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Bestand:Ewa Fröling 1971.jpg

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English: Ewa Fröling, as released by image owner Lars Jacob Prod
Place: Romanoff, Döbelnsgatan 4, Stockholm, Sweden
This image comes from the Southerly Clubs of Stockholm, Sweden, a non-profit society which owns image publication rights to the archives of Lars Jacob Prod, Mimical Productions, F.U.S.I.A., Swenglistic Underground (formerly CabarEng), Ristesson Ent and FamSAC. Southerly Clubs donated this picture to the Public Domain. Deputy Chairman Emil Eikner for the Board of Directors, Hallowe'en 2008.
Auteur Assistant on assignment
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huidige versie30 okt 2008 03:50Miniatuurafbeelding voor de versie van 30 okt 2008 03:50505 × 735 (52 kB)EmilEikS{{Information |Description={{en|1=|Description={{sv|1=Ewa FrölingAnnabelle Rice med tillstånd av Lars Jacob Prod som äger bilden}} |Source=Lars Jacob Prod med tillstånd |Author=Lars Jacob Prod |Date=1971 |Permission={{Permissi

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