A mathematician is someone who studies mathematics, either as a hobby or as a job. Many mathematicians are math professors at universities, or work at cryptography. Euclid, Ramanujan, Sir Isaac Newton are some of the most famous early mathematicians.
Mathematical societies and foundations
[change | change source]Acronyms | Name | Headquarters | Initiation |
AAS[1] | Australian Academy of Science | Australia | 1954 |
Abertis[2] | Fundación Abertis | Spain | 1999 |
ACM[3] | Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group | 1947 | |
AMS[4] | American Mathematical Society | United States | 1888 |
ANCEFN[5] | Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales | Argentina | 1874 |
ANCYT[6] | Academia Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología | Peru | |
ANTS[7] | Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium | Germany | 1994 |
APS[8] | American Physical Society | United States | 1889 |
APSF[9] | Alfred Pritchard Sloan Foundation | United States | 1875 |
ASA[10] | American Statistical Association | United States | 1839 |
ASF[11] | Académie des Sciences | France | 1666 |
ASL[12] | Association for Symbolic Logic | United States | 1936 |
AWM[13] | Association for Women in Mathematics | United States | 1971 |
ASME[14] | American Society Of Mechanical Engineers | United States | 1880 |
AustMS[15] | Australian Mathematical Society | Australia | 1956 |
BMG[16] | Berliner Mathematischen Gesellschaft | Germany | 1901 |
BMS[17] | Belgian Mathematical Society | Belgium | 1921 |
CIMAT[18] | Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C. | Mexico | 1980 |
CMF[19] | Fundación Chern | United States | 2010 |
CMI[20] | Clay Mathematics Institute | United States | 1998 |
CMS[21] | Canadian Mathematical Society | Canada | 1945 |
CNCA[22] | Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes de Chile | Chile | 2003 |
CNRS[23] | Centre national de la recherche scientifique | France | 1939 |
CONICIT[24] | Consejo Nacional para Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas | San Jose Costa Rica | 1972 |
CRM[25] | Centre de Recherches Mathematiques | Canada | 1968 |
CSIC[26] | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | Spain | 1998 |
DMV[27] | Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung | Germany | 1993 |
ECM[28] | European Congresses of Mathematics | Poland | 1992 |
ECCOMAS[29] | European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering | Europe | 1901 |
EMS[30] | European Mathematical Society | Germany | |
EPFL[31] | École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne | Switzerland | |
ERC,CEI[32] | European Research Council | Europe | 2002 |
ESF[33] | Fundación Europea de la Ciencia | Europe | |
ETHZ[34] | Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule-Zurich | Switzerland | |
FBBVA[35] | Fundación BBVA | Spain | |
FCFM[36] | Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile | Chile | 1840 |
FCRI[37] | Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació | Spain | |
FPA[38] | Fundación Príncipe de Asturias | Spain | 1980 |
FSK[39] | Fundación Sofía Kovalévskaia | Mexico | 1942 |
GAMNI[40] | Groupe pour l’Avancement des Méthodes Numériques de l’Ingénieur | France | 1992 |
GenCat[41] | Generalitat de Catalunya | Spain | |
HAS[42] | Hungarian Academy of Sciences | Hungary | 1825 |
IAMP[43] | International Association of Mathematical Physics | Europe | 1976 |
ICA[44] | Institute Of Combinatorics And Its Applications | Canada | 1990 |
ICMAT[45] | Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas | Spain | 2008 |
ICHM[46] | International Commission on the History of Mathematics | United States | 1971 |
ICIAM[47] | International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | United States | 1987 |
ICM[48] | International Congress of Mathematicians | ||
ICMI[49] | International Commission on Mathematical Instruction | 1897 | |
ICTCM[50] | International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics | ||
ICTP[51] | Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics | Italy | 1964 |
IEC[52] | Institvt d'Estvdis Catalans | Spain | 1907 |
IEEE-CS[53] | IEEE Computer Society | United States | 1946 |
IMA[54] | Institute of Mathematics and its Applications | England | 1964 |
IMAFF[55] | Instituto de Matemáticas y Física Fundamental | Spain | |
IMT[56] | Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse | France | 1887 |
IMU[57] | International Mathematical Union | Germany | 1920 |
INFORMS[58] | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | United States | |
ISDE[59] | International Society of Difference Equations | ||
Konex[60] | Fundación Konex | Argentina | 1980 |
KVA[61] | Swedish Royal Academies | Sweden | 1739 |
LMS[62] | London Mathematical Society | England | 1865 |
MAA[63] | Mathematical Association of America | United States | 1915 |
MEC[64] | Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de Spain | Spain | |
