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Ukupna populacija

7[1]–8 milijuna[2](procjena)

Regioni sa značajnim brojem pripadnika
 Hrvatska 3,977.171[3]
 Bosna i Hercegovina 656.414 (2009) [4]
 Sjedinjene Američke Države 401.208 (2005) [5]
 Čile 380.000 (proc.) [6]
 Njemačka 227.510 [7][8]
 Argentina 250.000 [6]
 Austrija 131.307 [9]
 Australija 118.046 (2006) [10]
 Kanada 110.880 [11]
 Srbija 70.602 [12]
 Brazil 45.000 (proc.) [6]
 Švicarska 40.484 (2006) [13]
 Slovenija 35.642 (2002) [14]
 Francuska 30.000 (proc.) [15]
 Mađarska 25.730 [16]
 Italija 21.360 [17]
 Južna Afrika 8.-000 [18]
 Crna Gora 6.811 (2000) [19]
 Rumunija 6.786 [20]
 Švedska 6.063 [21]
 Ekvador 4.000
 Belgija 810 [22]
uglavnom Rimokatolici
Srodne etničke grupe
Južnoslavenski narodi, posebno Bošnjaci, Srbi, Crnogorci, Jugoslaveni

Hrvati su južnoslavenski narod nastanjen u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini te njima susjednim državama.

Prema nekim procjenama broji oko 8–9 miliona pripadnika. Postoji značajna hrvatska dijaspora u zapadnoj Evropi, obje Amerike, Australiji i Novom Zelandu.

Hrvati govore hrvatskim jezikom, a religija je većinom katolička.


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  1. Hrvatski jezik na
  2. Kovačec, str. 337
  3. 2001 Census
  4. CIA World Factbook: Bosnia and Herzegovina 14,3% of a total population of 4,590,310, not including "Refugees and internally displaced persons" because they put Bosnian Croats together with other types.
  5. United States - Selected Population Profile in the United States (Croatian (109-110))
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 Diaspora Croata "Se estima que en Argentina viven alrededor de 250.000 personas de descendencia croata (actualmente en Argentina viven 8.000 croatas nacidos en Croacia). (...) Hoy día se estima que en Brasil viven entre 30 y 50 mil croatas. La mayor parte vive en San Pablo, mientras que existe también una pequeña colonia de emigrantes croatas en Rio de Janeiro (...) El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de la República de Chile evalúa que en ese país actualmente viven 380.000 personas consideradas de ser de descendencia croata, lo que es un 2,4% de la población total de Chile. La mayor parte de esas personas se asimiló en la sociedad chilena."
  7. De Statistics
  8. 2006 figures
  9. Census 2001 "Tabelle 5: Bevölkerung nach Umgangssprache und Staatsangehörigkeit", page 60
  10. 2006 Census of Population and Housing. Australia (you have to look around for an excel file. The one I found was labelled as "20680-Ancestry by Country of Birth of Parents - Australia")
  11. Ethnic Origin (247), Single and Multiple Ethnic Origin Responses (3) and Sex (3) for the Population of Canada
  12. 2002 Census in Serbia
  13. 2006 Figures page 68, Petra-P12, gives a 40,484 number. as of 2004 page 12 2. 1.1. Ständige ausländische Wohnbevölkerung nach Nationalität 2001 - 2004, gives a 44,035 number
  14. Slovenian census 2002
  15. La Croatie. Population et religions Embassy of Croatia in France "Diaspora. Plus de 2 millions de Croates (originaires de Croatie et de Bosnie-Herzégovine) vivent à l'étranger Dans la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle de nombreux Croates ont émigré sur d'autres continents. Leurs descendants sont aujourd'hui 1,3 million aux États-Unis, 150 000 au Canada, 250 000 en Australie. Plus récemment, beaucoup sont partis vers l'Europe occidentale, principalement l'Allemagne où ils sont 280 000, l'Autriche 40 000, la Suisse 35 000, la France quelque 30 000."
  16. Hungary census
  17. Foreingers in Italy
  18. Croatians in South Africa and their clubs
  19. Montenegrian census page 14 Population by national or ethnic affiliation - Review for Republic of Montenegro and municipalities
  20. Census in Romania
  21. By Ancestry 2008 "1. 1.2 Population by country of birth 1900–2006" in page 6 says 6,063 and "1. 1.3 Population by citizenship 1900–2006" in page 10 says 2,763
  22. Croatians in Belgium