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"Kepulauan Sabaody" telah ditampilkan, berarti itu dipilih sebagai sebuah artikel yang menarik.

Kepulauan Sabaody[2] adalah pulau terakhir di Paradise, dekat dengan Red Line.[3] Meskipun disebut kepulauan, sebenarnya ini adalah hutan mangrove yang tumbuh dari tengah lautan dengan setiap pohon di hutan berfungsi sebagai "pulau" tempat tinggal manusia.[1] Karena itu hanya sekelompok pohon dan bukan sebuah pulau seperti yang ditemukan di Grand Line, ia tidak memiliki tarikan magnet yang dapat mempengaruhi Log Pose.[4]

Tempat ini terkenal sebagai pulau terakhir di Surga yang dikunjungi oleh Bajak Laut Topi Jerami secara keseluruhan sebelum mereka dipisahkan oleh Bartholomew Kuma. Dua tahun setelah kejadian itu, Topi Jerami berkumpul kembali di sini sekali lagi sebelum berangkat ke Dunia Baru.

Informasi Umum[]

Karena tempatnya yang dekat dengan bagian Red Line yang berbatasan dengan paruh pertama Grand Line dan Dunia Baru, ini adalah perhentian yang banyak dikunjungi untuk mempersiapkan semua jenis pelancong. sebelum memasuki Dunia Baru. Selain dari lingkungannya yang unik dan menjadi pusat bisnis yang berkembang pesat, tempat ini terkenal bagi Bangsawan Dunia yang berkunjung ke sana dan perdagangan budak yang berkembang pesat didukung oleh mereka. Salah satu kelompok pemburu budak yang terkenal adalah Penunggang Ikan Terbang yang markas besarnya berada beberapa kilometer di timur area tersebut.[5]

Beberapa saat setelah pengunduran diri Sengoku dan Sakazuki mengambil alih, basis operasi untuk Markas Angkatan Laut telah dipindahkan ke G-1 di Dunia Baru. Hal ini mengakibatkan Kepulauan Sabaody menjadi semakin tidak berhukum.[6]


The Sabaody Archipelago is, in actuality, a massive mangrove forest in the middle of the ocean made up of 79 separate trees known as Yarukiman Mangrove. The Yarukiman Mangrove trees are the largest mangroves in the world and are strong enough to grow from the bottom of the ocean to the top. Each tree is called a grove and serves as an island for which people live on. People can get from one grove to another via the various bridges built connecting around the many tree roots.[7]

Peta Kepulauan Sabaody

Peta Kepulauan Sabaody.

The seventy-nine trees are divided into several different areas, with each one dependent on the number of the area.[8]

  • 1-29: A lawless area where pirates and bounty hunters run amok[8]
    • 1: The Human Auctioning House is here. The World Nobles, Kid and Heart Pirates gathered here before the Incident of the Celestial Dragons.[9]
    • 2: Zoro wandered through while making his way to Grove 1.[10]
    • 8: The Hound Pets hideout is here.[11]
    • 12: A warning sign against the Marines is here.[12] This is where the Straw Hats were seemingly eradicated two years ago.[13]
    • 13: Shakky's Rip-off Bar is here.[14]
    • 16: A warning sign against the Marines, with a dead Marine strung up, is here.[15] A group of bounty hunters (including Kairiken and Minoruba) attempted to ambush the Straw Hats.[16]
    • 17: Robin met Franky on the Thousand Sunny and waited for the other Straw Hats here.[17]
    • 21: Drake stopped a fight between Urouge and Killer while Law watched here.[18]
    • 22: A human shop is here.[19]
    • 24: A restaurant is here.[20]
    • 27: A port is here.[21]
  • 30-39: Sabaody Park, an amusement park with bubble-based attractions[8]
    • 30: A shopping mall is here.[22]
    • 31: Devil Dias' bomb collar blew up in his escape attempt here.[23]
    • 32-34: Sabaody Park is here.[24] As part of Sabaody Park, Sabao Dome is on Grove 33, where Brook's final world tour concert was held.[25]
    • 35: Antonio's Graman is here along with hotels for people who have permission to pass through Mary Geoise.[26]
    • 36: Sentomaru waited for Kizaru here.[27]
  • 40-49: A tourist area, filled with shops and souvenir stands[8]
    • 40: In the wake of Blackbeard's earthquake, a tidal wave forced spectators of the Summit War here.[28] The Marines had the grove blockaded to prevent the Straw Hats escape.[29]
    • 41: The Straw Hats docked here before the Summit War.[30] After the crew was defeated, the Rosy Life Riders guard the Thousand Sunny.[31]
    • 42: The Marines had the grove blockaded to prevent the Straw Hats escape.[29] There's a fishmonger here.[32] The Straw Hats anchored the Thousand Sunny here before leaving for Fish-Man Island [33], later reuniting in the same place.[34]
    • 43: The Marines report the Straw Hats actions.[29]
    • 44: Five kilometers east lies the Flying Fish Rider's base.[35] The Thousand Sunny was moved here after the Summit War.[36] The Marines had the grove blockaded to prevent the Straw Hats escape.[29]
    • 46: The Fake Straw Hats Crew assembled here.[37]
    • 47: Chopper ran into the Fake Straw Hats Crew before Robin is kidnapped.[38]
  • 50-59: A shipping area[8]
    • 50: In the wake of Blackbeard's earthquake, a tidal wave forced spectators of the Summit War here.[28]
  • 60-69: Local headquarters for the Marines[8]
    • 66: The Marine base, where the plan to take down the Straw Hats was made, is here.[39]
  • 70-79: A hotel town[8]

The location of the mangrove forest is crucial in the travels through the Grand Line due to its approximation to the only two crossing points on this side of the world. Although there are several paths that traverse the equatorial ocean, the only two points that cross to the other side (Mary Geoise and Fish-Man Island) are on exactly the same place, with one at the top of the Red Line and the other in a massive tunnel under the Red Line in the depths of the ocean. Because this is the only point where one can cross into the New World, the location of the Sabaody Archipelago makes it ideal for anyone who needs to prepare to cross this section of the ocean by either means. Thus, everyone from the high-ranked nobles to the traversing pirates use the Sabaody Archipelago as a rest and preparation point as they look back on their previous journeys and prepare to enter the New World.

Notable Locations[]

Marine Base[]

Berkas:Sabaody Marine Base.png

The Sabaody Marine Base.

The Sabaody Marine base is a Marine base located on GR 66 of the Sabaody Archipelago and is responsible for its security. When the Straw Hat Pirates first arrived here, the Marine Base's influence started at GR 30 and ended up at GR 79, letting GR 1 to 29 be a lawless area where pirates and bounty hunters ruled. After the Marine Headquarters' base was moved to the New World, the Marine Base's influence weakened and the Archipelago became less safe and more difficult to protect.

Crisis at the Sabaody Archipelago[]

During the preparation for the Summit War of Marineford, the Sabaody Archipelago Marine Base had to protect the Archipelago completely on its own. When it learned that Silvers Rayleigh was going to be sold as a slave, it surrounded the Human Auctioning House with all its troops. After Monkey D. Luffy punched Saint Charlos and the Straw Hat Pirates attacked the Auction House, the Marine Base was ordered to prevent them, the Heart Pirates and the Kid Pirates to escape until Admiral Kizaru came with some Pacifistas. The Marine Base failed as it was completely defeated by the three pirate crews who managed to escape.[40]

After the Summit War of Marineford, a large tsunami was sent towards Sabaody Archipelago by Blackbeard's newfound earthquake powers. A tsunami warning was made and caused huge panic on the island.[41]

Two Years Later[]

When the Sabaody Marine Base learned that the Fake Straw Hat Crew were recruiting new members, it sent marines to GR 46 to confirm that they had come back to the Archipelago. After the investigating team "recognized" the Fake Pirates, the Marine Base decided to evacuate the neighbor groves and to send its troops to prepare for battle. The captain of the Science Unit, Sentomaru, told a Marine officer that he was going to GR 46 on ahead, with PX-5 and PX-7, explaining that the Marine Base was underestimating the Straw Hat Pirates.

The Marines sent six platoons to capture the Straw Hats. However, due to various interruptions, they were stalled and were unable to catch them. The reasons were:

  • The first platoon (led by Sentomaru) were busy with the pirates gathered by the impostors while PX-5 and PX-7 had been destroyed by Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji;
  • The 2nd (1st back-up) platoon was stalled by Silvers Rayleigh;
  • The 3rd (2nd back-up) platoon was incapacitated by depression (by Perona's Negative Hollows);
  • The 4th (3rd back-up) platoon was attacked by giant beetles (presumably on Heracles orders);
  • The 5th (4th back-up) platoon was unable to pursue due to their gunpowder being wet (due to the Weatheria scientists);
  • The 6th (5th back-up) platoon was unable to pursue due to their passage being blocked by okamas who were "crushing" their hearts.

A marine ship also attempted to stop the Straw Hats from leaving but were stopped by Hancock, who makes up an excuse for herself by saying that the marine ship was in her pathway. In the anime, the giant bird that Chopper came in on also tore down the sails of the ship.


Lihat juga kategori terkait: Sabaody Archipelago Residents.

Templat:Sabaody Archipelago Gallery


The people native to the Sabaody Archipelago have learned to live both within and alongside the trees and the large bubbles that they create. Each tree houses a different use, many of which are for the various commerce for those who visit the area. Like the trees, the bubbles are also used for many different and varied means, going from transportation devices such as bubble bikes called Bon Chari, to personal hotel rooms, to even special helmets used by the World Nobles to prevent them from breathing the air of commoners.

