The Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station (週刊ポケモン放送局, Shūkan Pokémon Hōsōkyoku) was a show that aired every Tuesday night on TV Tokyo from October 15, 2002 to September 28, 2004. It ran during the the final part of the original series, and continues during the beginning part of Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire. It was preceded by Pocket Monsters Encore and succeeded by Pokémon Sunday. The episodes were hosted by Misty and Brock, who just introduced the episode and closed the episode. They were regularly joined by the comedy team "Shio Koshō", Jessie, James, and Meowth (Team Rocket).
The ending themes are, To My Best Friend by Hiromi Iwasaki, Brock's Paradise by Brock (Yuji Ueda), Riding on Lapras, Misty (Mayumi Iizuka) and Lapras (Rikako Aikawa), Look Forward Team Rocket! by Team Rocket (Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet), One Hundred Fifty-One by Professor Oak (Unsho Ishizuka) and Pokémon Kids, Pocket-ering Monster-ing by KANA, Meowth's Party by Meowth (Inuko Inuyama), Jessie, and James, Pokémon March by Sachiko Kobayashi, Unsho Ishizuka, Kōichi Sakaguchi, and Shimai Niitsu, Exciting Pokémon Relay by Rikako Aikawa and Chorus, Fantasy in My Pocket by Sachiko Kobayashi & Juri Ihata, Exciting² Pokémon Relay (Hard Version) by Rikako Aikawa and Chorus, Polka O Dolka by Inuko Inuyama (Meowth) and Nolsol Chorus Group, Meowth's Song by Inuko Inuyama (Meowth), The Poké-Pose Game Song by Tokiwa Forest Chrous, Type: Wild by Rica Matsumoto, and Marching March by Halcali.
- Variety shows
- Encore of past Pokémon the Series episodes
- Side story episodes
External links[]
- Weekly Pokémon Broadcasting Station at Bulbapedia, the Pokémon wiki.