The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

One of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, along with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who idolizes fellow Pegasus pony Rainbow Dash.
Playable Yes
Level 9
Town Ponyville
Arrival Bonus 350 Star
Residence Twilight's Library
Minigame Timer 75m (1h 15m)
Minigame Skip Time 2 Gem

15 Gem
Equestria Girls Eg prize
More Info
Update Added ?
Milestone Helper
Boss Helper
Community Helper
Pro Character
Level Up Rewards
1 2 3 4 5
Wheel T-button Wheel T-ribbon Lucky Coin
Scootaloo on the MLP:FiM wiki

Scootaloo is a filly pegasus pony and one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. In game, she lives in the Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse in Sweet Apple Acres. She has to be welcomed and raised to three stars to complete "Get Along, Li'l Pony"P, and assigned to three shops to complete "Café Talk"P. Prior to the Sweet Apple Acres update, she lived in Ponyville. In update 3.9 she was moved back to Ponyville in Twilight's Library.


Scootaloo cost 50 Heart when the game was first released but was dropped down to 30 Heart in the Movie Time Update. She costs 50 Heart when offline. She is unlocked at Level 11. Scootaloo must be cost 50 Heart but in the first nine versions of the game if the social networks was switched off, you could purchase her for 6,400 Bit.

After update 4.2 she cost 15 Gem.


  • In earlier versions of the game, presumably due to pony animations being identical across each pony model, Scootaloo could fly around instead of walk just like any other Pegasus pony. This was later changed and her flying animation was removed entirely to better reflect how in the TV show, Scootaloo is unable to fly at all.
    • Additionally in the now removed Clear the Skies minigame she was given a pair of butterfly wings like Unicorn and Earth ponies instead of flying with her natural wings to emphasize that Scootaloo is unable to fly.


Cutie Mark Crusaders

Cutie Mark Crusaders


Mane Six (The Elements of Harmony)
Ponyville (1205 Characters)
Ponyville A-C (253 Characters)
Ponyville D-G (229 Characters)
Ponyville H-M (224 Characters)
Ponyville N-R (228 Characters)
Ponyville S-Z (271 Characters)
Canterlot (268 Characters)
Sweet Apple Acres (216 Characters)
Crystal Empire (95 Characters)
Klugetown (40 Characters)
Unknown Location (2 Unknown & 16 Missing)
  • Roku Chan
  • Sneaky Pete