Eric Ambler
Eric Ambler (28.6. 1909 - 22.10. 1998) bio je utjecajni engleski pisac špijunskih romana koji je u taj žanr unio elemente realiznma. Ambler je također pisa pod pseudonimom Eliot Reed kada je surađivao s Charlesom Roddaom.
- The Dark Frontier (1936)
- Uncommon Danger (apa Background to Danger - U.S.) (1937)
- Epitaph for a Spy (1938)
- Cause for Alarm (1938)
- The Mask of Dimitrios (aka A Coffin for Dimitrios - U.S.) (1939)
- The Army of the Shadows (1939) u The Queen's Book of the Red Cross
- Journey into Fear (1940)
- Skytip (1950) (kao Eliot Reed)
- Judgment on Deltchev (1951)
- Tender to Danger (1951) (kao Eliot Reed) (aka Tender to Moonlight)
- The Schirmer Inheritance (1953))[1][2]
- The Maras Affair (1953) (kao Eliot Reed)
- Charter to Danger (1954) (kao Eliot Reed)
- The Night-Comers (1956) (apa State of Siege[3][4]
- Passport to Panic (1958) (kao Eliot Reed)
- Passage of Arms (1959)
- The Light of Day (1962) (apa Topkapi) (Edgar Award za najbolji roman 1964)
- The Ability to Kill: And Other Pieces [SS] (1963)
- A Kind of Anger (1964)
- Dirty Story (1967) (apa This Gun for Hire)
- The Intercom Conspiracy (1969) (apa The Quiet Conspiracy)
- The Levanter (1972)
- Doctor Frigo (1974)
- Send No More Roses (1977) (apa The Siege of the Villa Lipp - U.S.)
- The Care of Time (1981)
- Here Lies: An Autobiography (1985) (Edgarova nagrada za najbolju kritiku/biografiju, 1987)
- Waiting for Orders [SS] (1991) (apa The Story so Far)
- The Intrusions of Dr. Czissar
- The Army of Shadows
- The Blood Bargain
- Eric Ambler biography Arhivirano 2010-07-06 na Wayback Machine-u
- Short biography, photo, and summaries of some works Arhivirano 2007-04-06 na Wayback Machine-u
- Eric Ambler bibliography Arhivirano 2008-05-12 na Wayback Machine-u