Notable Legends
Aliens |
Ape-Men |
Beldams |
Bogeyman |
Bunyips |
Centaurs |
Chupacabra |
Cyclops |
Dragons |
Demons |
Devil |
Dullahan |
Fairies |
Ghosts |
Ghost Pirates |
Ghouls |
Giants |
Goblins |
Golems |
Gremlins |
Grim Reaper |
Hags |
Headless Horseman |
Humans |
Jinn |
Kraken |
Lake Monsters |
Loch Ness Monster |
Medusa |
Minotaur |
Monsters |
Mothman |
Mummies |
Ogres |
Piscine Humanoids |
Revenants |
Sea Monsters |
Sea Serpents |
Sirens |
Skeletons |
Swamp Monsters |
Trolls |
Umibōzu |
Undead |
Vampires |
Wendigo |
Werewolves |
Wyverns |
Yeti |
Humans & Humanoids
Abhartach |
Absalom |
Aigamuxa |
Ajax the Lesser |
Amata |
Ame-onna |
Amaron |
Amnon |
Amulius |
Andvari |
Antaeus |
Atreus |
Aos Si |
Astral Vampires |
Bandits |
Baobhan Siths |
Baron Samedi |
Bean Clan |
Black Rock Witch |
Blair Witch |
Blunderbore |
Bolster |
Busiris |
Cacus |
Cain |
Cassiopeia |
Cercyon |
Circe |
Christie Cleek |
Christman Genipperteinga |
Chullachaki |
Cleek's Clan |
Creon |
Cycnus |
Danaides |
Davy Jones |
Delilah |
Draug |
The Faceless Phantom of Venice |
General Jan Smuts |
Giddianhi |
Goblins |
Goliath |
Gomorrahites |
Green Knight |
Green Man of Knowledge |
Green Witch |
Hags |
Haman the Agagite |
Hanako-San |
Herod the Great |
Herodias |
Horsemen of the Apocalypse |
Humanity |
Iemon |
Ixion |
Jezebel |
Judas Iscariot |
Jure Grando |
Kansa |
King Ahab |
King Arthur |
King Oenomaus |
King Vortigern |
Kuchisake-onna |
Laius |
La Tunda |
Lilith |
Lord William de Soulis |
Louhi |
Lucius Tiberius |
Lycaon |
Marry-san |
Meg of Meldon |
Morag |
Morgan le Fay |
Nanny Rutt |
Nessus |
Orang Minyak |
Otus and Ephialtes |
Pandarus |
Paris |
Phaedra |
The Pharisees |
Pharaoh |
Pisadeira |
Polyphemus |
Procrustes |
Rich Man |
Romans |
Saci |
Saul |
Sawney Bean |
Simeon |
Sciron |
Shechem |
Sinis |
Sko-Ella |
Sodomites |
Soumaoro Kanté |
Tadodaho |
Tamamo no Mae |
Tantalus |
Tepegöz |
Tereus |
Thyestes |
Turnus |
Tydeus |
Yallery Brown |
Ysbaddaden |
Ghosts, Paranormal Beings & Spirits
Bloody Mary |
Bell Witch |
Black Monk of Pontefract |
Banshees |
Crew of the Flying Dutchman |
Crew of the Caleuche |
El Silbón |
El Sombreron |
Captain Van der Decken|
Hanako-San |
Hinnigami |
Lord William de Soulis |
La Llorona |
La Santa Compaña |
La Sayona |
La Viuda |
Tunche |
Teke Teke |
Onryo |
Poltergeists |
Stingy Jack |
Mackenzie Poltergeist |
Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square |
Aliens & Ufology
Aliens (AC) |
Greys |
Giants of Voronezh|
Reptoids |
Hopskinville Goblins |
Flatwoods Monster |
Men in Black |
Abo Ragl Ma Slokha |
Black Annis |
Black Volga's Driver |
Bugbears |
Boggarts |
Baba Yaga |
Coco |
Krampus |
Grýla |
Yule Cat |
Yule Lads |
Sack Man |
Sacamantecas |
Namahage |
Metminwi |
Tokoloshe |
Whipfather |
Wewe Gombel |
Monsters, Animals & Anthropomorphic Beings
Afanc |
Ahuizotl |
Akhlut |
Akkorokamui |
Amarok |
Amemasu |
A-mi’-kuk |
Ao Ao |
Averasboro Gallinipper |
Bakeneko |
Basilisk |
Boneless |
Chaneques |
Chimera |
Cirein-cròin |
Clurichaun |
Cockatrice |
Count Dracula|
Cuegle |
Cuélebre/Culebre |
Devil Monkeys |
Dip |
Dragon |
Dry Body |
El Comelenguas |
Erymanthian Boar |
Escornau |
Fouke Monster |
Giants of Voronezh |
Goblins |
Golden Cicada |
Grendel |
Grendel's Mother |
Groundhogs |
Hidebehind |
Harpies |
Herensuge |
Hydra |
Ijiraq |
Jackalopes |
Jasy Jatere |
J'ba Fofi |
Jiangshi |
Kappa |
Kigatilik |
Kinie Ger |
Kurupi |
Liches |
