


This is the talk page for the article "Eclipse-class dreadnought."

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Should this article be titled Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer? This is the way it appears in both versions of the EGVV, new and old. The Super Star Destroyer article does refer to the Eclipse as an SSD. If we do go with that, the names of the Executor and Soveriegn classes would need to be changed too. Shadowtrooper talk 17:08, 4 Aug 2005 (UTC)

  • Technically, any starships larger than a standard Star Destroyer is referred to as a Star Dreadnought. But these classes can still be called "Super Star Destroyers" because both titles are very similar to each other. So, the article's title should remain the way it is. Cmdr. J. Nebulax 19:29, 4 Aug 2005 (UTC)
    • "Super Star Destroyer" has been used for everything over 1.6km long. Star Dreadnought seems to be reserved for the very largest warships; the smallest Star Dreadnought size known is 15km. -Vermilion 04:37, 5 Aug 2005 (UTC)
    • SSD seems to refer more to a design-line than a proper classification (since there are so many varied types of ships called this), just like 'Star Destroyer' is not only a classification of a certain type of ship, but a general reference to the design-line of wedge-shaped ships developed first by the Republic, then by the Empire. IRL, 'Dreadnought' would refer to the most heavily armed battleships. It fits in nicely with what we see of the Executors and Eclipses, only with a 'Star'-prefix. There are also several canonical 'Star Battlecruisers', which fit in between that of Cruiser and Battleship (going by RL terms). Funny enough, the old Marvel SW also called the Executor a 'Star Battlecruiser', but that was before it was decided by Lucas Licensing how big and how well-armed ships of this class really were.VT-16 15:17, 1 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Um... a lot of that is fan interpretation. All we know from canon about Star Dreadnaughts is what the ICS books say about the Mandy ("multi-mile") and Mandy-II (regarded in some unspecified context as having the combat value of 200 VenStars, 160 VicStars, or, by inference, about 80 ImpStars or 300 Strike Cruisers), coupled with the assumption based on ItW's "ultimate Star Dreadnaught" line the that the term is now 'correct' for the Ex. It can be noted that the battlecruisers seen on screen (Marvel comics) are significantly smaller, and are also called "Star Destroyers", without qualification (as indeed are Executor and Eclipse).--McEwok 15:54, 1 Sep 2005 (UTC)

  • "Without classification"? I just told you what it was called in the story! [Redacted by administration] VT-16 13:47, 2 Sep 2005 (UTC)
  • Um... "witout qualification" doesn't mean "without classification"; it means that these "battlecruisers" are called "Star Destroyers", and simply "Star Destroyers", as opposed to "Super Star Destroyers", "Pocket Star Destroyers", etc. I'm sorry if you didn't understand my meaning. --McEwok 13:45, 14 Sep 2005 (UTC)

Speaking personally, I'd also be in favour of removing "Star Dreadnaught" from at least the Eclipse and Sovereign articles. Yes, anyone who knows me here probably knows I think the whole Saxtonian "can't be a destroyer" idea is based on several non-canon assumptions and a deliberate misreading of canon evidence. But varying attitudes exist to the "Star Dreadnaught" and "Super Star Destroyer" classifications, involving different interpretations of the LFL canon policy, official publications, fansites, and common sense. If we're adhering strictly to canon evidence I know of no direct canon reference to any of the Dark Empire ships as Star Dreadnaughts: we do not know their technical designation for certain; but "Super Star Destroyer" remains at least the "popular" term, as used in the DESB, EGtVV and the NEGtVV (anyone know what the Dark Horse DE Handbook says?). For comparison, the Wiki page-titles for the Kirov-class and Deutschland-class use the 'popular' designations "battlecrusier" and "pocket battleship" in place of the more technically correct "cruiser" and "Panzerschiffe"... --McEwok 15:54, 1 Sep 2005 (UTC) Of course the Eclipse and Sovereign-classes were never called Star Dreadnaughts, because they came out a long time before Saxton got to put that term into canon. However, an analysis of canon information shows that they are Star Dreadnaughts. The term "Super Star Destroyer" is just useless slang. Star Dreadnaughts are the ultimate warship classification according to ITW, and the Executor is a Star Dreadnaught. Both the Eclipse and Sovereign are larger and more powerful than the Executor, which they replaced as the ultimate warships in the Empire. JimRaynor55 16:48, 1 Sep 2005 (UTC)

