- "Everything I tell you is a lie. Every question I ask is a trick. You will find no truth in me."
- ―Vergere, to Jacen Solo
Vergere (pronounced /vɚ'ʒɪɹ/) was a Fosh female Jedi Knight-turned-Sith in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. She was the former Padawan of Jedi Master Thracia Cho Leem and disappeared in 30 BBY, finding the Yuuzhan Vong on Zonama Sekot and secretly living with them for half a century.
During the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Vergere reappeared and tortured Jacen Solo, wanting to turn him into a future Sith apprentice. She was hunted by the New Republic and hid herself, helping Warmaster Tsavong Lah and other Yuuzhan Vong as well as Solo. At the climactic Battle of Ebaq, she returned to the light side of the Force and sacrificed herself, killing many Yuuzhan Vong to save Solo.
By 40 ABY, the Sith revealed that Vergere had also, secretly, been one of them. Eventually, Vergere's training helped turn Solo into Darth Caedus, the Dark Lord of the Sith.
Jedi career[]
- "Is it what the teacher teaches or what the student learns?"
- ―Vergere, to Jacen Solo
Almost immediately after she hatched, Vergere was taken under the wing of Jedi Master Thracia Cho Leem, who later instructed her in the ways of the Jedi.[5] In 33 BBY, Vergere was part of a Jedi task force sent to Asmeru by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum to capture the leaders of the Nebula Front.[4]
According to an account given by Lumiya to Jacen Solo in 40 ABY, Vergere was a rogue student, secretly studying sources outside of approved Jedi doctrine. Lumiya claimed that Vergere's studies of other rogue Jedi, including Count Dooku, had led her to Darth Sidious, and at some point between 32 BBY and 29 BBY, Vergere became a student of the Sith Lord. According to Lumiya, Vergere subsequently attempted to kill Sidious when she discovered the extent of his megalomania, but her murder attempt failed, forcing her to flee from his assassins, accepting a mission from the Jedi Council to Zonama Sekot, where she was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong.[6] It is noteworthy that scholars of the New Jedi Order independently also concluded that Vergere could have been a Sith agent and failed apprentice to Palpatine.[9]

Vergere is captured by the Yuuzhan Vong.
In 30 BBY, the Jedi Council received reports of an attack on the beautiful and mysterious Zonama Sekot, which was known for making incredibly fast spaceships. Vergere was sent to investigate by the Council, and when she arrived, she discovered that the alien invaders, the Yuuzhan Vong, who were intent on gaining the secrets of the planet's organic technology, were far stranger than she had expected. The Yuuzhan Vong could not be felt through the Force and like the Ferroan colonists on Zonama Sekot, they used biological technology for ships. On top of that Vergere learned that they were actually from another galaxy.[5]
Vergere learned that the Yuuzhan Vong desired to rule more than just Zonama Sekot; they hoped to control the galaxy. When the Ferroans did not comply with their wishes, the Yuuzhan Vong opened fire on the planet. Realizing that the Galactic Republic and the Jedi were not prepared to fight such powerful creatures, Vergere agreed to leave with them if they would break off their attack. Amazed by her Jedi talents, which she told them came from Zonama Sekot, the Yuuzhan Vong eagerly agreed.[5]
A year later, the Jedi Council dispatched Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to Zonama Sekot in an attempt to discover what had happened to her, to no avail.[5] Two years after that, the prospect of discovering her whereabouts was part of the impetus that led to the launching of Outbound Flight.[10]
Life with the Yuuzhan Vong[]

Vergere meets A'Sharad Hett.
Over the next fifty years, Vergere lived with the Yuuzhan Vong, teaching them about the Republic and the Jedi while secretly building up a collection of information about the extragalactic aliens themselves. Vergere was able to avoid having her Jedi powers detected by the Force-sensing Yuuzhan Vong war coordinators, the yammosks, by learning to "make herself small." Vergere would shrink her presence in the Force to a microscopic size, where she was almost undetectable. In this state she could also modify tiny things like molecules. Vergere became a familiar of Yuuzhan Vong Priestess Falung, and later of the Priestess Elan. She also destroyed her lightsaber, hiding her affiliation with the Jedi Order.
At some point, she also met another Priestess of the Deception sect known as Ngaaluh. During that time the two talked and debated with the outcome resulting in the Priestess having doubt about Yuuzhan Vong society as well as Supreme Overlord Shimrra. This would shape her actions during the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.[11]
The Invasion[]
- "I am Vergere. What are you?"
