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Chairman/ordförande Gunilla Thomsson
2021 book

English: FamSACFamilia Suecana Americana & Cetera – is an international non-profit society of relatives founded in 2006 with over 3000 passive and 275 active members (2024), some of them notable (see below). Active members have applied in writing; of them, those who are 80 or head main branches are appointed Honorary Members. Website: here. All members get invited to attend an AGM to elect the Board of Directors. FamSAC published a 564-page book in 2021.

Svenska: FamSACFamilia Suecana Americana & Cetera – är en internationell ideell släktförening grundad 2006 med över 3000 passiva och 275 aktiva medlemmar (2024), bland dem ett flertal kända personer (se nedan). Aktiva medlemmar har ansökt skriftligt; de som är 80 eller står först genealogiskt i stora grenar utnämns till Hedersmedlemmar. Nätplats här. Alla medlemmar kallas till årsmöten för att välja styrelse. FamSAC gav 2021 ut en bok på 564 sidor.


This is a selection of images from the FamSAC archives. There are many more images on file on these various sub-heading subjects. Some have been uploaded to Commons, whereas many others are so recent that they cannot be uploaded in public due to copyright issues (i.e. available only for private use through FamSAC memberhip). Some of the years given are approximate. Identifications are mainly left to right. The images' own pages often have more detail on locations and other information. Subject headings may overlap on occasion, e.g. a family photo may be found under Homes because the house actually is the main item in it, etc.

Select family trees and other FamSAC artwork


FamSAC events (& events with members) since 2006


A small year-by-year selection.

FamSAC's main founding parents


Wedding couples & other rare pairs


Also see above section on FamSAC's main founding parents.

Founding families


Homes of the main founding families


(Passive FamSAC members are members through relationship. Others, including Honorary Members, are registered members with applications on file. Names here are followed by FamSAC member codes in parentheses.)

First Ladies & Head Gentlemen as of 2024


FamSAC's genealogical VIPs heading the association's 8 greater families and a few large main branches. The histories of these positions, and all predecessors in them, are detailed on the FamSAC website.

Selection of other FamSAC archive images


Suspected photos of key people


Ancestors’ graves