    • All argument, not proof. Other sources show that "Super Star Destroyer" is not limited to "Rebel slang", which means you can't use the ItW to dismiss that term outright. Other sources aslo call Eclipse-class and Sovereign-class ships simply Star Destroyers. And there is no way to know whether the phrase "ultimate Star Dreadnoughts like the Executor" means that some or all "Star Dreadnoughts" are ex definitio "ultimate" in some sense, or whether the ships like the Ex are both "ultimate" and "Star Dreadnoughts", without the two concepts being linked. Quite apart from the fact that the idiom of ths paragraph is demonstrably rhetorical rather than clear and technical, designation systems are not fixed and immutable - note, for instance, the "Attack Cruiser" / "Star Destroyer" alternates for the VenStar. --13:45, 14 Sep 2005 (UTC)
  • Yes, since both the Eclipse and the Sovereign are more heavily armored and armed than even the Executor-class, they do deserve the title 'Star Dreadnought. VT-16 13:47, 2 Sep 2005 (UTC)
    • So? As I said here: The firepower of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer exceeds that of an MC80 Star Cruiser. The "frigates" built by the USN in the '60s and '70s were larger than contemporary destroyers, and some of them employed the state-based naming-pattern traditionally the preserve of battleships: although reclassified as cruisers in 1975, this only serves to prove that warship designation schemes are not fixed according to any one peramenent system. This means that we must base the designations we accord these ships on specific evidence, not, abstract theories. And there is no canon evidence for the Star Dreadnought classification being applied to Sovereign-class or Eclipse-class ships. The latest reference I know of, dating from April, describes the Eclipse and Sovereign as "Star Destroyers", and as larger than "Super Star Destroyers". This may change, or it may not. In the meantime, is there some formal procedure I should go through to propose changinmg these titles round to avoid these pages being headed by a fanon designation, which is the situation at present? --McEwok 13:33, 14 Sep 2005 (UTC)
      • The firepower of an Imperial-class Star Destroyer exceeds that of an MC80 Star Cruiser.
Since Mon Calamari and the Galactic Republic/Empire do not follow the same classification systems, I don´t see any relevance in mentioning this. I think your brain´s been overworked recently. VT-16 18:02, 14 Sep 2005 (UTC)
Post. Proof. Or. Retract. --McEwok 19:26, 14 Sep 2005 (UTC)
P.S. Would you rather that I gave you "destroyers" larger than cruisers? Or the canonical WEG definition of "cruiser" as a basic term for all ships 400m and upwards? Or cruisers reclassified as frigates? Or, simply, the fact that an alternative designation for the Ex exists, namely (Super) Star Destroyer, and we regularly find that applied to the later classes? --McEwok 19:26, 14 Sep 2005 (UTC)
Post. Proof. Or. Retract
Home One-style ships are called 'battleships' in the Star Wars Trilogy Scrapbook: The Rebel Alliance, but most of the time they are referred to as 'star cruisers'. In fact most Mon Cal ships are called just that, similar to every Imperial ship being called 'star destroyer'. The smallest Mon Cal cruiser, was just 500 m long, half the length of the more common 1200-1300 m long MC-80/MC-90 cruisers. It was called a 'light cruiser'. They´ve ranged in size from 500 m to a couple of km, the largest of which was called a 'battle cruiser'. Generally, their classification system sits in the middle, between the common Galactic scale with 'cruiser' describing most warships that focus on guns over fighters, and the Imperial scale, which has Star Frigates at 600-700 m, Star Destroyers at 900-2200 (since the Allegiance-type ships perform standard escort duty for a larger ship, like RL destroyers), Star Cruisers above that (according to ITW:OT), Star Battlecruisers and eventually, Star Dreadnoughts at the top. VT-16 01:43, 17 Sep 2005 (UTC)
So, um... how does that prove that the Mon Cal "Star Cruisers" and Imperial "Star Destroyers" aren't part of the same classification system? It's just fanalysis! And, more on-topic... does anyone have canon citations to show that Eclipse is a KDY design.... --McEwok 16:57, 3 Nov 2005 (UTC)

The Eclipse's stats from the Dark Empire Sourcebook...

The Eclipse

Craft: KDY’s Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer

Type: Super Star Destroyer

Scale: Capital

Length: 17,500 meters

Skill: Capital ship piloting: Super Star Destroyer

Crew: 708,470. gunners: 4,175, skeleton: 88,500/+10

Crew Skill: Astrogation 5D, capital ship gunnery 5D, capital ship piloting 6D, capital ship shields 4D+2, sensors 4D+1

Passengers: 150,000 (troops)

Cargo Capacity: 600,000 metric tons

Consumables: 10 years

Cost: Not available for sale

Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2

Hyperdrive Backup: x6

Nav Computer: Yes

Maneuverability: 1D

Space: 4

Hull: 15D+2

Shields: 11D+1


Passive: 250/2D

Scan: 350/3D

Search: 500/4D

Focus: 75/5D


Axial Superlaser

Fire Arc: Front

Crew: 75

Scale: Death Star

Skill: Capital ship gunnery: superlaser

Fire Control: 5D

Space Range: 5 25/75/150

Damage: Gradational output can fire once every minute at minimum energy (1D damage). It can also build a charge of 1D per minute up to 8D. Current reactor can only generate 11D total per day.

