Brugga was an asteroid located in the Latoma system of the Brak sector. It orbited the system's red dwarf star at an extreme distance, making detection of the asteroid almost impossible for anyone who did not known exactly where to look. Brugga was the home of Ti'mere's InfoServices, established in secret by Byro Ti'mere. The base was a safe house containing a small hangar bay and several rooms. The base was also the location of Ti'mere's MicroThrust Processors SuperComp VII computer system.[1]
The base was defended by two laser cannons, but secrecy and isolation was its major defence. In the event of visitors arriving in the Latoma system, the base was able to shut down for up to forty-eight hours to avoid detection. Ti'mere also established the ruins of an outpost on the planet Latoma to fool those who entered the Latoma system searching for him.[1]