

For other uses, see Rise of the Empire.
"What I remember about the rise of the Empire is… is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip; We all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any doubts? Any private traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but no one said a word. Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word."
Anonymous 501st clone trooper[1]

The Rise of the Empire era, sometimes referred to as the Prequel era, takes place between 1000 BBY (the Seventh Battle of Ruusan) and 0 BBY (the Battle of Toprawa). In other words, it encompasses the whole Golden Age of the Old Republic.

The events of the Prequel trilogy (Episode I The Phantom Menace, Episode II Attack of the Clones, and Episode III Revenge of the Sith) take place during the twilight of this era. The events of the Clone Wars film and TV series also happen in this era.

1000 BBY980 BBY[]

700 BBY[]

67 BBY[]

58 BBY[]

53 BBY[]

51 BBY21 BBY[]

47 BBY[]

45 BBY[]

44 BBY[]

44 BBY29 BBY[]

44 BBY9 ABY[]

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41 BBY[]

40 BBY[]

39 BBY[]

39 BBY29 BBY[]

39 BBY20 BBY[]

39 BBY4 ABY[]

38 BBY[]

37 BBY[]

36 BBY[]

35 BBY[]

33 BBY[]

32 BBY[]

"Obi-Wan. Promise…Promise me you will train the boy."
"Yes, Master."
"He…is the Chosen One. He…will bring balance. Train him…"
―Jinn's dying request to Kenobi — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[2]

32 BBY4 ABY[]

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30 BBY[]

29 BBY[]

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25 BBY[]

24 BBY[]

23 BBY[]

22 BBY[]

"She will be more than a match for young Skywalker."
"It matters not. She is merely an instrument to bring forth the eradication of the Jedi.
―Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious on Ventress — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[3]

22 BBY20 BBY[]

22 BBY3 ABY[]

21 BBY[]

22 BBY19 BBY[]

"Run, Jedi, run. You have only prolonged the inevitable."
―General Grievous — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[4]

20 BBY[]

19 BBY[]

"Now is the time to strike. Now is the time to launch our final operation."
―Darth Sidious — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[5]

18 BBY[]

18 BBY17 BBY[]

17 BBY[]

15 BBY[]

15 BBY4 ABY[]

10 BBY[]

9 BBY[]

6 BBY[]

5 BBY[]

4 BBY[]

3 BBY[]

2 BBY[]

1 BBY[]

1 BBY3 ABY[]

0 BBY[]


Notes and references[]