550 Heavy Laser Cannons

Fire Arc: 200 front. 150 left. 150 right, 50 back

Crew: 4

Skill: Capital ship gunnery

Fire Control: 2D

Space Range: 3-15/35/75

Atmosphere Range: 6-15/72/150KM

Damage: 8D

500 Turbolaser Batteries

Fire Arc: 150 front, 125 left. 125 right. 100 back

Crew: 2

Scale: Starfighter

Skill: Starship Gunnery

Fire Control: 4D

Space Range: 3-15/36/75

Atmosphere Range: 600-1.5/7/15KM

Damage: 5D

75 Ion Cannon

Fire Arc: 25 front. 25 left. 25 right

Crew: 4

Skill: Capital ship gunnery

Fire Control: 2D+2

Space Range: 1-10/25/50

Atmosphere Range: 2-20/50/100KM

Damage: 3D

100 Tractor Beam Emplacements

Fire Arc: 55 front, 20 left. 20 right, 5 back

Crew: 5

Skill: Capital ship gunnery

Fire Control: 4D

Space Range: 1-5/15/30

Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60 KM

Damage: 6D

10 Gravity Well Projectors

Fire Arc: 3 front, 2 left, 2 right, 3 back

Crew: 10

Skill: Capital ship gunnery: gravity well projector

Fire Control: 4D

Space Range: 1-5/15/30

Damage: Blocks hyperspace travel*

See pages 18-20 of Wanted by Cracken for complete rules.

I know you didn't actually -ask- for all of that...but I thought different parts would be relevant other than the fact that it says KDY in it. :) --Jaymach Ral'Tir 18:26, 3 Nov 2005 (UTC)

  • Thanks! So that's KDY established for this 'un - same for the Sovvy-class? And does anything else (NEGtVV) say any different on any of the stats (eg. length, armament)? -- 20:49, 3 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Why have the Eclipse and Sovereign articles been moved to "-class Star Destroyer"? Even ignoring the whole Star Dreadnaught thing and trying to stick to ONLY what we see in canon, they're both called "-class Super Star Destroyer". The Super is important, because even though we know it's slang, it says that these classes are not regular Star Destroyers. JimRaynor55 16:14, 31 January 2006 (UTC)

Size of the Eclipse[]

It is noted that the Eclipse is larger than the Executor, but starwars.com lists the Executor as being 19 km long.--Swali 05:53, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

  • The Eclipse-class is not longer than the Executor-class, but it is much more massive (compare an Eclipse and Executor side-by-side). An Eclipse-class is 17.5 kilometers or so, and an Executor-class is 19 kilometers or so, give or take a few hundred meters. -Danik Kreldin 06:01, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

According to the Dark Empire Sourcebook (by WEG), as it says above, the length of the Eclipse-Class is 17.5 km. However, in the Imperial Sourcebook (also made by WEG), it states that the Executor is 8 km. It has now been reasoned that Executor-class / Super-class Star Destroyer were in fact much longer than this, appoaching 19 km. Could it not be assumed, then, that this reported length is greater than 17.5 km? Another logical thread: Would the Emperor really build a shorter ship that reqires nearly three times the crew (280,000 vs. 700,000)? -Nick2253 04:47, 28 April 2006 (UTC)

