
The icon of Shadow Eye as seen in Xenoblade Chronicles

Shadow Eye is one of Shulk's supporting arts in Xenoblade Chronicles. It reduces Shulk's current total aggro, but do not affect the aggro gain after its use, it also gives him a Physical Arts Plus buff and increase the damage of his physical arts by 50% for the five next seconds. The amount of aggro reduced depends on the art's level.


Learnt Attribute Target Aggro
Level 10 Ether Self 0


Level AP Cost Aggro Reduction Cooldown
1 N/A 30% 45.0 s
2 260 35% 44.1 s
3 520 40% 43.2 s
4 1040 45% 42.3 s
5 2080 50% 41.4 s
6 3120 55% 40.5 s
7 4680 60% 39.6 s
8 6760 65% 38.5 s
9 9360 70% 37.8 s
10 12480 75% 36.9 s


The intermediate books are only found in shops for 6400 G


Advanced art books are only available from enemy drops.

Enemy Level Area Drop rates
Avalanche Abaasy 120 Valak Mountain 7.7 %
Bizarre Ragoel 88 Eryth Sea 4.7 %
Victorious Gross 73 Bionis' Interior 2.1 %
Gluttony Gogol 78 Bionis' Leg 5.0 %
Sloth Gogol 74 - 76 Bionis' Leg 5.0 %
M56/UNION 62 Agniratha 1.9 %
Sanjibal Behemoth 78 Prison Island 1.9 %