“ | Miss Potter, Kaelus' personal assistant. And I believe it's Mr. Hughes, yes? | „ |
~ Miss Potter's self introductory line to Principal Hughes. |
Miss Potter is the secondary antagonist of the 2017 film Super Detention. Throughout the film, she serves as the right-hand and assistant to Able Kaelus. She is at first thought to be a charming, kind young woman when she travels to the secret super training academy (SSTA for short) in order to help Kaelus pick his successor. However, her true intentions are revealed when the exam they use as a ruse turns out to have stripped most of SSTA's students of their superpowers. But when the revelation that Kaelus was missing 6 students dawned upon her, she aimed to hunt down and capture the misfit team of detention-goers. She is portrayed by the actress Jessica Vano.
Miss Potter is a caucasian, slim woman that is around 5 feet and 5 inches in height, with hazel eyes, long flowing brown/brunette hair which she keeps neatly tied in a braid, bright red lipstick, and a rounded jawline with sharp, defined cheek bones. Her outfit tends to consist of high heels, a black tanktop-dress that ends by her abdomen, and tight black slacks.
Miss Potter is shown to be a very loyal woman, especially to her boss Kaelus. This is shown most directly when she takes up the mission to capture the detention kids herself on his command, even if she would rather not. She is also quite serious in demeanor, decidedly not friendly and talkative to anyone unless she absolutely has to be. She exemplifies the silent but deadly character type, never normally saying much of anything when in the midst of battle. When she does speak, she is a heavy and threatening presense, especially when ordering around the security team. She can even be haughty and sarcastic when toying with her enemies, as shown when she taunted Klon during their short-lived battle. Miss Potter is arguably the brains of the villains in the film, with it being noted that she created the exam machine all by herself, and she had the foresight to think of everything that could go wrong with Kaelus' plan and make sure that it didn't. It can also be noted that she has a relatively weak will, with Andrasta easily mentally dominating her.
Arrival at the SSTA[]
In her first scene, she is escorting her boss Able Kaelus as his personal chauffeur to his important speech and ceremony at the Secret Super Traning Academy (SSTA for short) that will determine who the famous hero's successor shall be. As they pull in by the school the Principal, Mr. Hughes, is there to greet his esteemed guests. Miss Potter exits the vehicle and immediately scans the surrounding area with her X-ray vision for any possible threats to Kaelus' safety. After ensuring the coast was clear, she opened the back seat door to allow Kaelus to make his long awaited entrance. As her boss strides away, he refers to Mr. Hughes as "Principal Hugs" which the latter doesn't seem to care too much about. Miss Potter follows her superior toward the school, but not before stopping to personally introduce herself to Hughes.
As the trio enter the academy, Miss Potter compliments the Principal on his success at running the place. Of course, the massive fan of Kaelus as Hughes is, he eagerly thanks her for her kind words, believing it to be the highest honor. He follows up with a motto of his "Work hard and you will hardly work.", to which, Miss Potter responds by acknowledging the statement as something she hadn't heard before. Hughes the admits that he made the saying up on the spot and informs her that he may puke from nervousness. Still straight toned as ever, she pleads with him not to, and reassures the pressured Principal that he has nothing to worry about and her boss has indeed been looking forward to visiting the school. Hughes then takes notice of the accompanying men and woman tailing them, and queries about who they are. Miss Potter reveals that they are just Kaelus' personal security force only there for his protection. The principal is confused by this statement, wondering why a famous and powerful man like Able Kaelus needed body gaurds, and she explains to him that they mainly serve as a means of keeping unwanted fans out of the way. It is implied that Miss Potter was referring to Hughes.
Choosing a Successor[]
As Miss Potter and Kaelus enter the auditorium, they are met by the cheering of all the gathered students. Miss Potter retreats backstage to begin preparing for her boss's speech in the coming minutes. Mr. Hughes follows her and begins his attempt at making small talk with her. He mentions how he believes the concept of "love at first sight" is naive and not possible, due to reading about it in a book recently. Miss Potter seemingly has zero interest in what he told her and doesn't reply. When the security team pop into the room a few moments later, they ask her about where they should place a vital piece of machinery that they were carrying. Grateful for the escape from the awkward silence, she instructs them to move it to the right on the stage. The principal asks her about the purpose of the equipment they carried, and if it had anything to do with the security measures they were taking. Miss Potter objected and told him that it was the exam that they planned to utilize to find the right student to be Kaelus's replacement. She explained that it functioned by scanning and logging the abilities of all students in school in its database and then analyzing them to determine the right choice. Taking this into account, Hughes asked if he should go organize the students in preperation for the exam. She sarcastically told the unaware Principal that it would be "super-duper" if he could do that for her.
