



Belazura was a Galactic Republic member world, and one of the most visually stunning planets in the galaxy. Belazura was directly represented in the Galactic Senate.

Belazura was a wealthy world renowned for its beautiful mountains and grasslands, and a popular resort. Its grassy fields ranged in color from light sunny yellows to deep greens, dotted with flowers of deep-colored hues. Its brilliant blue skies seemed to visitors to surround them like halos of light. Belazura's astonishingly temperate climate was never too hot or cold, frequented by soft, gentle breezes.[5]

Belazura was a popular galactic tourist attraction, even for those luxury-travelers wishing to opt for a holographic simulation experience—a sim-vacation, or sim-voyage.[6]

The planet's surgeons specialized in making people look younger.

At some point before 25 BBY, Obi-Wan Kenobi took his Padawan Anakin Skywalker to Belazura, strictly for pleasure—for he wanted him to understand that even the life of a Jedi must include time to simply reflect on the beauties of natural life and existence. Anakin's mandate was simply to enjoy himself, and he did. They both did. Their time on the planet had been a supremely peaceful time for Skywalker, one that he revisited often in his daydreams.[5]

When the Empire established a foothold in 19 BBY, the beautiful landscape was turned into bare as 11-17 miner droids stripped the planet of its resources. Factories and mines were built and the people of Belazura were pushed into service for the Empire. The water began to turn black with runoff from the factories and there was a thick haze of brown smog in the air.

Sometime before 10 BBY, the Belazurans rose against the Empire, attempting to reclaim their sovereignty. The uprising was squashed by the Imperials in 10 BBY.

In 0 ABY, a group of Rebels managed to steal codes to the Belazuran Imperial Garrison provided by the assassin X-7. Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Han Solo prepared a plan to infiltrate and destroy the compound. The mission was a success and the Belazuran Imperial garrison crumbled to the ground. This sparked the hearts of the Belazurans who, as word spread of the destruction, began another uprising. The outcome of the uprising is unknown.

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