- Released: August 3, 2016 (IOS) / August 3, 2016 (Android).
- Time for the spectacle, time for the show!
- Equestria's #1 Pony-Star is coming to the My Little Pony game![1]
- What's New[2]
- Welcome... Countess Coloratura!
- NEW QUEST LINE: Enjoy an amazing new quest line based on one of the TV show's most popular episodes, complete tasks and get Rara!
- COLLECT TOKENS: Use the tokens to unlock Countess Coloratura, Svengallop, Coloratura's dancers, and others!
- ASTONISHING BUILDINGS & DÉCOR: New Big-Apple Stage, Countess's Chariot and other amazing shops and decorations!
- Other Changes
- New land expansions in Sweet Apple Acres.
- Mane 6 can do individual tasks now but will be taken out of work to do it.
- Album Image got changed to a new look.
- Pressing Assign in an album page will auto assign them to a shop.
- Due to legal regulations Link A Device feature was removed.
- Mane 6 Tasks
- Twilight Sparkle
- Visit Forsythia (6h)
- Find Magic Book (3h)
- Read A Book (5h)
- Pinkie Pie
- Talk with Bowling Pony (3h)
- Gaze at Balloons (6h)
- Dive into the chocolate in the Chocolate Stall (9h)
- Rarity
- Look in the mirror (5h)
- Dance with Lucky Clover (3h)
- Spend hours choosing a sofa in Quills and Sofa (7h)
- Applejack
- Harvest Apples (5h)
- Spend Time with Apple Rose (9h)
- Reminisce a little in Zap Apple Stand (4h)
- Fluttershy
- Visit Crescent Pony and take care of his pet (4h)
- Have a picnic (6h)
- Chat with Mr.Breezy (7h)
- Rainbow Dash
- Come up with a joke in the Joke Shop (4h)
- Jump around with Wild Fire (7h)
- Rehearse a trick (6h)
- Twilight Sparkle
- Other Pony Tasks
- Countess Coloratura
- Rehearse a new song (3h)
- Dance with Half Baked Apple (4h)
- Svengallop
- Review the contract (4h)
- Inspect the Orange Stand for brand synergies (7h)
- Order Sprinkle Stripe around (8h)
- Countess Coloratura
- New Ponies
- Ponyville
- Sweet Apple Acres
- Canterlot
- Other Ponies
- Shops
- Canterlot
- Sweet Apple Acres
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