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Various mathematical functions.

Detailed documentation




function export.is_finite_real_number(n)

Returns true if the given value is a finite real number, or false if not.



function export.is_integer(n)

Returns true if the given value is an integer, or false if not.



function export.is_positive_integer(n, include_0)

Returns true if the given value is a positive integer (or zero if the `include_0` flag is set), or false if not.

function export.log10(x)

Returns the base-10 logarithm of `x`.

Should be used instead of `math.log10`, which is deprecated and may stop working

if Scribunto is updated to a more recent Lua version.

function export.to_hex(dec)

Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal.

function export.gcd(n, ...)

Returns the greatest common divisor.

function export.lcm(n, ...)

Returns the least common multiple.

local export = {}

local format = string.format
local is_integer -- defined as export.is_integer below
local log = math.log
local log10 = math.log10
local select = select
local tonumber = tonumber
local tostring = tostring
local type = type

Returns true if the given value is a finite real number, or false if not.]==]
function export.is_finite_real_number(n)
	return n and type(n) == "number" and n - n == 0 -- INF, -INF and NAN fail here.

Returns true if the given value is an integer, or false if not.]==]
function export.is_integer(n)
	return n and type(n) == "number" and n % 1 == 0 -- INF, -INF and NAN also fail here.
is_integer = export.is_integer

Returns true if the given value is a positive integer (or zero if the `include_0` flag is set), or false if not.]==]
function export.is_positive_integer(n, include_0)
	return is_integer(n) and (n > 0 or include_0 and n == 0) or false

Returns the base-10 logarithm of `x`.

Should be used instead of `math.log10`, which is deprecated and may stop working
if Scribunto is updated to a more recent Lua version.]==]
function export.log10(x)
	if log10 == nil then
		if log(10, 10) == 1 then -- Lua 5.2
			function log10(x)
				return log(x, 10)
			function log10(x)
				return log(x) * 0.43429448190325182765112891891660508229439700580367 -- log10(e)
	export.log10 = log10
export.log10() -- Sets the actual returned function. Structured like this so that module documentation works.

local function integer_error(x, param, func_name)
	local type_x = type(x)
		"bad argument #%d to '%s' (integer expected, got %s)",
		param, func_name, type_x == "number" and tostring(x) or type_x
	), 3)

Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal.]==]
function export.to_hex(dec)
	dec = tonumber(dec) or dec
	if not is_integer(dec, true) then
		integer_error(dec, 1, "to_hex")
	local neg = dec < 0
	if neg then
		dec = -dec
	-- Inputs >= 2^64 cause string.format to return "0".
	if dec >= 18446744073709551616 then
		error("integer overflow in 'to_hex': cannot convert inputs with a magnitude greater than or equal to 2^64 (18446744073709551616)", 2)
	-- string.format treats hex numbers as unsigned, so any sign must be added manually.
	return format("%s%X", neg and "-" or "", dec)

Returns the greatest common divisor.]==]
function export.gcd(n, ...)
	n = tonumber(n) or n
	if not is_integer(n) then
		integer_error(n, 1, "gcd")
	local q, args_len, integers = ..., select("#", ...)
	-- Compute p_1 = gcd(n_1, n_2), p_2 = gcd(p_1, n_3), ... i.e. compute GCD by Euclid's algorithm for the current result and the next number.
	for i = 2, args_len + 1 do
		q = tonumber(q) or q
		if not is_integer(q) then
			integer_error(q, i, "gcd")
		elseif n ~= 1 then -- If n is 1, validate remaining inputs.
			-- GCD of two integers n, q with Euclid's algorithm.
			while q ~= 0 do
				n, q = q, n % q
		if i <= args_len then
			-- Only create a table if absolutely necessary, as it's inefficient.
			if i == 2 then
				integers = {...}
			q = integers[i]
	return n < 0 and -n or n

Returns the least common multiple.]==]
function export.lcm(n, ...)
	n = tonumber(n) or n
	if not is_integer(n) then
		integer_error(n, 1, "lcm")
	local q, args_len, integers = ..., select("#", ...)
	-- Compute the product of all inputs as p and GCD as n.
	for i = 2, args_len + 1 do
		q = tonumber(q) or q
		if not is_integer(q) then
			integer_error(q, i, "lcm")
		elseif n ~= 0 then  -- If n is 0, validate remaining inputs.
			-- Compute the product.
			local p = n * q
			-- GCD of two integers n, q with Euclid's algorithm.
			while q ~= 0 do
				n, q = q, n % q
			-- Divide product by the GCD to get new LCM.
			n = p / n
		if i <= args_len then
			-- Only create a table if absolutely necessary, as it's inefficient.
			if i == 2 then
				integers = {...}
			q = integers[i]
	return n < 0 and -n or n

return export
"https://si.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Module:math&oldid=205297" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි