Shulk LightHeal

The icon of Light Heal as seen in Xenoblade Chronicles.

Light Heal is one of Shulk's supporting arts in Xenoblade Chronicles. It replenishes a small amount of HP to himself or any active party member.


Learnt Attribute Target Aggro
Level 1 Ether One ally 5


Level AP Cost Power Cooldown
1 N/A 1.80 - 2.16 25.0 s
2 160 1.99 - 2.39 24.2 s
3 320 2.18 - 2.62 23.5 s
4 640 2.37 - 2.85 22.8 s
5 1,280 2.56 - 3.08 22.0 s
6 1,920 2.75 - 3.31 21.2 s
7 2,880 2.94 - 3.54 20.5 s
8 4,160 3.13 - 3.77 19.8 s
9 5,760 3.32 - 4.00 19.0 s
10 7,680 3.51 - 4.23 18.2 s



The intermediate books are only found in shops for 4800 G

  • Colony 9
    • Ether Light Shop
  • Ether Mines
    • Drainage Control Room Shop
  • Colony 6
    • Shop 1


Advanced art books are only available from enemy drops. For any enemies listed with a 0% drop rate, the item can only be obtained using Yoink!, Riki's Talent art.

Enemy Level Area Drop rates
Flailing Bracken 73 Colony 9 8.8 %
Vagabond Allocer 63 Agniratha 4.1 %
Veteran Yozel 83 Satorl Marsh 2.3 %
Carbon Tude 88 Eryth Sea 8.8 %
Throne Sardi 70 - 72 Colony 9 8.8 %
Offensive/FOUND 58 Central Factory 3.1 %
General Arachno 75 Bionis' Leg 2.3 %
Vilae Arachno 93 - 96 Tephra Cave 2.1 %
M55/DREAD 62 Agniratha 0.9 %
Uragano Nebula 76 Prison Island 0.9 %
Telethia Lecrough 87 Alcamoth 0.0 %