For those who wish to move further along the Grand Line, the mangrove is important in order to stock up on supplies and prepare themselves for the journey to cross the Red Line. Most normal travelers generally stay here and wait until they are given permission to cross the Red Line on foot by Mary Geoise. The rest, such as pirates, must typically seek "coating mechanics" found around the archipelago to cover their ships in the special resin produced by the trees. It is this resin that allows ships to go underwater to Fish-Man Island.

Slavery and Discrimination[]

Due to the proximity of the archipelago to the holy land of Mary Geoise, World Nobles are sometimes seen going around the place. While they provide the mangrove wealth and prosperity, their views on commoners make life horrible for both the inhabitants and visitors alike. Since they see commoners as completely below them, World Nobles generally expect absolute obedience shown. Anyone that crosses their path is expected to bow and give way for them. World Nobles also do what they like around town without question, whether it be taking civilians against their will or shooting them on sight. Anyone who does not coincide with what they do is punished severely.

Because of how World Nobles view commoners as nothing more than objects that they can freely do whatever they want with, this supports and legalizes a booming slave trading industry that caters to their desires, a practice that is normally banned in the rest of the world. As a result, the mangrove is home to many kidnapping gangs and bounty hunters who do business with the trade. These various slave traders would thus capture anyone who presents a fine prize and sells them for the highest bidder to do whatever they desire. Once sold off to a World Noble, or anybody just as rich enough to afford a slave, these slaves, from ordinary people to even the fiercest of pirates, are treated like trash after capture.[42]

While people from all sorts of trade suffer from Sabaody's slave industry, the ones that suffer the most are Fish-Men and Merfolk. This stems from the fact that Sabaody still holds onto the old notion that these races are classified as just another type of fish. This notion was abolished two hundred years before the current storyline when the World Government allied with Fish-Man Island. Sabaody however still practices this horrid fact along with slavery. As a result, since Fish-Men and Merfolk are seen as nothing more as fish, they are captured regardless if they are criminals or not. Most of them are thus forced to stay away from the mangrove. This is such a horrible thing especially as the childhood dream of most of them can only be found in the mangrove, this being to ride the large bubble ferris wheel in Sabaody Park. Those that dare to venture into the mangrove to do business, fulfill their childhood dream, or otherwise, must wear disguises and pretend to be human to avoid being captured.[43]

Pirate Activity in Sabaody[]

Being the last stop before going to the New World, pirates land on Sabaody to prepare for the dangers that lay ahead. Pirates must stop here if they wish to have their ship coated so that they may proceed to Fish-Man Island. However, they cannot do things as freely as they did before reaching the mangrove, due to the mangrove being practically next door to both Mary Geoise and Marineford. Pirates are in the most dangerous possible place to be in when in Sabaody because of this. Aside from the multitude of strong bounty hunters and kidnapping gangs native to the mangrove, they have to be aware that they may be attacked at any moment by either Marines or by the World Government itself. In fact, because of the proximity to the World Government and its forces, notorious pirates do not even get to roam freely on Sabaody as they are captured by the Marine forces that are normally stationed in the mangrove unless these forces are attending something else.

With the various dangers before them in Sabaody, pirates must, therefore, restrain themselves else they attract unwanted attention onto themselves. They cannot pillage or even have fights amongst themselves. Above else, they shouldn't attack any of the World Nobles that frequent the mangrove. Should they attack a World Noble for whatever reason, a large number of Marines led by a Marine admiral is dispatched to eliminate any and every pirate within the mangrove.[42][44] This fact did not, however, keep Luffy from punching one in the face after Hachi was shot by him.

After the base of Marine Headquarters has been relocated to G-1 in the New World due to the decision of Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, Sabaody Archipelago has become more lawless with pirates being able to act more freely than before.


Everything on this island is bubble-based, with the bubbles from the Yarukiman Mangroves used in a variety of fashions. The bubbles can be manipulated into a cart known as a Bon Chari by simply sitting on it. Many other bubbles are used for the rides and attractions of Sabaody Park, including the ferris wheel, drop tower and roller coaster. Bubbles can also be transformed into individualized hotel rooms at certain lodging areas on the island. It is also so far the only place shown other than Fish-Man Island where coating can be done.

Translation and Dub Issues[]

Before the actual Romaji spelling of the archipelago was revealed, the name of this location was translated as the "Shabondy Archipelago" by various scanlation groups based on the Japanese pronunciation of the word.

Shabon, pronounced [ɕabon], is the direct romanization of what's written in katakana (シャボン). It actually is, however, the Portuguese loanword Sabão, meaning soap. Sabão is pronounced [sɐˈbɐ̃ũ] in Portuguese, ending with a nasal vowel, which cannot be faithfully reproduced in Japanese. Thus, Japanese people automatically replace any nasal vowel by a compound of 2 sounds, the second being the nasal "-n". Therefore, Portuguese Sabão is pronounced as Shabon in Japanese.