- ―Vergere, to Jacen Solo
When the Yuuzhan Vong decided to begin their invasion of the galaxy, Vergere traveled with Elan on several missions and continued to aid the Yuuzhan Vong. During this time, she also encountered the captured A'Sharad Hett, whom she initially mistook for his father, Sharad Hett, whom she had known during her time as a Jedi. With Hett captured in the Yuuzhan Vong Embrace of Pain, Vergere pushed him towards the dark side and also discussed with him the future of the Sith Order. However, Vergere abandoned Hett as he refused to follow Darth Bane's Rule of Two, but sought to recreate the Sith once again under the Rule of One. Afterwards, Vergere would focus on reshaping Jacen Solo as a Sith Lord.
Vergere accompanied her mistress on a covert operation in which they posed as defectors from the Yuuzhan Vong and sought political asylum with the New Republic. In fact Elan's real objective was to obtain a meeting with the Jedi and eliminate them using a bo'tous spore bioweapon hidden in her lungs.
The Peace Brigade had not been informed of the Yuuzhan Vong plan and sought to retrieve the defectors in the hope of pleasing their masters. They successfully captured Elan and Vergere, and Elan was forced to use the bo'tous spores to eliminate them.
Han Solo rescued them from the Peace Brigade shuttle, but realizing their defection was a ploy he fought with Elan and she was killed by her own bioweapon. Vergere fled in a Millennium Falcon escape pod. Before jettisoning, she threw Solo a vial of her tears, which would be used later to slow the deadly coomb spore disease contracted by Mara Jade Skywalker.
Alliance with Lumiya[]
- "The dark side corrupts, the Sith are inevitably drawn to evil."
"I can prove one who isn't." - ―Jacen Solo and Lumiya

After this, Vergere made contact with Lumiya, the self-proclaimed Dark Lady of the Sith since the death of Sidious, and trained her in the ways of the Sith.[7] The events of this period are unclear, with two accounts being provided, one from Lumiya and the other from her rivals, the followers of the New Sith Order.
According to Lumiya, she and Vergere discussed possibilities for creating a new Sith Lord, dismissing Luke Skywalker as being too dogmatic, Leia Organa Solo as being too afraid of her father, Jaina Solo too emotional, Mara Jade too attached, and Kyp Durron as too unpredictable and stubborn. They finally settled on Jacen Solo.
The New Sith Order agreed that Lumiya and Vergere decided to make Jacen into a Sith Lord at this point, but they claim that this was a deliberate rejection of the One Sith plan, a plan which both of them were aware of. According to their version, the initiative in this came from Lumiya, who argued to Vergere that One Sith's long-term plan would be undermined by the rising power of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order.
Lumiya had been invited to join One Sith on Korriban, and had apparently been en route when she was cut off by the rapid Yuuzhan Vong advance, but her emphasis on the Rule of Two may suggest that her opposition to the rival group also had an ideological aspect. She did not follow up on their subsequent invitation to join them, and she did not mention the existence of the organization to Jacen. Although she intimated to Alema Rar in 40 ABY that her plan for Jacen could survive without her, she seemed to have privately considered herself very much alone in her project.
In all this, Vergere's true intentions are hidden behind the agendas of the other participants. All that is known is that she made contact with Lumiya, who seems to have been ideologically opposed to the new Sith Order on Korriban, and she subsequently chose to re-train Jacen in opposition to their plans.
Jacen Solo[]
- "Vergere sacrificed herself so you could assume the Sith mantle she wanted for you."
- ―Lumiya, to Jacen Solo
After returning to the Yuuzhan Vong, Vergere rose through their ranks, becoming an adviser to Warmaster Tsavong Lah and an important rival to Nom Anor, whom she was partnered with on a mission to Myrkr with orders to capture the Solo twins. From the Yuuzhan Vong point of view, the mission turned out to be only a partial success, as only one of the twins, Jedi Knight Jacen Solo, was captured. Vergere took a great interest in the young Jedi, torturing Jacen using the methods of pain that the Yuuzhan Vong had perfected. Through this torture Jacen came to understand the ways and motives of the Yuuzhan Vong. Jacen became Vergere's apprentice, and she passed on to him her unique philosophies and theories about the Force that could return true order and stability to the galaxy. Vergere stressed to Jacen the concept that the Force itself is neutral and that all bad and dark motives come from the Force user who uses his or her abilities with wrong and selfish desires.[8]

The unlikely pair hatched a plan to sabotage the Yuuzhan Vong terraforming of Coruscant. The city-covered world had been captured by the Yuuzhan Vong and was slowly being transformed into a jungle planet reminiscent of Yuuzhan'tar, the extra-galactic world that the Yuuzhan Vong had originated from. Jacen had established a psychic connection with the World Brain, the controller of the terraforming process, when it had been a seedling. Using this connection the two were able to wreak havoc on the Yuuzhan Vong-held planet and eventually escape Coruscant.[8]
Vergere and Jacen returned to what was left of the New Republic. Suspicious of her motives, the New Republic authorities imprisoned her for a time while they determined whether she was a defector or a spy. During her internment Vergere had several discussions with Jacen's uncle Luke about the nature of the Force and the Yuuzhan Vong. Luke wondered why they were seemingly outside of the Force, and whether they deserved the same rights as others. She convinced him that they did, changing some of his opinions concerning the Jedi Order's part in the war. Soon after Vergere was released, she learned of the deadly Alpha Red bio-weapon and destroyed it using the chemical properties of her tears, which led the New Republic to label her as an enemy and force her into hiding.[1]
Vergere eluded New Republic forces by contacting Jacen Solo and rendezvousing with him on Kashyyyk. Returning to the Bothan battle cruiser he was stationed on, Jacen kept Vergere hidden in his personal X-wing fighter and later a storage bin in his quarters. The battle group engaged in raids against the Yuuzhan Vong while en route to Ebaq 9, where Jacen was to participate in a hazardous mission against the Yuuzhan Vong. During the Battle of Ebaq 9, Vergere tricked the Yuuzhan Vong into allowing her to get close to their base. Sensing Jacen was in mortal danger, she stole an A-wing starfighter from the Bothan Assault Cruiser Ralroost and crashed it into machinery at the entrance to the mining shaft that contained the Yuuzhan Vong legion that was hunting Jaina Solo, her Twin Suns Squadron, and her brother Jacen. Despite crashing into mining machinery, the remnants of the fighter sped through the mining shaft, depressurizing the shaft and spreading radioactive contamination, the former of which killed the Yuuzhan Vong, except Warmaster Tsavong Lah. Lah's subalterns managed to save him by bonding him with his gnullith and his ooglith cloaker. He was later killed in combat by Jaina Solo. Vergere appeared to Jacen shortly after her death to warn him, and remained with him for a time after to answer his questions. Vergere and Luke believed that he had a special destiny, and that she needed to aid him in finding it.[1]
- "Vergere was a Sith?"
"You didn't know that? I thought you were Lumiya's apprentice?" - ―Alema Rar and an Unidentified Sith woman
In 40 ABY, Lumiya lured Jacen Solo, his cousin Ben Skywalker, and Jedi Nelani Dinn to the alleged ancient home of Darth Vectivus. She convinced Jacen of Vergere's association with the Sith. Following this, Jacen agreed to learn about the Sith philosophy from Lumiya and, murdering Dinn to prevent Lumiya's arrest and wiping Ben's memory to assure no knowledge of the events would spread, left to make time for his instruction and to search for a Sith apprentice.[6] Lumiya later told Jacen that she and Vergere had looked at all the members of the Skywalker family and Kyp Durron as potential apprentices until he was chosen.
A few months later, Alema Rar, claiming to be Lumiya's apprentice, encountered members of the new Sith Order on Korriban. They spoke casually of Vergere's alliance with Lumiya, leading the shocked Twi'lek to ask if the Fosh Jedi had been a Sith. They responded to this as if it was something they would have expected her to know, but their account carefully avoided focusing attention on Lumiya's decision to go against their plans—and if they knew of Lumiya's support for the Rule of Two, they must have known that she would not have made Alema her apprentice alongside Jacen.[12]
However, Lumiya's and Vergere's long-laid plans eventually came to naught; Jacen, now the Sith Lord Darth Caedus, would be killed in a fierce lightsaber duel with Jaina Solo, while his own apprentice, Tahiri Veila, would be redeemed by Ben Skywalker.[13]
Personality and traits[]

Vergere generally preferred to listen but would speak about things she felt were important. During her youth, Vergere was described as a rebellious rogue, who was known to study doctrine that was not approved of by most Jedi and she eventually caught the attention of Darth Sidious. However, she tried to assassinate Sidious after discovering the extent of his megalomania and also persuaded the Yuuzhan Vong to leave Zonama Sekot.[5]
As Jacen Solo's mentor, Vergere was a paradoxical being, being both a torturer and motherly figure and a deceiver and mentor to Jacen Solo. She actually admitted to Jacen Solo that she was a liar and a trickster and claimed that Solo would find no truth in her, while also encouraging Jacen to reach conclusions regarding his role in the pantheon of Force users on his own: "choose, and act". Her moral ambiguity kept Jacen on his toes; after forcing Jacen to his mental and physical limit during the boy's extended tenure as her captive, she would disarm him with her warm and inviting touch and aura.