MFO[65] | Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach | Germany | 1944 |
MICIT[66] | Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología | San José Costa Rica | |
MOS[67] | Mathematical Optimization Society | 1973 | |
MSJ[68] | Mathematical Society of Japan | Japan | 1946 |
NAS[69] | National Academy of Sciences | United States | 1974 |
NFT[70] | Number Theory Foundation | United States | |
NUST[71] | National University of Sciences and Technology | Pakistan | 1991 |
ÖMG[72] | Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft | Austria | 1903 |
PIMS[73] | Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences | Canada | 1996 |
RAS[74] | Russian Academy of Sciences | Russia | 1724 |
RSC[75] | Royal Society of Canada | Canada | 1882 |
RSL[76] | Royal Society of London | England | 1660 |
RSME[77] | Real Sociedad Matemática Española | Spain | |
RSS[78] | Royal Statistical Society | England | 1834 |
SASTRA[79] | Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy | India | 1984 |
SCM[80] | Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques | Spain | 1998 |
SEMA[81] | Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada | Spain | 1991 |
SEP[82] | Secretaría de educación pública | Mexico | |
SIAG[83] | SIAM Activity Group | United States | |
SIAM[84] | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | United States | 1951 |
SIMAI[85] | Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale | Italy | 1989 |
SMAI[86] | Lisez maintenant Société de mathématiques appliquées et industrielles | France | 1983 |
SMF[87] | Société Mathématique de France | France | 1872 |
SMM[88] | Sociedad Matemática Mexicana | Mexico | 1943 |
SPB[89] | Saint Petersburg Mathematical Society | Russia | 1890 |
UMALCA[90] | Unión Matemática de América Latina y el Caribe | Latin America | 1995 |
UMI[91] | Unione Matematica Italiana | Italy | 1922 |
WFNMC[92] | World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions | 1984 |
[change | change source]-
Sofja Wassiljewna Kowalewskaja, the first woman to become a math professor.
[change | change source]- ↑ AAS. "Australian Academy of Science".
- ↑ Abertis. "Fundación Abertis". Archived from the original on 2013-11-20. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ ACM. "Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group". Archived from the original on 2010-07-27. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ AMS. "American Mathematical Society".
- ↑ ANCEFN. "Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales".
- ↑ ANCYT. "Academia Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología".
- ↑ ANTS. "Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium".
- ↑ APS. "American Physical Society".
- ↑ APSF. "Alfred Pritchard Sloan Foundation".
- ↑ ASA. "American Statistical Association". Archived from the original on 2016-01-11. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ ASF. "Académie des Sciences".
- ↑ ASL. "Association for Symbolic Logic". Archived from the original on 2006-02-04. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ AWM. "Association for Women in Mathematics". Archived from the original on 2014-02-11. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ ASME. "American Society Of Mechanical Engineers".
- ↑ AustMS. "Australian Mathematical Society".
- ↑ BMG. "Berliner Mathematischen Gesellschaft". Archived from the original on 2015-02-22. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ BMS. "Belgian Mathematical Society". Archived from the original on 2014-02-28. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ CIMAT. "Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C."
- ↑ CMF. "Fundación Chern".
- ↑ CMI. "Clay Mathematics Institute, Massachusetts".
- ↑ CMS. "Canadian Mathematical Society".
- ↑ CNCA. "Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes de Chile".
- ↑ CNRS. "Centre national de la recherche scientifique".
- ↑ CONICIT. "Consejo Nacional para Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas". Archived from the original on 2017-11-13. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ CRM. "Centre de Recherches Mathematiques". Archived from the original on 2017-11-12. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ CSIC. "Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas". Archived from the original on 2015-04-23. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ DMV. "Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung". Archived from the original on 2016-06-03. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ ECM. "European Congresses of Mathematics".
- ↑ ECCOMAS. "European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering".
- ↑ EMS. "European Mathematical Society". Archived from the original on 2017-07-16. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ EPFL. "École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne".
- ↑ ERC,CEI. "European Research Council".
- ↑ ESF. "Fundación Europea de la Ciencia".