After Hughes had done his part, Kaelus affirmed to Hughes that his assistant has personally constructed and built the exam machine herself, and that there were no worries to be had about the process. Hughes and Kaelus indulged in a rather short conversation, for which Miss Potter was present. Afterwards, Kaelus asked his right hand woman if the school was ready to be locked down and secure as a safety mesure to ensure that the "paparazzi" couldn't interupt his glorious cermony. She swiftly assured him that it was all clear and they were ready. The oblivious Mr. Hughes was puzzled by the security measures and told the pair that the school was isolated and the media wouldn't get to them. Kaelus nods along as Miss Potter stays near Hughes in case he became too suspicious and they needed to incapacitate him. But, the Principal continues his informative string of sentences by saying they didn't have WiFi except for his office which they were free to use, convincing Miss Potter and Kaelus that he was of no harm to their plan.
As the last students enter their hand prints into the exam, Miss Potter can be seen manning the device and operating it to receive the results. All the while the unsuspecting teen audience continues to shout Kaelus' name. Miss Potter meets Kaelus and notifies Kaelus that all the students in the school had been entered into the system. As the hero makes his extravogant entrance on stage, Miss Potter goes back stage once more.
True Intentions Revealed[]
During Kaelus' speech, he reveals that his choosing someone to take his place was all just simply a ploy for him to become more powerful. The shocked audience gazes upon their former hero in anger and disbelief. At some point, Miss Potter returned to the stage and looked upon the full auditorium. Her boss proclaims that everyone in the room is now his hostage, and that the SSTA would become his own fortress to rule from. It turns out that Miss Potter has designed the machine to remove the superpowers of any being that laid a hand on it. (Considering that the SSTA was the only other pocket of superpowered individuals that could challenge Kaelus) He had become the most powerful human on the face of the Earth in one fell swoop. In no small part to Miss Potter, Kaelus ordered her to lock the school down as he stepped off the stage.
After the speech, Kaelus and Miss Potter left the auditorium. While they are plodding down the empty halls, she takes the time to congratulate her boss on such a clean and swift takover of the school. She then notifies him that the security force had sealed all entrances and exits in the building so that no one could leave nor enter and that all students had been in attendance that day. He was very pleased with Ms. Potter's tying of loose ends and expressed it to her. The pair found a room to become Kaelus's new office from which he would govern his fortress. As they take a seat, Kaelus begins patting himself on the back with how perfect and unflawed he believed their plan to be. That was until Miss Potter abruptly muttered a contradictory "um". This immadiately put her boss on alert, and he expreses his now displeasure at a possible hitch in their plans. She explains to him that only 310 out 316 students were present at the assembly. In response he demands to know where the remaining 6 students are located. She pulls up the school's computer database and discovers that they are serving detention. Miss Potter recommends that he send the security force to retrieve the kids. But Kaelus objects, instead ordering her to capture them much to her dismay, saying that "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar". He instructs her to employ trickery and manipulation in order to bring them to him.
Working For The Detention Squad[]
When Miss Potter arrives at the detention classroom she discovers that Mr. Hughes had prematurely left the assembly to deal with Klon, Metabolism, Andrasta, Déjà Vu and Liv who had been acting disobedient and rowdy. As she came in the feeling of gloom and depression left the air fairly quickly. She cheerily tells the surprised Principal Hughes that Kaelus has personally requested that the group of kids be present at the ceremony. This revelation that his hero wanted him at the assembly sparked hysteric enthusiasm in Déjà Vu, who began high fiving his clones in joy. Miss Potter reassured them that they indeed still have a chance at becoming Kaelus' successor. However, Hughes was not convinced, and was more concerned with his duty as a principal. He told her that he couldn't let her do that. She then attempts to emotionally manipulate the Principal by telling him the invitation even extends to him, and that he quite possibly could become Kaelus' replacement. Hughes still politely declined. Miss Potter was not leaving however. She slammed the door and shot lasers at Hughes' eyes, painfully but temporarily blinding him. All the students looked on in horror as Metabolism asks what she thinks she's doing. Instead of answering, Miss Potter implores the students to come with her. Andrasta yelled at Miss Potter, saying that she was hurting Hughes. Miss Potter turned to Andrasta and suggested to her that she does what she tells her to and make the correct choice. The naturally confrontational Klon then approaches Miss Potter and simply proclaims to her that they are the "bad kids" before blasting her with a plasma orb, rendering her unconcious.
After she is knocked out, the group processes what just happened and they are left with the question of why Kaelus, their hero would do this. Andrasta proclaims that she has an idea on how to get those answers. Andrasta takes advantage of Miss Potter's unconcious state to take control of her mind and force her to tell the teens all of Kaelus' plans. She informs them about the true purpose of the exam, and his need to capture the detentioneers. She then spills the beans of Kaelus' motives for doing so. Metabolism butts in and complains, asking if Andrasta can change her voice because it sounded too robotic and eerie. Andrasta then switches Miss Potter's voice to that of a ditzy & giddy girl. Déjà Vu said that he didn't like that voice, to which Liz agreed and voted to change it again. But before she could the still recovering Mr. Hughes interupted, saying that none of this was helping their current situation. Ignoring the Principal, Metabolism asked to make Miss Potter do an accent. Andrasta changed her voice yet again, this time to a southern cowgirl. While using this mannerism, Miss Potter then told them that Kaelus was willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals, even destroying the school and the students in it. Deja Vu ordered Andrasta to pry any additional information from Miss Potter's head as she could. Andrasta briefly released the still- unconcious Miss Potter while they devised a strategy for taking back the school.
Once Miss Potter eventually returns to the auditorium with the captured teens in tow, Kaelus begins monologing about how brave and stupid teenagers were. Miss Potter claims that they did not come quietly as she descends the steps of the auditorium with her prisoners behind her and a dismayed audience watching. Kaelus then asks who the the extra student was. As Andrasta is still puppeteering Miss Potter, she tells him that her name is Lunam and she has werewolf powers through Miss Potter. Clearly growing suspicious, Kaelous remarks that he had never heard of werewolf powers and that he found the concept ineresting. Lunam states that her ability is unique to her, as he invites her one stage to enter her handprint. As she does this, the team is completely aware of the ruse and Lunam begins fidgeting with the machinery. Kaelus notices and attempts to stop her when Andrasta fires Miss Potter's laser eye beams at him, momentarily blinding him. Kaelus begins blindly firing energy blasts at Lunam as both Liv and Déjà Vu join her on stage. Lunam has trouble punching in the code that will deactivate the exam. In response, Andrasta tells Lunam that she most likely typed it incorrectly as she compels Miss Potter to reiterate the numbers of the code which are 4-2-3. Just as Kaelus recovered his eyesight and is about to kill the trio hacking his machine, Metabolism rams and ragdolls him. Most likely noticing the battle, the security force eventually enters the fray and split up. Andrasta exerted her will over Miss Potter and made her fire upon her comrades, disarming them. As one of the gaurds get too close, Andrasta takes control over him too and fights the remaining member. Unfortunately, Metabolism proves to be no match for Kaelus as he throws the young teen across the room. The plan continues to go down hill when Lunam tells the Detention Squad that no matter the amount of times she puts in the code, it remains unactive. Kaelus quickly forces Lunam's hand onto the exam machine and strips her of her powers before telling the teens that he hadn't even tell Miss Potter the code to the exam machine. He then sent a shockwave across the stage that swept everyone off their feet, knocking down the still controlled Miss Potter and everyone else on the stage. Just as it looked like the end for the super teens however, Klon showed up and engaged in a battle with Kaelus. During the battle, Kaelus blasted Andrasta, freeing Miss Potter from her influence. Klon refused to back down before being forced to leave by Andrasta so he wasn't killed. Miss Potter fired at the retreating kid but failed to hit them as Kaelus laughed and told her, "Teenagers right?" to which she didn't reply.
Hunting The Detention Squad[]
After the stage battle, Miss Potter began searching for the teens throughout the school. She and one of the security team members, Pike were patrolling one of the corridors as she used her X-ray vision to attempt to locate the kids. She deems the hall to be clear before walking away. As it turns out, both Liv and Metabolism had been hiding behind a few cubicles and escaped her sight. It is assumed here that she has recovered from her ordeal at the hands of Andrasta.
