Axe Despar is a Robot Fighter of the Despar Army and an antagonist in episode 13 of Inazuman Flash.
He is voiced by Masaaki Yoshiwara. As the Onibaba, he is voiced by Masaki Kagawa.
Axe Despar was assigned to carry out Despar's "New Blood Plan". As part of the scheme, Axe Despar disguised himself as an Onibaba to kidnap children. He attacked a group of human hikers, killing all four of them. Goro Watari and Makoto Arai eventually went to investigate and found a woman who's baby had been taken by the Onibaba, right before the Onibaba attacked both of them. Goro became Inazuman and fought against the Onibaba, lifting its disguise to reveal it as Axe Despar. Axe Despar and Inazuman then fought, but Inazuman was distracted after their fight injured the mother who Goro was helping. Axe Despar took the opportunity to kidnap Makoto and return to base with both Makoto and the kidnapped child. He was punished by FĂ¼hrer Geisel and the Udespar Brothers for allowing Inazuman to find out about the New Blood Plan, but was given another chance to redeem himself by fighting Inazuman. In their battle, Axe Despar was defeated when Inazuman threw him up the air before blasting him with a lightning bolt called by his Zeber, causing Axe Despar to explode once he hit the ground and reveal the underground chamber where the baby was being held.