  • Not the stupid "Super-class Star Destroyer" nonsense again... And the Eclipse-class definitely has to be larger than Executor. Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 11:14, 28 April 2006 (UTC)
    • Executor is 19km because the movies show it at that size. There is no alternative scaling available for the Eclipse, so there's no basis for changing her length. The reason Eclipse has more firepower and more crew is because the class has significantly more volume than the relatively skinny Executor-class. (I must admit, though, that I like the idea of scaling her up proportionally. The 19km Executor is 2.375 times longer than the old 8km measurement, so scaling up by the same factor would make Eclipse 41.6 km long. http://media.ign.com/boardfaces/4.gif) -- Darth Culator 12:59, 28 April 2006 (UTC)
  • Looking at the sources, WEG seemed to always equate Super-class Star Destroyer with Super Star Destroyer, so that Super-class article serves no real purpose, imho. And the mention of Super-class Star Destroyers being 8 km long in "Dark Nest" doesn't automatically mean there is such a separate class. More than likely the author in question didn't bother to check for revisions. (If there's anything I've learned from the clone-debacle, it's that authors do admit to not reading up on everything before writing.)
Anyway, back on-topic, the Eclipse is much like the XR-85 tank droid. When the statement of it being twice the height of an AT-AT was put into question, it was due to the old 15 m height being changed to 22.5 m. The only visual evidence (Dark Empire) had AT-ATs right behind it, and it sure didn't look twice the size of them, so it would still be 30 m tall. Same would apply to Eclipse. The only thing is, that there's hardly any frames that help compare the Eclipses with known ships. The only one I can think of, in Empire's End, has a ship that might be an ISD going behind its enginebank. (But its siluoette doesn't exactly fit the ISD-profile). VT-16 22:24, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
  • Could you supply us with an image? Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 22:26, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
    • It's the Eclipse II profile image, actually. :D VT-16 22:42, 2 May 2006 (UTC)
      • Oh, thank you. Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 00:55, 3 May 2006 (UTC)
        • I hate to bring fanon into this but the way it seems like given the Essential Chronology's description of the half-completed Eclipse I being forced to flee Kuat when the New Republic threatened to capture it, it seems like the Eclipse was supposed to be twice as long as the Executor but there wasn't enough time to build one massive ship so the builders built two smaller Eclipse's, each half as long and half as a deep as the original. If they'd had time that's what it'd have been, the Dark Empire Sourcebook's image, but in reality it wasn't. Again, sorry about the fanon I certainly didn't add any of this to the actual entry because it's unprovable. It's just my way of looking at it without having to go back on the length stated in DE. --Anguirus111 22:53, 6 September 2006 (UTC)
          • You're confusing me. What are you talking about? Fleet Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 22:55, 6 September 2006 (UTC)
            • Forget it. It was a bad explanation for an unsolvable problem. Fanon theories don't belong on this wiki, I'm sorry. I was just trying to come up with a rational explanation for why the image in the DE Sourcebook varied so greatly from the length stated in the comic book without saying either one was wrong. But it's fanon, so I've deleted it. --Anguirus111 03:26, 7 September 2006 (UTC)
              • Well, that brings it to something else that's not aloud—deleting posts. Fleet Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 11:14, 7 September 2006 (UTC)
                • Okay, never mind I'll just slap a line through it then rather than delete it so we both get what we want. --Anguirus111 15:42, 7 September 2006 (UTC)

Well after reading this: http://tinyurl.com/es5ln, I figure I'll try my Eclipse explanation one last time and if it's mocked and booed/jeered/flamed so be it, I'm certaily not going to defend my use of fanon here. Problem: The size of the Eclipse in the Dark Empire Sourcebook shows it as being twice as long as the Executor. In reality the length is listed at being ten miles thus making it shorter than the Executor. So how to reconcile these two conflicting ideas without saying either is wrong? My idea(which I'll post eventually at SWfanon.wikia.com): The Eclipse was always supposed to be twice as long as the Executor as indicated in the DE sourcebook. But given the fact that construction on the Eclipse was being done after the Empire fell, someone made a decision not to make one big Eclipse ship and instead decided to make two smaller ones that wouldn't take as long to build. Those two ships were the ten mile long Eclipse I and Eclipse II that we see in Dark Empire and Empire's End while the DE Sourcebook was the original size of the ship. It's completely fanon, I know you all hate me for it, and goodnight! I swear I'll do no more posting on this subject here. --Anguirus111 23:14, 7 September 2006 (UTC)

The Eclipse is supposed to dwarf the Executor class Dreadnaughts, this of course is back when they were 8km not 19km. So perhaps the length of the Eclipse should be revised to around 38km? (17.5/8=2.1875 so 17.5x2.1875) Lamont Cranston 21:02, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

  • OK, 2 things: 1) You do realize you're re-starting a 2 year old discussion, right? 2) Revising the length of the Eclipse would be complete fanon. We have a canon length for it, and until we're given a canon length that conflicts with the existing canon length, there's no way the length given on this page should be changed. Also, you say that the Eclipse is supposed to dwarf the Executor-class ships... but it already does. It may not be as long, but it's many times more massive. It's clearly got at least double the volume of an Executor-class, probably much more. Doluk 22:08, 20 December 2008 (UTC)


