Shakuyaku,[3] paling dikenal dengan julukannya Shakky, adalah bartender dari Shakky Rip-off Bar di Kepulauan Sabaody,[1] di mana dia tinggal bersama pasangan romantisnya Silvers Rayleigh.[3] Dia adalah sekutu kecil dari Bajak Laut Topi Jerami selama Arc Kepulauan Sabaody.
Shakky adalah mantan permaisuri dari Amazon Lily dan mantan kapten dari Bajak Laut Kuja dari dua generasi sebelum Boa Hancock dan satu generasi setelah Gloriosa.[2] Shakky dikenal pernah dikejar oleh Marinir yang legendaris, Monkey D. Garp.[5]
Setelah penghapusan Tujuh Panglima Perang Laut, Shakky dan Rayleigh kembali ke Amazon Lily untuk melindungi pulau dan Hancock.[6]
Shakky adalah wanita yang relatif ramping dan tinggi dengan rambut hitam pendek, dengan dua jumbai mengarah ke atas dan selalu terlihat sedang merokok. Dia terlihat sangat muda meskipun usianya sudah tua.
Dia biasanya mengenakan kaos V-neck merah muda yang memperlihatkan perutnya dengan laba-laba hitam di bawah jaket hitam dengan garis-garis merah muda di lengan yang memiliki kerah dengan manset seperti sayap. Dia juga memakai kalung manik-manik kuning, celana yang memiliki pola seperti jerapah, dan ikat pinggang dengan kardigan putih diikatkan di sekelilingnya. Dia juga memakai sepatu putih dan mengecat kukunya.[1]
Dua puluh dua tahun yang lalu, ciri fisiknya terlihat persis seperti sekarang, tetapi dengan perbedaan pakaian yang halus. Dia memiliki A-shirt yang lebih terbuka dengan warna dan motif laba-laba yang sama dengan yang dia pakai dalam alur cerita saat ini, tetapi dipasangkan dengan celana pendek. Dia juga tidak memakai kalung manik-maniknya, atau jaketnya.
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Shakky is very knowledgeable and seems to constantly seek information - particularly on other pirates. She also reads the newspapers in what one could assume to be an obsessive manner, as she believes strongly that knowledge is power. She was the one who informed Luffy of all of the nine other pirates whose bounties exceed 100,000,000. She is rarely seen without a cigarette. Shakky is also highly intuitive, being able to guess Hancock's and Luffy's Impel Down penetration plan, even knowing that Hancock had fallen in love with Luffy.
She also seems intent on keeping her age a secret; Luffy asked her how old she was when he heard that she had quit being a pirate forty years ago, but she immediately changed the subject, though she mentioned that she had been chased by Luffy's grandfather. After meeting Luffy for a short time, she is impressed by him, and states that she's rooting for him to become the Pirate King, particularly since she is aware that Silvers Rayleigh was the first mate of Gol D. Roger and is aware that Roger and Luffy are similar.
Shakky is also fond of teasing people, like teasing Chopper into believing he had to pay 100,000 for cotton candy.[7] She is infamous for charging exorbitant prices for her goods, but she made an exception for Hatchan and the Straw Hats. She also appreciates those who know when not to fight, which is why she favours Luffy over Eustass Kid, who tends to attack anyone, even innocent civilians over petty reasons despite the fact that his bounty was higher.
Rayleigh is Shakky’s business partner and husband. When he had gone missing for the previous six months before her introduction, she was not worried because she knew what Rayleigh is capable of. Shakky guessed that the Straw Hats might be able to find Rayleigh at Sabaody Park. After the Straw Hat Pirates returned from the Human Auctioning House, where they found Rayleigh, he and the entire Straw Hat crew gathered at Shakky's bar. Rayleigh trusts her implicitly and he knows her qualities. With her deductions, Rayleigh managed to find Luffy after the war.
Hatchan is well acquainted with Shakky, and is one of the handfuls of people who she made an exception for when it comes to paying exorbitant prices for goods at her rip-off bar.
Straw Hat Pirates[]
Shakky is a supporter of the crew. She let them stay at her bar when they arrived on Sabaody Archipelago and told them about Rayleigh.
Shakky took a great interest in them, as she told Luffy of her past with his grandfather and later stated she was a supporter after learning of his views on being Pirate King.
Gorgon Sisters[]
Former Empress of Amazon Lily Shakky is one of Boa Hancock's predecessors, Shakky helped shelter the Gorgon Sisters after their escape from the World Nobles along with Gloriosa and Rayleigh. She and Rayleigh saved Hancock from both the Marines and the Blackbeard Pirates. She advised Hancock that the Calm Belt was no longer safe anymore due to the Marines' technological advancements.[6]
Gloriosa is Shakky's predecessor as Empress of Amazon Lily and also good friends with her and Rayleigh. Before her return to Amazon Lily, Gloriosa lived with Rayleigh and Shakky on Sabaody Archipelago while sheltering the Gorgon Sisters after their escape from the World Nobles. After Hancock lost her title as a Warlord, Shakky and Rayleigh saved Gloriosa's life.
Rosy Life Riders[]
After the timeskip, Duval is seen bandaged up and hooked up to an IV on a bed in Shakky's Rip-off Bar along with his crew.[8]
Suku Kuja/Bajak Laut[]
Shakky was the Kujas' previous Empress of Amazon Lily and captain of the Kuja Pirates. She is loyal and compassion towards her former subjects. After Hancock lost her title, Shakky and Rayleigh saved her tribe and birthplace.
Monkey D. Garp[]
It is known that Shakky was once chased by the legendary marine when she was a pirate, over 42 years ago. Despite their enmity, she doesn't seem to hold a grudge against him, as seen when she showed no ill will to his grandson and told him of their past encounters.
Kemampuan dan Kekuatan[]
Kemampuan Fisik[]
As a former Empress of Amazon Lily, Shakuyaku is one of the strongest Kuja. She can easily beat up three large sized pirates who are larger than her to a bloody pulp before throwing them out, and she claims to have survived being chased by Garp, who is legendary for his strength as one of the strongest Marines.[5]
Pertemuan Intelijen[]
Shakky is always well-informed and always up to date. She can give any information that the Straw Hats may need such as information about the Eleven Supernovas. She always follows the information from the daily newspaper, and she is always able to make the assessment based on how the news react to the movements of pirates.
As the former empress of Amazon Lily and the former captain of the Kuja Pirates, Shakuyaku can use Haki like all Kuja.[2]
Masa Lalu[]
Shakuyaku was an Empress of Amazon Lily and captain of the Kuja Pirates[2] but gave up the life of a pirate 42 years ago to open a bar.[5] At some point, she suffered Love Sickness and formed a partnership with and married Silvers Rayleigh.[3] On Sabaody Archipelago, Shakuyaku, along with Rayleigh and Nyon, protected the Gorgon Sisters, after Fisher Tiger liberated the sisters from the World Nobles.[9][10]
Sometime after Gold Lion Shiki's escape, Hatchan visited Shakky's bar. Shakky offered Hatchan a drink when he wanted to meet Rayleigh.
Perang Puncak Saga[]
Arc Kepulauan Sabaody[]
Rayleigh had gone missing for the previous six months before Hatchan brought the Straw Hat Pirates to meet Rayleigh at Shakky's bar. Upon meeting Luffy, she informed him of the other major pirates that had arrived on the island around the same time as him.[1] She then told them that they might find Rayleigh at Sabaody Park. After the Straw Hats returned from the Human Auctioning House, where they found Rayleigh, he and the entire Straw Hat crew gathered at Shakky's bar. When Luffy declined easy information to One Piece, Shakky stated that she is a fan of Luffy. She took care of the wounded Hatchan as well as Camie and Pappag as the Straw Hats depart.
