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Feng Shui Engine Type Alpha

"I'm through playing around. (遊びは終わりにしようか? Asobi wa owari ni shiyou ka??)"
Juri, Street Fighter IV series

"Here's my best!"
—Juri, Street Fighter V series

"Let's play."
—Juri, Street Fighter 6

The Feng Shui Engine (風水エンジン Fuusui Enjin?) is Juri's first Ultra Combo in the Street Fighter IV series. In Street Fighter V, it's called Feng Shui Engine Type alpha (風水エンジン type alpha Fuusui Enjin taipu arufa?) and serves as her first V-Trigger. In Street Fighter 6 the name is reverted to Feng Shui Engine and is now her Level 2 Super Art.

Street Fighter IV Arcade Stick QCFArcade Stick QCF+Arcade Button Punch x3
Street Fighter V Arcade-Button-HPunch+Arcade-Button-HKick
Street Fighter 6
Arcade Stick QCBArcade Stick QCB+Arcade Button Punch
Street Fighter 6
Arcade-Stick-Left+Modern SP+Modern H


Street Fighter IV series

Executed by pressing two quarter-circle forward motions and all three punch buttons, Juri's eye glows in a purplish light as she licks her lips in a sinister manner.

The move itself causes the Revenge Gauge to become a timer; until the time elapses, Juri draws upon the power of the Feng Shui Engine inside her eye and becomes capable of cancelling and chaining many more attacks than she could otherwise, which means that almost all of her attacks are combo-able.

Street Fighter X Tekken

The Feng Shui Engine appears as Juri's Cross Art, reworked into an attack where after kicking the opponent with an overhead strike, she uses the eyes power to barrage the opponent with strikes faster then the eye can see before kicking them back to her partner.

Street Fighter V

Executed by pressing Heavy Punch and Heavy Kick simultaneously, Juri removes the eyepatch over her left eye and activates the Feng Shui Engine within, thus enhancing her fighting potential by emitting a very powerful ki energy in her attacks.

Street Fighter 6

Executed by performing two quarter-circle back motions and pressing any punch button, Juri bends backwards as her Feng Shui Engine activates. Holding the button causes Juri to dash forward immediately.


This state is sometimes referred to as her "Custom Combo mode" because Juri can create almost any combo she pleases, although not to the extent of other similar moves such as the Seiei Enbu, Soul Illusion and Genei Jin.

In Street Fighter V, this move becomes Juri's first V-Trigger. When activated, Juri neutral and pressure game is amplified drastically. As long as this move is active, Juri can use any of her Fuharenkyaku moves without having to charge or store them. Also, the Light version's projectile gains an additional hit and travels further across the screen. With this enhancement, Juri can perform damaging chain combos with Fuharenkyaku to turn the fight in her favor. However, each special attack costs Juri about 1/3 of her V-Gauge. In order to get the most out of this V-Trigger, she needs to use her special attacks wisely and effectively.

The distance covered in Juri's dashes is also increased. Additionally, Juri can perform normal move chains of equal or stronger power (i.e., LP > LK > MP > MK > HK > HP). Her offensive tools and pressure gains a boost. However, one of the main drawbacks of this V-Trigger is that it is 3-bars, meaning that Juri needs to lose a significant amount of health in order to obtain it. This has since changed in Arcade Edition, where it is now a 2-bar V-Trigger. However, her Fuharenkyaku specials consume even more V-Gauge than before.

In Street Fighter 6, Feng Shui Engine costs two bars of Super Art Gauge, making it possible to use Sakkai Fuhazan while active. The timer is now set to a minimum of 10 seconds, pausing briefly while the opponent is in hitstop or blockstop. Juri can prolong the duration with continuous pressure or converting off stray hits, further bolstering her rushdown game. The dash from the initial activation can be cancelled into any normal, letting her stay safe on block and continue combos on hit.



  • The IV version of this gives Juri the ability to emulate the old Chain Combo mechanic.


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