Later, she was observed having a short conversation with Pike as they continued to look for the trouble making youths. She asked Pike to fill in the blanks of what she couldn't remember while under Andrasta's influence. The henchmen simply shrugged and unsurely told her that the kid had been controlling her and using her to save the day. Seemingly worried by this, Miss Potter then followed up the question by asking if it had succeeded. An agitated Pike sarcastically asked her if they were still employed, indirectly answering her query. Frustrated, she exclaimed that that was the exact reason no one showed up to his Poker nights.
She was present when Kaelus desired to step up his game by supercharging the security force. Kaelus ordered her to operate the exam machine to grant them the powers that they wanted. As the first one stepped up, he requested an Earthquake ability so he could tear up the school. However, before she could grant the powers Kaelus stopped her. She was told to restrict the power levels to a level 4. The gaurd became angry, telling Kaulus that that breached their terms for working with him. He explained his decision to them by saying that it would be idiotic and absurd to give a bunch of low life criminals abilities of a higher magnitude, for the chance they may betray him. He offered them a take it or leave it deal, and the reluctant gaurds aquiesce to the terms. Miss Potter then used the equipment to empower all 3 members, enabling them to go toe to toe with the Detention Squad.
When Klon, Andrasta and Déjà Vu got into an argument over the details of Klon's past, Klon grew aggravated and stormed out of the room that served as their hiding spot due to the pressure that was being put on him. He lashed out and destroyed a wall, causing a loud bang that alerted Miss Potter and Pike to his location. Pike dashed toward Klon, taking a swing at him with hs nunchucks. Although this didn't last long as he was blasted away easily by Klon. The slower Miss Potter proved much more of a match for Klon as she shot laser beams at him, penetrating his shield and causing him to fly backward and smash into the floor. As the injured Pike got to his feet he began twirling his weapons to create a powerful whirlwind that began to suck the breath out of Klon, killing him slowly. Miss Potter tauntingly strode by the struggling Klon and sarcastically asked him if he was alright. She then noted to him that Pike had taken his breath away, literally. Pike stopped his torture of Klon early however, leaving him incapacitated. Miss Potter then utilized her X-ray vision to look into the room that had been masking Déjà Vu and Andrasta. Recognizing the person that had been in her head, she ordered Pike to collapse the room and kill them. A wounded Klon then stood in defiance and blasted both Miss Potter and Pike into a nearby pile of debris.
Breaking Kaelus Out[]
Sometime after Kaelus' defeat at that hands of the Detention Squad, he was committed to a hospital for mental and physical examination. In the hospital, a police officer and a nurse are speaking with each other while a wheelchair-bound Kaelus sits in the background. The nurse asks if it is safe to be near him and the officer laughs and assures her that they have taken many precautions, like putting a neck brace on him that negates his abilities. The officer then advises her to conduct a small check up on him before they incarcerate him. He laughs again, stating that the former hero had apparently been attacked and defeated by a werewolf. He proceeds to lament the fact that in years past he had gotten Kaelus's autograph and it has cost him alot of time and money just for him to turn out to be a two faced backstabber. The silent nurse is then asked if she believes the signature will ever be worth any sum of money, to which she tells him that she thinks it will. As the officer walks away, the nurse removes her mask and she is revealed to be none other than Miss Potter who locks eyes with her boss.
Able Kaelus[]
Miss Potter is extremely loyal and dedicated to Kaelus. She was a major help to his cause and a irreplacable asset to him. Even Kaelus himself believed so. Unlike most villain-right hand relationships, Miss Potter was respected by Kaelus to some degree, and their relationship was somewhat mutual. She constructed and designed the exam machine for him and helped him hunt down the missing kids, AND she didn't seem to have any qualms with her boss havng all the power to himself. She was even willing to disguise herself and infiltrate a hospital to break her boss out.
While under the teen's control, Miss Potter was obedient, complient and entirely loyal to Andrasta (this can be chalked up to Andrasta's mental domination however). Once freed from her power, Miss Potter took a disliking especially toward Andrasta because she has used her against her will. This desire for revenge even caused her to try and murder the adolescent while her back was turned and she was unaware of the former's presence. Out of all the members of the Detention Squad, Miss Potter definitely held the most hostility toward Andrasta as an enemy.