Unknown to her, Camie, Pappag, and Hatchan; Bartholomew Kuma teleported the Straw Hats away from Sabaody Archipelago to different locations. As time passed and Straw Hats had not been heard from since they were last seen, Camie began to worry about their safety. While Pappag and Hatchan were convinced they would be be fine, Shakuyaku on the contrary, pointed out that their chances of facing a Marine Admiral and escaping are slim, and noted that the current era is slowly changing, so the Straw Hats must catch and hold on to "the waves" that will inevitably wash it away to survive.[11]
Post-War Arc[]
When she learns about Luffy's situation after the Summit War of Marineford, she tells Rayleigh that if she were Boa Hancock, she would hide Luffy from the Marines on Amazon Lily. She is seen again on the Thousand Sunny with Hatchan, Camie, Pappag, and the Rosy Life Riders. Camie asks Shakky if the Straw Hats are going to reunite using the vivre cards. Shakky replies that it will take time and assumes that Rayleigh has found Luffy. She then speaks about the need to protect the Thousand Sunny until the Straw Hats return. When Kuma arrives, Shakky tells everyone not to worry, unaware that the Warlord of the Sea lost his free will and became a weapon of the World Government.[12]
Pulau Manusia Ikan Saga[]
Arc Kembali ke Sabaody[]
She revealed to Sanji which of the Straw Hats had already arrived on the island.[13] She informed Brook through Den-Den Mushi about the situation with the Marines and the Fake Straw Hat Crew. She then went to the Thousand Sunny with Rayleigh. There, she informed the Straw Hats about the Marines' activities on the archipelago and that Brook should be arriving to the ship soon. She then said that everyone needed to hurry since the Marines were closing in on them, and that the only one they were not in contact with was Luffy.[14] She then gave them Rayleigh's Vivre Card, saying that Luffy would be following the card and was "counting on it."
After the Straw Hats finally gathered, Shakky watched them sail off to Fish-Man Island.[15]
Negeri Wano Saga[]
Arc Negeri Wano[]
After the Seven Warlords of the Sea were abolished, Shakky accompanied Rayleigh to Amazon Lily, where he drove off the Marines and the Blackbeard Pirates who had invaded the island.[6]
Final Saga[]
Arc Egghead[]
Weeks after the attack on Amazon Lily was over, Shakky sat with Rayleigh and the leaders of the island and discussed the situation and the Marines' new weapons, the Seraphim.[6]
Perbedaan Anime dan Manga[]
In the anime, she briefly flirts with Brook. When he asks about the color of her panties, she indifferently is about to tell him, but is interrupted by Camie and Pappag, though later she does tell him off screen.[7]
Video Games[]
- One Piece Bon! Bon! Journey!!
Penampilan Tidak Dapat Dimainkan[]
- One Piece: Gigant Battle
- One Piece: Gigant Battle! 2 New World
- Shakky is the first Kuja to be shown in the series, although her identity as one was only revealed 561 chapters after her debut.
- Shakuyaku (芍薬?) means "peony".
- Her name may be considered a hint of her Kuja roots, as all members of the tribe are named after flowers.
- In the One Piece Blue Deep: Characters World databook, her relationship with Silvers Rayleigh is written as that of friends, rather than husband and wife. As he was referred to as her "uchi no hito" (うちの人, lit. "person of my household"?) in the manga,[16] their relationship as stated in the databook may be an oversight by Oda.
- Her favorite drink is whiskey.
- She is the only known Kuja, as well as the only known Kuja Empress, to live outside Amazon Lily and strangely she and Rayleigh never have children, despite the fact that most Kujas often get pregnant when they leave Amazon Lily.
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 5-11, 18-19) dan Episode 392, Shakuyaku diperkenalkan.
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 Manga One Piece — Vol. 105 Chapter 1059 (p. 16).
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 Vivre Card - Kamus Visual One Piece (Card #0509), Informasi Shakky terungkap.
- ↑ One Piece Blue Deep: Characters World (p. 76), Ulang tahunnya terungkap.
- ↑ 5,0 5,1 5,2 Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 9) dan Episode 392, Shakuyaku mengungkapkan kepada Luffy bahwa dia pernah dikejar oleh Garp saat dia menjadi bajak laut.
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 Manga One Piece — Vol. 105 Chapter 1059 (p. 16-17).
- ↑ 7,0 7,1 Anime One Piece — Episode 392.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 61 Chapter 598 dan Episode 518, An injured Duval is seen in Shakky's Bar along with his crew.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 60 Chapter 591 (p. 8) dan Episode 507.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 521 (p. 13-15) dan Episode 415.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 53 Chapter 514 dan Episode 408, Shakuyaku says that the era is slowly changing.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 60 Chapter 593 dan Episode 512.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 61 Chapter 598 dan Episode 517.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 61 Chapter 600 dan Episode 520.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 61 Chapter 603 dan Episode 523.
- ↑ Manga dan Anime One Piece — Vol. 51 Chapter 498 dan Episode 392, Shakuyaku calls Rayleigh "uchi no hito", implying that the two are a married couple.
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