized = Amount at base level. | infested = Amount at base level. | infestedflesh = Amount at base level. | infestedsinew = Amount at base level. | machinery = Amount at base level. | robotic = Amount at base level. | shield = Amount at base level. | protoshield = Amount at base level. | ferritearmor = Amount at base level. | alloyarmor = Amount at base level. | baseexperience = Experience at base level. | baselevel = Base spawn level. | abilities = Abilities that they have. | specialbodyparts = Any damage dealt to this body part gets multiplied by this much. | unprotectedbodyparts = These body parts do not apply armor to incoming damage. | codex_scans = The amount of scans needed to unlock all codex information. | mod_drops = Mods that drop from this mob. Please separate with <br>. }}
Blank Template[]
{{Enemy | name = | image = | faction = | type = | weapon = | clonedflesh = | flesh = | fossilized = | infested = | infestedflesh = | infestedsinew = | machinery = | robotic = | shield = | protoshield = | ferritearmor = | alloyarmor = | baseexperience = | baselevel = | abilities = | specialbodyparts = | unprotectedbodyparts = | codex_scans = | mod_drops = }}