Although we admittedly didn't see much of their interactions, we can assume that Miss Potter and Pike somewhat have a friendship. Even though Pike is below her in the heirarchy of the team, he remains the only other character other that Hughes and Kaelus himself that she is willing to have a coversation with. Miss Potter does seem to get annoyed with Pike occasionally which may be a result of their respective uses of sarcasm and with. She trusted him enough to ask him about what she had done while under Andrasta's control, and seemed to work well with him in battle as evidenced by their fight with Klon.
Principal Hughes[]
The dynamic that Miss Potter had with Hughes seemed to mostly be that of the deciever and the deceived. She simply kept up fomalities with the geeky principal so that he would trust her more and to quell any suspicion that he may have had over their intentions (although it wasmost likely few and far between factoring in his worship of Kaelus). Most of her body language and tone while around Hughes indicates that she really found him to be annoying, like a bug that wouldn't stop following her around.
Powers and Abilities[]
X-ray Vision[]
This ability manifested as rays of light that beamed out from Miss Potter's eyes. She most often employed it when scanning certain areas while either ensuring Kaelus' safety or when hunting for the missing teens.
Laser Vision[]
Similarly, her laser vision appeared as two seperate beams originating from Miss Potter's eyes. Unlike X-ray vision however, the ability could physically harm others, as shown best when she used it to blind both Hughes and Kaelus. She tended to refer to this power while in combat.
Above Average Intelligence[]
Miss Potter demonstrates her superior itellect on multiple occasions. Using her strategical prowess, she had the foresight to think ahead of the game and sew up all the loose ends in Kaelus' plans, and she had the technical know-how to design and build a machine from scratch that would steal other's superpowers.
Manipulation Skills[]
Miss Potter also is a devious and dangerous manipulator just like her boss. She played Mr. Hughes right into her hands by having him tell his students to essentially hand over all their powers to Kaelus. She also can use emotional manipulation to varying degrees of success, as evidenced when she almost lured Hughes into letting his detention students attend the assembly by dangling the possibility of pleasing his hero over his head.
“ | You have a fantastic school here Mr. Hughes. | „ |
~ Miss Potter complimenting Hughes on his orderly establishment. |
“ | That would be super-duper. Just tell them to place their hand on it and the exam will do the rest. | „ |
~ Miss Potter manipulating the gullible Mr. Hughes into having all students unknowingly give her boss their powers. |
“ | Security has sealed the doors. No one can get in or out. I checked today's attendance and all the kids came to school. | „ |
~ Kaelus receiving a status report from Miss Potter. |
“ | Of course. But as it turns out, Kaelus is not willing to name a successor until he sees the whole school. So he's extended a personal invitation for these students to be tested. | „ |
~ Miss Potter explaining her presence to Hughes. |
“ | Kaelus asked for you yourself to be there Mr. Hughes. He said that he may even choose you. | „ |
~ Miss Potter attempts to manipulate Hughes with his hope and dream. |
“ | I guess we go with Vinegar. | „ |
~ Miss Potter ominously preparing to attack Principal Hughes. |
“ | Kaelus has stolen the abilities of everyone in the school. He just needs yours to complete phase one. Kaelus doesn't want anyone to succeed him. Stealing your abilities is the only way to ensure he is the only ability out there. His guards have locked down the school to keep anyone from getting in or out. Even when the world surrenders, Kaelus will wipe out the entire school as a show of ability. | „ |
~ Miss Potter sharing Kaelus' agenda while under the control of Andrasta. |
“ | Lunam, she's a werewolf. | „ |
~ Andrasta introducing hus friend to Kaelus through Miss Potter. |
“ | You said you were the best. How could you let a bunch of kids take control? Okay Pike, walk me through what happened. | „ |
~ Miss Potter demanding answers for her blank memory. |
“ | This is why nobody goes to your poker nights. | „ |
~ A frustrated Miss Potter insulting Pike. |
“ | You all right? Looks like Pike took your breath away. | „ |
~ Miss Potter jeering Klon and his situation. |
“ | This one gave me a headache. Bring the roof down on them, we don't need to bring them all back. | „ |
~ Miss Potter orders one of the body guards Pike to kill Andrasta and Déjà Vu. |