The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

The spirit of chaos and disharmony, Discord once ruled over all of Equestria! He was imprisoned in stone and eventually set free... Now he's been given a second chance to do good and find true friends.
Playable No
Level 11
Town Ponyville
Arrival Bonus 240
Residence Throne of Chaos (Ponyville)
Canterlot Castle (Canterlot)
More Info
Update Added Update 2.4
Milestone Helper
Boss Helper
Community Helper
Pro Character
Discord on the MLP:FiM wiki

Discord is a draconequus, the embodiment of Chaos. He lives in Throne of Chaos in Ponyville, but like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, he also appears in Canterlot, where he stays in Canterlot Castle along with Starlight Glimmer. He was added in the version 2.4 update.

Like Celestia and Luna, he can drop one of each type of element shards. He also starts at 5 stars and can't play minigames.

Prior to his addition as a playable Character, a statue of Discord was available as a piece of Canterlot Decor; the Discord Statue can only be placed once.


Although the player is required to buy him in Ponyville and Canterlot, he works with Trixie, Thorax, and Starlight Glimmer in a series of quests within the Changeling Kingdom as the four attempt to defeat Queen Chrysalis and save Equestria. There, he is already available to complete the quests.


Royal Row

Flower Power

Reformed Rabble-Rousers
Unlikely Heroes


All Time[]

  • None, limited time only

Limited Time[]

Where Price Date Purpose Notes
Ponyville Store 480 July Promotion First time available for gems in over a year
Ponyville Store 450 October 2022 Gem Sale Marked down from 600 (25% off)
Ponyville Store 450 March 2023 Gem Sale Marked down from 600 (25% off)
Ponyville Store 480 July 2023 Gem Sale Marked down from 600 (20% off)
Ponyville Store 400 October 2023 Gem Sale Marked down from 600 (33% off)
Exclusive Set $10.99 May 2024 Real Sale Bundled with Discord's Puppy Chaise (Decor) and 50
Ponyville Store 500 October 2024 Gem Sale Marked down from 600 (17% off)
Evil Bundle $9.99 December 2024 Real Sale Bundled with Discord's Puppy Chaise (Decor) and 50
Ponyville Store 420 February 2025 Gem Sale Marked down from 600 (30% off)
Evil Bundle $9.99 Real Sale Bundled with 30


Mane Six (The Elements of Harmony)
Ponyville (1256 Characters)
Ponyville A-C (256 Characters)
Ponyville D-G (233 Characters)
Ponyville H-M (230 Characters)
Ponyville N-R (234 Characters)
Ponyville S-Z (303 Characters)
Canterlot (281 Characters)
Sweet Apple Acres (216 Characters)
Crystal Empire (95 Characters)
Klugetown (40 Characters)
Unknown Location (2 Unknown & 16 Missing)
  • Roku Chan
  • Sneaky Pete