The Black Raptor was Blizz Pinnix's customized racing swoop.
The swoop was a modified Ikas-Adno XP-2000 prototype, making it technically a speeder bike. It was 4 meters long and could reach a top speed of 1,300 kilometers per hour. The G-forces outputted by the swoop were at levels so extreme that it was unhealthy, so the base model XP-2000 was never put into production. Pinnix didn't seem to mind, however, and made it his primary swoop after retirement, the Black Raptor. He outfitted it with two blaster cannons, and gave it a custom paint job. The swoop was given an ebony hyperpaint with violet stripes, and a stylish bird of prey emblem along the sides gave the Black Raptor its namesake. Blizz Pinnix could often be found racing the swoop on the grounds of The Pits on Stend VI.