Eclipse and the Eclipse-class should be seperate. --SparqMan 08:06, 31 January 2006 (UTC)

  • I'm really not sure... there are only two ships, the differences between them need to be discussed in full on this page, and their careers comprise the entire service history of the class. Also, it's not totally clear which of them was the KDY one, and which was the Byss one. All in all, I'd say it's best to handle them all on this page rather than triplicate stuff. --McEwok 15:53, 31 January 2006 (UTC)


Forgot to label my edit, but it was to de-POV a section referring to whether or not to call the ship a "Star Dreadnought". It was pretty thoroughly biased, and it compels me to note:

If you really are that emotionally invested in what someone else calls a fictional space ship with many lasers, you need to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and remember that Star Wars should be a hobby, not a lifestyle. We all should probably close the wiki browser window and remember this once in a while.

  • That's what you think. Don't tell people what they should or shouldn't do. People work hard here, and you shouldn't tell them to "close your eyes, take a deep breath, and remember that Star Wars should be a hobby, not a lifestyle" just because they're trying to make the article better. Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 12:34, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
  • I wish you could use the same arguments against TFN trolls who use this encyclopedia as their personal soapbox. VT-16 19:45, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
    • Me or him? Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 20:03, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
    • Since there's only one '*', it's for him. I've never seen people either on TFN or hailing from their little "TFN cliques" be told to "cool off" and "treat it like a hobby". VT-16 20:16, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
      • Just checking. Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 20:18, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
        • To be frank, this is effectively an encyclopedia. It's not meant for endless debates because one individual doesn't "like something" or "has a problem with it". If I behaved like that while working, I'd never get anything done, just because someone thinks that "the text in this book can be interpreted in several, and equally valid ways and we can't be sure..." Pfff. VT-16 20:22, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
          • "It's not meant for endless debates...". Exactly. We have enough of those already. Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 20:23, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
            • It's a good thing "a certain person" screwed up big time and I found out about it. Now, because of that, I can effectively ignore any suggestion or addition to any article he makes that I don't find in a book or inferred from a book. :P VT-16 20:25, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
              • "A certain person"? I think I know who he is... VT-16, would you mind telling us all who he is? Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 20:26, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
                • Let's just say "E-Mail Suggestion Boy" TMcE could do with some people doublechecking any articles he works on, just in case. VT-16 20:31, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
                  • No problem. Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 20:32, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
                    • And I guessed correctly, just to let everyone know. ;) Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 20:33, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
                    • Now, I'm not running wild with this, I'm still going with what can be found from canon sources, so there's not going to be any influx in articles being changed to "Star Battlecruiser" or "Star Battleship". Any inferences to that in articles with "conjectural titles", are strictly non-canonical, and that's how I'll treat it, just as before. VT-16 20:35, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
                      • Got it. Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 20:37, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
                        • Since (at a skim; I'm at the office, here!) the Eclipse article attached to this talk page still has a fair bit that looks rather POV to me, want to tackle it first in what appears to be a Mighty NPOV Crusade for Justice? I try to operate under a philosophy that an encyclopedic wiki article should try to inform, not persuade. A huge chunk of the "Behind the Scenes" section here seems intent to persuade. Want to just add a conjectural title tag to the top of the article, with a very small explanation to the BTS section? I'm totally up for wholesale decimation of the BTS section as it is, if the community agrees with me that it has little of value at the moment.
                          • There's no need for a conjecture tag. If you think that the Behind the scenes section "seems intent to presuade", why not change it to inform? A Behind the scenes section is needed; there's no need for a "wholesale decimation" of it. Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 18:53, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
                            • You could erase the whole damn thing as far as I care. Most of it is either McEwok's ramblings or refuting him. I'd prefer it if it only listed the size-inconsistency (without the pointed "some fans think" garbage). VT-16 06:34, 20 April 2006 (UTC)


A prototype, constructed early in the Galactic Civil War, was captured by crimelord Tyber Zann.

Is there a source for that? I know it's from the Empire at War expansion, but I haven't heard anything about it being a prototype other than conjecture from fans, nor is it known whether Zann succeeds in stealing it. The exact time period of the game isn't known either, just that it starts after the Battle of Yavin. If there isn't a source, it might be a good idea to change it to something more ambiguous, such as "An Eclipse-class of some variety was present during the Galactic Civil War, where it was sought after by crimelord Tyber Zann", or something like that. It can then be changed at a later date when full details are known. -- I need a name 22:24, 25 May 2006 (UTC)

  • Well, it has to be a prototype—Eclipse was used by Palpatine in 10 ABY and was probably still under contruction during EaW: FoC. As for Zann stealing it, I don't know. Fleet Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 22:35, 25 May 2006 (UTC)
    • That's an assumption though. Nowhere does it say that it's a prototype, that's just one of many theories as to how and why there's an Eclipse in the game. -- I need a name 22:31, 29 May 2006 (UTC)

I think its a eclipse 1 and the one in dark empire is a eclipse 2

  • No, Eclipse (which is the first) is in Dark Empire, and Eclipse II is in Empire's End. Fleet Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 20:09, 15 June 2006 (UTC)
  • I think one of the developers on the PFF forums mentioned that it was a prototype. VT-16 14:24, 26 June 2006 (UTC)
  • The new Tyber Zann profile in Insider 89 mentions that "his agents have been investigating the new prototype Eclipse-class Star Destroyer". His profile was part of a series of profiles compiled by the Empire months after the Battle of Yavin, so it appears this was a seperate vessel constructed around the time of the Death Star I. I'll make a new article for it. VT-16 14:41, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
    • Well, that makes it seem that EaW: FoC is in the Rebellion era, not the New Republic era. Fleet Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 15:08, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
      • The game most likely takes place in both eras, starting after ANH. That's what the trailer speaks of, Tyber getting even with Jabba. When Jabba eventually dies, the story continues into the future. VT-16 18:19, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
    • In any case, why make a seperate article? Prototype or not, it's still an Eclipse-class ship. But if the Eclipse portrayed in EaW: FoC is indeed seperate from the Eclipse-class, then we should remove the FoC screenshots from this article. (Sirius Shadowflame 01:42, 2 October 2006 (UTC))

The ship in FOC is the Eclipse I. Tyber chooses not to take it, saying it was a target "even the rebels couldn't miss" and left it in orbit around kuat after he used the link to the Emporer's vault to gain massive amounts of funds for the Consortium. Supposedly, the incomplete ship is recaptured by the Empire after Palpatine is cloned and construction continues. Zann by no means captured the ship for his own use. Darth Ewok 02:21, 18 January 2008 (UTC)


In light of the WotC SSD retcon, shouldn't this sucker go back to being an Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer? Same with the Sovereign? - Trip 03:46, 22 October 2006 (UTC)

  • No. Grand Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 14:29, 22 October 2006 (UTC)
    • The recent retcon doesn't have any impact on the name of this page. There have been long debates over the issue and this was the concensus. Charlii 14:50, 22 October 2006 (UTC)
  • Since the ITW:OT, SW:CL and the SB Preview 1 article all said that SSD was a phrase used in slang for ship types bigger than Star Destroyers, then, no. VT-16 16:45, 22 October 2006 (UTC)

Tyber Timing[]

"Eclipse was constructed early in the Galactic Civil War, around 0 ABY. Crimelord Tyber Zann wanted to access records on the ship, so he attacked Kuat and took control of the ship" Wait-He didn't take control until after Episode 6, and this seems to suggest he took it in Episode IV-shouldn't that be fixed?

  • No, it's only confusing because two different time periods are shown in the same paragraph. Grand Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 00:51, 20 November 2006 (UTC)
    • Do we know when construction was started? -- I need a name (Complain here) 00:53, 20 November 2006 (UTC)
      • Shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Grand Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 01:11, 20 November 2006 (UTC)
        • So he boarded it, took the records, and left? Wow. I remember an argument between Jack and someone else about what he would use it for; his navy or bribes (or something else). Well, the other person was right. He didn't use it. Huh, we all thought it was so far-fetched that he wouldn't use it for his navy. Chack Jadson 19:29, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

Continuing from Nebulax page[]

Could those of you with the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels and the New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels please post the power quotes from each book so we can see if they conflict or not? VT-16 10:23, 18 February 2007 (UTC)

