| ||||||
මුහුණුවර | ||||||
{{{appearance}}} | ||||||
ප්රධාන ගුණ | ||||||
නම, සංකේතය, ක්රමාංකය | {{{name}}}, {{{symbol}}}, {{{number}}} | |||||
කාණ්ඩය, ආවර්තය, ගොනුව | [[{{{group}}} කාණ්ඩයේ මූලද්රව්ය|{{{group}}}]], [[{{{period}}} ආවර්තයේ මූලද්රව්ය|{{{period}}}]], [[{{{block}}}-ගොනුව|{{{block}}}]] | |||||
සාපේක්ෂ පරමාණුක ස්කන්ධය | {{{atomic mass}}} g·mol−1 | |||||
ඉලෙක්ට්රෝන වින්යාසය | {{{electron configuration}}} | |||||
කවච වල ඇති ඉලෙක්ට්රෝන සංඛ්යාව | {{{electrons per shell}}} | |||||
ද්රව්යමය ගුණ | ||||||
පරමාණුක ගුණ | ||||||
Lua දෝෂය in Module:Navbar at line 58: Invalid title Infobox {{{name}}}. |
[සංස්කරණය]Be sure to maintain the formatting and order.
{{Infobox element |name= |pronounce= |number= |symbol |left= |right= |above= |below= |series= |series plain= |series comment= |group= |period= |block= |series color= |phase color= |appearance= |image name= |image size= |image alt= |image name comment= |image name 2= |image size 2= |image alt 2= |image name 2 comment= |atomic mass= |atomic mass 2= |atomic mass comment= |electron configuration= |electrons per shell= |color= |phase=gas |phase comment= |phase plain= |density gplstp= |density gpcm3nrt= |density gpcm3nrt 2= |density gpcm3nrt 3= |density gpcm3mp= |melting point K= |melting point C= |melting point F= |melting point pressure= |sublimation point K= |sublimation point C= |sublimation point F= |sublimation point pressure= |boiling point K= |boiling point C= |boiling point F= |boiling point pressure= |triple point K= |triple point kPa= |triple point K 2= |triple point kPa 2= |critical point K= |critical point MPa= |heat fusion= |heat fusion 2= |heat fusion pressure= |heat vaporization= |heat vaporization pressure= |heat capacity= |heat capacity pressure= |vapor pressure 1= |vapor pressure 10= |vapor pressure 100= |vapor pressure 1 k= |vapor pressure 10 k= |vapor pressure 100 k= |vapor pressure comment= |crystal structure= |crystal structure comment= |oxidation states= |oxidation states comment= |electronegativity= |number of ionization energies= |1st ionization energy= |2nd ionization energy= |3rd ionization energy= |atomic radius= |atomic radius calculated= |covalent radius= |Van der Waals radius= |magnetic ordering= |electrical resistivity= |electrical resistivity at 0= |electrical resistivity at 20= |thermal conductivity= |thermal conductivity 2= |thermal diffusivity= |thermal expansion= |thermal expansion at 25= |speed of sound= |speed of sound rod at 20= |speed of sound rod at r.t.= |Tensile strength= |Young's modulus= |Shear modulus= |Bulk modulus= |Poisson ratio= |Mohs hardness= |Vickers hardness= |Brinell hardness= |CAS number= |isotopes= |isotopes comment= }}
See also