She was not sadistic and expressed regret at having to torture Jacen Solo but believed it was necessary to teach him the "truth" about the Force.[1] Though Vergere was known to use torture at times, notably on Jacen Solo and A'Sharad Hett, Vergere also didn't agree with A'Sharad Hett's suggestion to recreate the Sith Order under the Rule of One, instead believing in Darth Bane's Rule of Two.
Powers and abilities[]
Like others of her species, Vergere possessed the ability to use her tears in a variety of ways, including as an antidote against various poisons and disease, as well as its own brand of poison.[8]
During her youth, Vergere was trained as a Jedi Consular and therefore preferred to focus on her Force powers, though she was able to wield a lightsaber with enough skill to use a lightsaber to block a bolt of Jaina's lightning and flee the battle.[14] She possessed the ability to shrink her presence in the Force, making her almost undetectable to Force Sense and used this ability after meeting the Yuuzhan Vong. Vergere was also notable for being able to use the very rare Sever Force power, utilizing it on Jacen Solo during his time as her captive and forcing him to rely on his innate empathetic abilities.[8]
Despite turning to the dark side, Vergere was able to become a Force Ghost after her death.[1]
Behind the scenes[]
Character origins[]
Vergere was created by James Luceno for the New Jedi Order series, but was first mentioned in Rogue Planet by Greg Bear.[15]
Vergere has become a source of contention between readers of the New Jedi Order series; the character strongly differs from the Jedi Order in both her actions and her beliefs. Vergere allowed the Yuuzhan Vong to torture a captive Jacen Solo, leaving it ambiguous if she condoned, was indifferent to, or was attempting to moderate Jacen's suffering. Vergere also raised doubts about the role of dark side corruption and criticized the Jedi Order.[8] These actions and beliefs can be explained in that Vergere was intentionally created to fill the role of an unorthodox teacher for Jacen.[16]
In The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way, Vergere herself voiced regret about torturing Jacen Solo, but expressed that it was the only way to teach him the "truth" about the Force. Some reasons for her harshness are also offered in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. In an interview after Legacy of the Force: Inferno—the sixth book in the series—the writers mentioned that there was no "uberplot" between their books and the Dark Nest Trilogy, much less the New Jedi Order series.[17] Matthew Stover, the author of Traitor, stated on his personal blog that he did not wish to express an opinion on Jacen's or Vergere's actions, as he did not want his opinion to be used as a source to validate or invalidate the opinions of other fans regarding the motivations and actions of the two characters.[18]
Prior to the release of Legacy of the Force, Vergere's allegiance to the light or dark sides of the Force was left ambiguous. However, in Inferno, Lumiya claimed that Vergere had fallen to the dark side, and was her Sith master. This meant that, as she was working with Jacen Solo, she may have been attempting to mislead him and turn him away from the light. It is unknown exactly how or when Vergere would have received Sith training, and the only current in-universe source for Vergere being a Sith are Lumiya and Darth Krayt's One Sith, darksiders themselves and potentially untrustworthy. However, Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force states that members of the New Jedi Order, who had had no contact with Lumiya or her story, also believed Vergere to be a Sith. The article Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 1: Portrayal by Wizards of the Coast was the first out-of-universe source confirming Vergere as a Sith.[7] The most likely explanation for these seemingly contradictory statements about Vergere's affiliation is that most Jedi and Sith would either accept or reject her teachings entirely as part of the binary view of the Force traditionally accepted both inside and outside the Star Wars universe, and challenged by Vergere and Jacen Solo.
In The New Essential Guide to Alien Species, Vergere is shown with knees bending outward, while in the New Jedi Order Novels it is stated Vergere's knees are reverse articulating (like a bird).
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3
Vergere in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 The New Essential Guide to Characters
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Cloak of Deception
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Rogue Planet
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Legacy of the Force: Betrayal
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2
"Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 1: Portrayal" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 The New Jedi Order: Traitor
- ↑ Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
- ↑ Outbound Flight
- ↑ The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Legacy of the Force: Inferno
- ↑ Legacy of the Force: Invincible
- ↑ The New Jedi Order: Star by Star
- ↑
Books, Comics, & Television VIPs on StarWars.com Message Boards. Posted by Sue Rostoni on March 25, 2003 at 9:36 AM. (content now obsolete; backup link) "Vergere: Jim Luceno created her and came up with her species and "look" and her name. We asked Greg to include a reference to her in Rogue Planet so that we could introduce her again later. She is a very important character and a window into the Old Republic for these "new" Jedi."
- ↑ Star Wars: New Jedi Order Round-Robin Interview
- ↑ Star Wars: Legacy of the Force Round-Robin Interview
- ↑
StoverBlog — Friday, August 22 on Blogspot (backup link)