  • I have neither, but Dark Empire Sourcebook remarks on it too: "By comparison, the Eclipse carries only a single laser, but recent advances make this ray much more powerful than the units used on the Death Star. The beam packs enough destructive power to shatter the most powerful planetary shield and sear whole continents in a flash." - Lord Hydronium 10:37, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
    • At least it shows it's not more powerful than all 8 combined, which would pulverize the planet. Searing continents sounds like a more powerful version of the old BDZ, so it's powerful, but not even DS I level. VT-16 14:08, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
      • TNEGtVaV, pg. 41, paragraph 3: "In addition, the Eclipse concealed a superlaser capable of cracking a planet's crust." Then, the red text on that same page says this: "1. Superlaser: The Eclipse's superlaser was designed to penetrate a planet's crust, making the starship nearly as powerful as the original Death Star." —Grand Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 15:31, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
        • Cool. 8) VT-16 19:43, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
          • Took me a while to find the book, but at least it proved to be useful. —Grand Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 19:45, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
            • Yes, indeed. And an interesting factoid to compare, the Republic Star Battlecruiser Quaestor had an hyperspace accident and crashed into the CIS shipyard world of Pammant, shattering it to the core and flooding the planet with radiation. Now this was an accident, but it's a nice indication of the powerlevels we're talking about. And both these things are still nothing compared to the DS I, which pulverized a planet. =o VT-16 19:59, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
              • Well, even though it's non-canon, Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope shows us what happens when a Death Star I-sized battlestation hits a planet of Coruscant's size. —Grand Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 20:02, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
                • That story was... really disturbing when I think about it. Yoda blissfully kills trillions of innocent beings, just to get at the Emperor. (At least that's what I think happened, read it so long ago.) VT-16 20:36, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
                  • Well, Yoda did die as well. —Grand Admiral J. Nebulax (Imperial Holovision) Imperial Emblem 22:31, 18 February 2007 (UTC)
                    • If he wanted to sacrifice himself while killing the Emperor, he should have steered the DS into something uninhabited and used a shuttle or something. It's just moronic writing to get some kind of "shock value", butchering characterization in the process. VT-16 08:48, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

Eclipse II Engine Design[]

I think we need a note somewhere indicating that the Eclipse II's engine configuration is different than the Eclipse I's that was shown in the NEGTVV. Here's a pic of the Eclipse II's engines: http://theforce.net/swtc/Pix/comics/de/eclipse5.jpgg NOTE: I added an extra 'G' at the end of the .jpg ending just to avoid having the pic show up here. -- 22:08, 2 March 2007 (UTC)

Construction Time[]

"Eclipse took almost as long to construct as either of the Empire's Death Star" <= I think this is wrong, first the first Death Star was in construction far longer as the second one. And second the Eclipse was in construction from around 0 ABY to around 10 ABY, but as far as I understood with lots of construction stops. For example consider this: In Forces of Corruption the Eclipse is fully fuctional and nearly completed, this is shortly after the Battle of Endor. 4.5 years later in the essential chronology the Eclipse escaped the Battle of Kuat not completed to the Deep Core. So there must have been construction stops, it's around the same time gone as it was under construction up to the Battle of Endor. If it would have been nearly completed by the time the New Republic took Kuat, why should Zsinj have stolen the Razors Kiss, if he could have stolen the Eclipse otherwise...so it must have been still far away from completition, which is only possible by massive construction stops. you know what I mean?

  • That sounds very reasonable. VT-16 19:10, 7 June 2007 (UTC)

Picture of firing the superlaser?[]

After looking at this article for awhile, I realized that, as many pictures of an Eclipse class Star Destroyer there are on this website, that there were none of a starship of this class actually firing it's super laser. As this is the chief article of the class, I thought it fitting to include at least one picture of it firing it's super laser. I probably didn't place the picture in the best place, but I figured that there should be a picture somewhere of it firing it. Thoughts?Manny Cav 18:49, 10 October 2007 (UTC)

  • This is fine by me. Unit 8311 19:00, 10 October 2007 (UTC)

Forces of Corruption Events[]

Should the events regarding the Eclipse in Forces of Corruption be considered cannon? From what I remember, you destroy the Millianum Falcon in that level where the Eclipse appears, which of course didn't happen. If that's the case, seeing as how it's around later, I don't think the events that happened in Forces of Corruption should be listed as cannon in the article. Unsigned comment by Omegalink (talk • contribs).

  • Except destroying the Millennium Falcon isn't part of the mission, it's a glitch. -- I need a name (Complain here) 13:28, 25 November 2007 (UTC)
  • I think Forces of Corruption should be considered cannon. Although some things happen that don't really, Forces of Corruption is a perspective from the outlines. It also shows what happens just before and just after the Battle of Endor.
  • The part about the superlaser having the power to destroy Super Star Destroyers should be taken out due to the fact that in-game the Eclipse's superlaser always shuts down when the Annihilator arrives. -- 17:17, 30 July 2009 (UTC)

Lira Wessex[]

Source for her involvement in creating this class? VT-16 12:29, 4 April 2008 (UTC)

Eclipse-class SD name[]

What source refers to this vessel specifically as an Eclipse-class Star Destroyer? - 03:51, 11 April 2009 (UTC)

Why aren't the Eclipse and Sovereign-classes Star Dreadnoughts ?[]

