Darkness Megabeast Mecha Smog Jouki is a Yodonheim Mashin and a major antagonist in Mashin Sentai Kiramager. It is the personal Mashin of Galza. It was originally Mashin Jouki, the Crystalia Royal Train, until it was corrupted by Galza into a Darkness Megabeast.
Mashin Jouki was originally the royal train of Crystalia, until the Yodonheim invaded, with inside help from Galza, and it was corrupted by Galza with his imaginative powers into Darkness Megabeast Mecha Smog Jouki to serve as his personal Mashin.
Galza took Mashin Jouki to Earth, feigning defection in order to convince Mabushina to hand over the White Kiramai Stone. After his plan to trick Mabushina into giving him the White Kiramai Stone failed, Galza summoned Smog Jouki to do battle against the Kiramagers in Kiramaizin. During the battle, Paleolith Basra, who the Kiramagers had previously been fighting, got in the way, causing Galza in Smog Jouki to destroy it for interfering. Satisfied that he had tested the Kiramagers' strength, Galza left the battle in Smog Jouki to return to the Realm of Darkness.
Later, Galza took Mashin Jouki to Earth to assist Digital Camera Jamen against the Kiramagers. In the process, Smog Jouki ran over Kiramai Pink and knocked her out of her transformation. Galza and Digital Camera Jamen later retreated in Smog Jouki after Digital Camera Jamen's data filled up.