- ↑ ETHZ. "Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule-Zurich".
- ↑ FBBVA. "Fundación BBVA". Archived from the original on 2017-06-23. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ FCFM. "Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile".
- ↑ FCRI. "Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació".
- ↑ FPA. "Fundación Príncipe de Asturias".
- ↑ FSK. "Fundación Sofía Kovalévskaia".
{{cite web}}
: Missing or empty|url=
(help) - ↑ GAMNI (12 March 2008). "Groupe pour l'Avancement des Méthodes Numériques de l'Ingénieur".
- ↑ GenCat. "Generalitat de Catalunya".
- ↑ HAS. "Hungarian Academy of Sciences".
- ↑ IAMP. "International Association of Mathematical Physics".
- ↑ ICA. "Institute Of Combinatorics And Its Applications".
- ↑ ICMAT. "Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas".
- ↑ ICHM. "International Commission on the History of Mathematics".
- ↑ ICIAM. "International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics".
- ↑ ICM. "International Congress of Mathematicians".[permanent dead link]
- ↑ ICMI. "International Commission on Mathematical Instruction". Archived from the original on 2013-11-28. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ ICTCM. "International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics". Archived from the original on 2012-06-15. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ ICTP. "Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics".
- ↑ IEC. "Institvt d'Estvdis Catalans".
- ↑ IEEE-CS. "IEEE Computer Society". Archived from the original on 2009-12-28. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ IMA. "Institute of Mathematics and its Applications".
- ↑ IMAFF. "Instituto de Matemáticas y Física Fundamental".[permanent dead link]
- ↑ IMT. "Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse".
- ↑ IMU. "International Mathematical Union".
- ↑ INFORMS. "Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences".
- ↑ ISDE. "International Society of Difference Equations".
- ↑ Konex. "Fundación Konex".
- ↑ KVA. "Swedish Royal Academies".
- ↑ LMS. "London Mathematical Society".
- ↑ MAA. "Mathematical Association of America".
- ↑ MEC. "Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de Spain". Archived from the original on 2018-06-23. Retrieved 2021-01-23.
- ↑ MFO. "Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach".
- ↑ MICIT. "Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología". Archived from the original on 2013-12-02. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ MOS. "Mathematical Optimization Society".
- ↑ MSJ. "Mathematical Society of Japan".
- ↑ NAS. "National Academy of Sciences".
- ↑ NFT. "Number Theory Foundation". Archived from the original on 2007-08-24. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ NUST. "National University of Sciences and Technology".
- ↑ ÖMG. "Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft".
- ↑ PIMS. "Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences".
- ↑ RAS. "Russian Academy of Sciences". Archived from the original on 2015-03-25. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ RSC. "Royal Society of Canada". Archived from the original on 2012-06-15. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ RSL. "Royal Society of London".
- ↑ RSME. "Real Sociedad Matemática Española".
- ↑ RSS. "Royal Statistical Society". Archived from the original on 2014-11-19. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ SASTRA. "Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy". Archived from the original on 2017-10-31. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ SCM. "Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques". Archived from the original on 2011-10-09. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ SEMA. "Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada". Archived from the original on 2016-07-02. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ SEP. "Secretaría de educación pública".
- ↑ SIAG. "SIAM Activity Group".
- ↑ SIAM. "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics".
- ↑ SIMAI. "Società Italiana per la Matematica Applicata e Industriale".
- ↑ SMAI. "Lisez maintenant Société de mathématiques appliquées et industrielles".
- ↑ SMF. "Société Mathématique de France".
- ↑ SMM. "Sociedad Matemática Mexicana".
- ↑ SPB. "Saint Petersburg Mathematical Society".
- ↑ UMALCA. "Unión Matemática de América Latina y el Caribe". Archived from the original on 2013-11-18. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
- ↑ UMI. "Unione Matematica Italiana".
- ↑ WFNMC. "World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions". Archived from the original on 2013-11-05. Retrieved 2014-02-08.
Notable mathematicians
[change | change source]Europe
[change | change source]- Carl Friedrich Gauss
- Emmy Noether
- Karl Weierstrass
- Leonid Kantorovich
- Lucy Joan Slater
- Sophie Germain
[change | change source]Other websites
[change | change source] Quotations related to Mathematician at Wikiquote
- Mathematics Genealogy Project
- International Congress of Mathematicians
- Timeline of women in mathematics