Why aren't the Eclipse and Sovereign-classes formally named -class Star Dreadnought? I don't see any justification for just having Super Star Destroyer and Star Destroyer. The Eclipse and Sovereign-classes are as qualified as the Executor-class to be Star Dreadnoughts. Zeta1127 of the 89th Legion (talk) 23:44, January 24, 2011 (UTC)

  • Probably what Lord Hydronium said above about canon naming? Sovereign 16:10, March 10, 2011 (UTC)
    • That's my problem, this place's complete and total reliance on canon in anything and everything, when it hasn't done anything about any technical mistakes whatsoever, even your question Sovereign. Zeta1127 of the 89th Legion (talk) 18:04, March 10, 2011 (UTC)

Weapon Counts[]

NOTE: I'm not attempting to suggest the article be altered! I'm just asking for opinions here.

I know the canonical listings for weapons exist (500 turbolasers, etc.) but that seems a little light. The Executors have 2000 heavy turbolasers and 2000 turbolasers. I'm just curious if anyone else thinks the official listings are a wee bit weak sounding--if it were "500 turbolaser batteries" it would certainly sound more impressive.

It seems as if this is another example of a victim of ret-conning. Explanation: when the Executor was 8000m long with "1000" weapons, an Eclipse (at 17.5/16km long) carrying 1125 weapons plus superlaser seemed much more powerful. Now, again, as I design my own Star Dreadnaughts, I find myself comparing it to the Executor, not the Eclipse, because the Eclipse just seems underwhelming.

Sovereign 06:07, March 10, 2011 (UTC)

Re: "Offensive and defensive systems" section[]

The article currently has this statement sourced to the Dark Empire Sourcebook: "The most deadly weapon carried by Eclipse-class ships was an axial superlaser that was almost as powerful as one of the component beams used in the Death Star's superlaser."

Here is what the DES actually says, with my emphasis added: "The Death Star’s prime weapon was composed of eight individual lasers that could focus together, generating enough power to destroy an entire planet. By comparison, the Eclipse carries only a single laser, but recent focusing and generator advances make this ray much more powerful than the units used on the Death Star."

Does another, more authoritative source contradict this? If so, the reference should be updated to that source, instead of the Dark Empire Sourcebook; if not, the article text should be updated to reflect the DES. Guy Ruffian 23:24, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

There is no way anything is more powerful than the Death Star. Except the Force. :)KitFisto19BBY 20:49, March 19, 2012 (UTC)

Concerning the power of the Eclipse's superlaser:

A more recent source does contradict the Dark Empire Sourcebook- specifically Saga Edition: Starships of the Galaxy which explicitly states that the superlaser on the Eclipse was 1/3 the power of one of the component beams of the Death Star. Therefore, as the more recent source, it should be taken as overriding the other one.

Given that 3 shots from the Death Star at 1/3 power cause Despayre to explode in the novel Death Star, a lower power for the "crust-cracking" beam of the Eclipse is more plausible. -- Hamish 20:58, June 17, 2012 (UTC)

dreadnaught vs dreadnought[]

It looks like this has been contentious according to the article's history. I can't tell if this is an American-vs-British english thing, but it sounds like sources are using the 'o' spelling. Currently, the article's name uses 'a' while the {{Title}} and body use 'o', which is confusing. Can we get a consensus here? - Esjs(Talk) 00:06, September 5, 2013 (UTC)

  • Indeed, it appears to be a move that wasn't given any justification that led to this, and I don't see why it was moved in the first place. Though I honestly believe all of the Kuati battlecruisers and dreadnoughts should be Star Battlecruiser and Star Dreadnought, respectively. Zeta1127 of the 89th Legion (talk) 09:13, November 22, 2013 (UTC)
  • Its possible the others seen the spelling and figured it was an error. Since Star Wars is American in origin it seems reasonable that it should use the American English version of the word --Sithalo (talk) 04:07, January 27, 2016 (UTC)10:06PM 1/26/2016

What third ship?[]

the first picture in the history section, "The Eclipse enters the Pinnacle Moon system, escorted by two Allegiance-class battlecruisers and a third ship." what 3rd ship? is it supposed to be the little grey blip in the background? some ship in the story thats not actually in the picture? one of the many ships in space traffic? If its supposed to be that little grey blip, is the little grey blip stated to be some ship specifically in the story? It just looks like another Allegiance-class to me just much farther away. --Sithalo (talk) 04:00, January 27, 2016 (UTC)Sithalo 10:00pm 1/26/2016

The image of the Eclipse seen from the front:


shows the third ship further back.

-- 11:34, August 11, 2016 (UTC) Hamish