- "In exchange for your silence I'm prepared to offer your family free tickets to anywhere in the United States. Excluding Alaska and Hawaii, the freak states."
- ―head of Crazy Clown Airlines[src]
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State Information
Alaska is a state of the USA. Its capital city is Juneau.
After escaping Springfield during Trappuccino, the Simpson family move to Alaska, driving there on a truck they won in a motorcycle game. Homer already set up a plan to moving the entire family to Alaska in case anything forces the entire family to leave Springfield, and so carried a large poster of Alaska in his wallet. A checkpoint guard gives Homer $1000 as an excuse for oil companies to ravage the Alaskan countryside. The Medicine Woman resides in Alaska, though she has been seen in Canada.[1]
Muk Mu comes from Ketchikan, Alaska and would have been on the first kayak back to there if Mr. Burns hadn't won over the support of the townspeople for making his new basketball stadium.[2]
An episode of Man vs. Beast vs. Food was recorded in Alaska and Marge was there to try and stop Krusty from filming the show but she failed because Homer competed in the contest during their conversation.[3]
Monroe family have a book from Alaska.[4]
Miss Alaska was a contestant in the Miss American Girl Pageant.[5]
Episode – "Saturdays of Thunder" (video tape)
Episode – "A Streetcar Named Marge" (mentioned)
Episode – "Marge Gets a Job" (mentioned)
Episode – "Fear of Flying" (mentioned)
Episode – "Mother Simpson" (one of Homer's mother's fake IDs)
Episode – "Kill the Alligator and Run" (seen on a map)
– The Simpsons Movie
Episode – "The Burns and the Bees" (mentioned)
Episode – "Fland Canyon" (Springfield Postcard Museum)
Episode – "The Girl on the Bus" (name seen)
Comic story – Man vs. Beast vs. Food
Book – Bart Simpson's Guide to Life (seen on map)
Book – Chief Wiggum's Book of Crime and Punishment (Police badge)
External links[edit]
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