On Toei's official One Piece website, on the Log Collections, it used to be mistakenly titled as "Sababody". The newer official website and the actual Log Collection both refer to the archipelago as "Sabãody".


  • This is the only place so far that the Straw Hat Pirates have been to in two different sagas; it was where they separated during the Summit War Saga and where they reunited at the beginning of the Fish-Man Island Saga.
    • It is the second location that was visited twice, the first being Water 7.
  • Its name echoes the Portuguese word Sabão meaning soap and corresponds to the island's unique environment where soap-like bubbles are produced by the trees.


  1. 1,0 1,1 Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 496 dan Episode 390, Kepulauan Sabaody ditampilkan untuk pertama kalinya.
  2. One Piece Color Walk 7 Tiranosaurus, Nama Kepulauan Sabaody diterjemahkan.
  3. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 50 Chapter 491 dan Episode 386, Kepulauan Sabaody pertama kali disebutkan.
  4. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 496 (p. 14) dan Episode 390, Hatchan menyatakan bahwa Kepulauan Sabaody tidak memiliki tarikan magnet.
  5. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 44 Chapter 429 dan Episode 311, First sight of the Flying Fish Riders' base.
  6. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 598 dan Episode 517, Orang-orang di bar menyebutkan perubahan itu.
  7. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 496 (p. 15-16) dan Episode 390, Hatchan explains the Sabaody Archipelago to the Straw Hats.
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 8,4 8,5 8,6 Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 4) dan Episode 392.
  9. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 500 (p. 13-16) dan Episode 394.
  10. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 501 (p. 17) dan Episode 395.
  11. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 52 Chapter 506 (p. 6) dan Episode 400.
  12. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 598 (p. 22) dan Episode 518.
  13. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 53 Chapter 513 (p. 2-19) dan Episode 405.
  14. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 5) dan Episode 392.
  15. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 3) dan Episode 392.
  16. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 2-4) dan Episode 392.
  17. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 599 (p. 8-11) dan Episode 519.
  18. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 16-18) dan Episode 392.
  19. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 500 (p. 7) dan Episode 394.
  20. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 498 (p. 12-15) dan Episode 392.
  21. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 52 Chapter 506 (p. 18-19) dan Episode 400.
  22. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 497 (p. 12) dan Episode 391.
  23. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 497 (p. 12-18) dan Episode 391.
  24. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 499 (p. 4-9) dan Episode 393.
  25. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 598 (p. 7-8) dan Episode 517.
  26. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 497 (p. 10-12) dan Episode 391.
  27. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 52 Chapter 508 (p. 19) dan Episode 401.
  28. 28,0 28,1 Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 59 Chapter 579 (p. 5-6) dan Episode 488.
  29. 29,0 29,1 29,2 29,3 Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 599 (p. 14) dan Episode 519.
  30. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 496 (p. 16) dan Episode 390.
  31. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 53 Chapter 514 (p. 2) dan Episode 408.
  32. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 599 (p. 16-19) dan Episode 518.
  33. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 600 (p. 19) dan Episode 520.
  34. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 602 (p. 5-11,13-17) dan Episode 522.
  35. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 50 Chapter 491 (p. 9.11) dan Episode 386.
  36. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 60 Chapter 593 (p. 12-15) dan Episode 512.
  37. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 599 (p. 13) dan Episode 519.
  38. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 598 (p. 20-22) dan Episode 518.
  39. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 61 Chapter 599 (p. 14-15) dan Episode 519.
  40. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 52 Chapters 504506 (p. 15-19, 2-19, 2-5) dan Episodes 398399, The Straw Hats, Kid, and Heart Pirates fight the Marines.
  41. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 59 Chapter 579 (p. 5) dan Episode 488, Teach causes massive earthquake damage that reached Sabaody Archipelago.
  42. 42,0 42,1 Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 497 dan Episode 391, The cruelty of the World Nobles is seen and why they shouldn't be attacked is revealed.
  43. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 500 dan Episode 394, Why fish-men and merfolk are captured and sold off as slaves regardless if they are a criminal or not, is revealed.
  44. Manga dan Anime One PieceVol. 51 Chapter 498 dan Episode 392, Many of the Eleven Supernovas restrain themselves from making trouble.

Tautan Eksternal[]

  • Archipelago – Artikel Wikipedia tentang kepulauan.
  • Mangrove – Artikel Wikipedia tentang mangrove.
  • Soap – Artikel Wikipedia tentang sabun.
  • Kata-kata Jepang asal Portugis – Artikel Wikipedia yang menjelaskan penggunaan Sabao dan istilah Jepang turunan Portugis lainnya.

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