The Heavy Rider is a supporting antagonist in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. She is one of the Hard-Boiled Heavies, an elite group of robots built by Dr. Eggman who were all empowered by the Phantom Ruby and serve their leader, the Heavy King. She is fought in Lava Reef Zone.
After stumbling upon the Phantom Ruby, the Heavy Rider was given a makeover, giving her the appearance of a knight; her design now reflects a purple knight with a gray helmet as well as three spikes on her chest. She also has red eyes, gray appendages, a black lower torso, and purple forefeet.
Phantom Rider[]
As the Phantom Rider, just like the Phantom Magician, the Heavy Rider's appearance doesn't change. Her Motobug, Jimmy, however, has been upgraded to resemble a motorcycle, giving him significantly large wheels, exhaust pipes, and longer antennas that the Heavy Rider can hold on to.
Like the rest of her allies, the Heavy Rider is rebellious and reckless. However, of all of the Hard-Boiled Heavies, Heavy Rider appears to be the most reckless, being shown as a courageous thrill-seeker who loves doing daring stunts, as seen during her boss fight.
It is also implied that she has somewhat of a playful attitude, often seen by confetti and a loud “YAY!” heard whenever she does stunts during her boss fight.
Sonic Mania[]
Heavy Rider was originally an obedient Egg-Robo who served Dr. Eggman. However, after the Heavy King extracts the Phantom Ruby from below the ground, she, along with the rest of the elite Egg-Robos, had the animals stuck inside of them fuse with their AI, with each animal's individual personality reflected in their appearance. Thus, they transformed into the Hard-Boiled Heavies, and took away the Phantom Ruby.
Heavy Shinobi isn't seen again until Lava Reef Zone Act 2, where she battles Sonic and his friends on her trusty Motobug, Jimmy, while swinging a mace wildly above herself and doing stunts on the various platforms. She is unsuccessful in stopping Sonic, as she is defeated.
Heavy Rider later returns during the final battle in Titanic Monarch Zone, where she has now been modified as the Phantom Rider, where Jimmy has now been upgraded into a powerful motorcycle that engages in a chase between her and Sonic and his friends. Her battle is short-lived, as Sonic and the others beat her before being returned to the battle with the Phantom Egg.
Sonic Mania Plus[]
Shortly after the events of Sonic Forces, the Phantom Rider was revealed to have been destroyed after the final battle in Titanic Monarch Zone and her remains had been left on Angel Island. However, with Classic Sonic's return, the Heavy Magician, who was able to survive being destroyed, steals the Phantom Ruby and gives it to the Phantom King, reviving her and the Phantom Heavies, but reverting them back to their pre-Phantom forms.
Heavy Rider maintains the same role as she did in Sonic Mania, trying to eliminate Sonic and his friends, only to be destroyed once more after the final battle in Titanic Monarch Zone.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Driving skills: The Heavy Rider is shown to drive well, though she does this recklessly to keep up the flair.
- Mace: Her main weapon of choice is her mace which she swings overhead during her boss fight to provide protection for her head. She loses this weapon as the Phantom Rider.
- The Heavy Rider is one of the two members of the Hard-Boiled Heavies to not be male, the other being the Heavy Magician.
- The Heavy Rider is one of the two Phantom Heavies to not gain a physical change to their external appearance.
- The animal that was inside the Heavy Rider was supposedly a monkey named Wocky.
- The Motobug that the Heavy Rider rode, Jimmy, was named after the late Cody Lawerence, otherwise known as Polygon Jim.