La Cegua |
Lambton Worm |
Leviathan |
Manticores |
Michigan Dogman |
Mikari Baba |
Monster of Mount Bandai |
Morag |
Mordred |
Morgan le Fay |
Mungoon-Gali |
Nekomata |
Nidhogg |
Ojáncanu |
Onamazu |
Orcs |
Paparrasolla |
Pesanta |
Pombero |
Qallupilluk |
Redcaps (Robin Redcap) |
River Mumma |
Scylla |
Sphinx |
Sigbin |
Stymphalian Birds |
Tailypo |
Tarasque |
Te Wheke-a-Muturangi |
Tikbalang |
Tizheruk |
Thardid Jimbo |
Thinan-malkia |
Tokoloshe |
Trolls |
Trauco |
Tupilaq |
Typhon |
Undead |
Whowie |
Will O' The Wisp
Beast of Bray Road |
Beast of Gévaudan |
Black Eyed Children |
Black Stick Men |
Blue Devil |
Bunyips |
Cherufe |
Chupacabra |
Devil Monkeys |
Dog-headed Men |
Emela-Ntouka |
Enfield Horror |
Fear Liath |
Flatwoods Monster |
Ghosts |
Goatman |
Grafton Monster |
Gremlins |
Greys |
Highgate Vampire |
Hoop Snake |
Indrid Cold |
Jackalopes |
Jersey Devil |
Kelpie of Loch Ness |
Kongamato |
Loch Ness Monster |
Malawi Terror Beast |
Mamlambo |
Manananggal |
Maricoxi |
Mngwa |
Momonjii |
Morag |
Morbach Werewolf |
Mothman |
Nobusuma |
Ogua |
Pale Crawlers |
Pope Lick Monster |
Popobawa |
Pukwudgies |
Rawhead Rex |
Reptoids |
Roc |
Ropen |
Salawa |
Sea Serpents |
Shadow People |
Sheepsquatch |
Slide-Rock Bolter |
Snallygaster |
Spring Heeled Jack |
Tanuki |
Thunderbird |
Two-Toed Tom |
Water Horses |
White-Eyed Children |
Yeti |
Urban Legends
Aliens (AC) |
Amanda the Doll |
Black Goo |
Bloody Mary |
Bubak |
Bunnyman |
Cameraheads |
Carmen Winstead |
Cartoon Cat |
Cartoon Dog |
Charlie |
China Doll |
Clown Doll |
Commander (Russian Sleep Experiment) |
Crisis |
Crying Boy |
Eight Feet Tall |
Eyeless Jack |
Ghost (Johnny, I Want My Liver Back) |
Ghost Trains |
Hairy-Armed Woman |
Hatman |
Herobrine |
1x1x1x1 |
Homey the Clown |
Hook Killer |
Jeff the Killer |
John and Susan Buckley |
Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll |
Judge Angels |
Kankandara |
Karadedeler |
Kidney Thieves |
Kunekune |
Kuchisake-onna |
La Tunda |
Licking Maniac |
The Man Upstairs |
Martinez Dog Demon |
Mary-san |
Melon Heads |
Men in Black |
Momo |
Monkey-Man Of Delhi |
Mystery Killer |
Nain Rouge |
Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square |
Orie Chef |
Paimon |
Patasola |
Robert the Doll |
Test Subjects (The Russian Sleep Experiment) |
The Baby in Yellow |
The Bacteria |
The Gendarmerie Commander |
The Lifeforms |
The Seeker |
This Man |
Ticci-Toby |
SCP Foundation |
SCP-035 |
SCP-049 |
SCP-087-1 |
SCP-087-B Entities |
SCP-096 |
SCP-106 |
SCP-173 |
SCP-343 |
Siren Head |
Smile Dog |
Skinned Tom |
Slender Man |
The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water |
Teke Teke |
Uncle Samsonite
Conspiracy Theories
Illuminati |
Rain Man |
Men in Black
Possessed Objects
Amanda the Doll |
China Doll |
Clown Doll |
Coffin on Wheels |
Curse Jar |
Ghost Trains |
Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll |
Painting of the French War |
Robert the Doll
Theology Legends (Demonology, Gods & Spirits)
Main: Theology Villains
H.P Lovecraft "Cthulhu" Legends
Main: Cthulhu Villains
Creepypasta Legends
Main: Creepypasta Villains |
Backrooms Villains |
Marble Hornets Villains |
Slendrina Villains |
Channel Zero Villains |
Sesseurverse Villains |
Stress Level Zero Villains
SCP Foundation Legends
Main: SCP Foundation Villains
Trevor Henderson Legends
Main: Trevor Henderson Villains
RPC Authority Legends
Main: RPC Authority Villains