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Guten Tag,mein Freund und Freuindin in Polen!Ich freue mich zu zusammenarbeiten als ein wikipedian.

Mein wikipedian name ist aus meinem Freund in Japan.

pl-0 Ta osoba nie rozumie języka polskiego (albo ma z nim olbrzymie trudności).
ja この利用者は日本語母語としています。
en-1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of English.
fr-1 Cette personne peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
zh-1 該用戶能以基本中文進行交流。
nl-1 Deze gebruiker heeft elementaire kennis van het Nederlands.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un Italiano di livello semplice.

The introduction of "Four Pillars of Destiny"

[edytuj | edytuj kod]
Agata Mróz-Olszewska
  • 7 kwietnia 1982 (in Polen geboren)
    • 1982:壬戌
    • kwietnia:甲辰
    • 7:庚申
The development
  • 0-10:甲辰
  • 10-20:癸卯
  • 20-30:壬寅 (The current situation)
  • The main structure is 梟格.And the 申 and 辰 are forming the imperfect triangle.Here we find the 食神 or 傷官 , and her tall body is derived from the imperfect triangle.
  • The most important element is 戊. Agata has her 戊 in her birthyear (戌).
  • Now we find today as 2008, the year of 戊子.The most important 戊 does not work for herself (in Ku Bo).
  • To our regret,the fate is so cruel.
Another examples

de:Dinu Lipatti

Another examples

Ayako Nishikawa

Agata and Ayako are so bright and so brilliant girls,however their virtual life may not be so happy.
  • 1971 辛亥
  • kwietnia 壬辰
  • 5 庚申

The Development

  • 0-10:壬辰
  • 10-20:癸巳
  • 20-30:甲午
  • 30-40:乙未 (current)

The most important element is 戊.