The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
Event Information
Type Siege
Update Added Update ??
Running Time(s)
April 2, 2021 - April 12, 2021
May 13, 2022 - May 23, 2022
June 16, 2023 - June 26, 2023

Casabronco is a Limited-Time Siege that began on April 2, 2021, and ended on April 12, 2021. It was held for a second time on May 13, 2022, and for a third time on June 16, 2023. It is based off of issues 89 to 92 (Episodes 1 to 4, Season 10) of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series.


Zecora: Welcome, newcomers, to far Farasi -- where my friends and I found a harmonious tree! It gisted us powers we don't understand... but we must master them to protect our homeland.

Zecora: We took down the Grootslang with a magical beam -- but we'll have to do plenty more work as a team.

Zecora: So, to hone our new skills 'til they're polished and sharp. I have a solution: a hoofwritten LARP!

Zecora: I have not run a game since we all were just foals, but I think it will help meet our team-building goals. And the first step to starting this magical mission is purchasing O&O's latest edition!

Quest #1: Collaborative Storytelling![]

Quest #1: Collaborative Storytelling!
"I have not run a game since we all were just foals, but I think it will help meet our team-building goals. And the first step to starting this magical mission is purchasing O&O's latest edition!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Zecora to pick up an O&O LARP rulebook from the Bookstore
Skip: 5

1 Time
Task Time: 3 minutes



10 Zecora's Bottles

Quest Giver: Zecora
Ending text
"I didn't even know Ogres & Oubliettes HAD LARP rules! Oh: That's "Live-Action Roleplaying." It's the kind where you run around in costume!"

Marini: Looks like all six of us are here! Thanks for setting this up, kid... With all of that craziness we just went through at the desert temple, it'll be nice to practice working together!

Dust Devil: Yeah! Are we supposed to be playing the same characters from when we were foals, though? I threw out Callindria Darkshadow's character sheet after they "died of heatstroke"...

Zecora: Don't worry about it, Dust Devil. We're starting again at level one. And we will not be playing as goblins as elves -- since it's been awhile, let's play as ourselves! As for the adventure, I've planned it for weeks... Behold friends: "The Pirates from the Parrot Peaks"! Picture this: Casabronco, just outside the docks. A dark ship sails in... It's not captained by hawks --

Medley Brook: Ooh! Are they the Pirates from the Parrot Peaks? From the adventure title? Because I'm having some trouble imagining them... Ooh! Can you sing us a sea shanty to set the scene?

Zecora: Uh... Sure, Medley Brook. (This was not in my book...) "There once was a ship that put to sea, and it was... uh... extremely piratey..."

Quest #2:Yo Ho![]

Quest #2: Yo Ho!
"Uh... Sure, Medley Brook. (This was not in my book...) "There once was a ship that put to sea, and it was... uh... extremely piratey..."" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Zecora to set the scene!
Skip: 5

1 Time
Task Time: 5 minutes




20 Zecora's Bottles

Quest Giver: Zecora
Ending text
"Well, I guess now we know that Zecora isn't quite as good at rhymes when she has to make up a sea shanty on the spot?"

Zecora: "AR-HAR!" says the captain, with manner most gruff! "We sailed here to pillage and plunder and stuff!"

Cactus Rose: Oh, no! That doesn't sound good... Can I tell whether they're just acting out because they're desperate? If they need food or supplies, I'm sure we could think of something...

Zecora: A generous thought, but there's on major hitch: You've heard of these guys, and they're just mean and rich.

Crystal: Ha! Ice cold, Zecora. I guess we're doing this the hard way, huh?

Dust Devil: Looks like it! Okay: I'm going to use my superspeed to see how many of them I can pick up and put in jail at once -- back me up!

Stage #1: Avast! (Minions)[]

Minion: Cardsharp Pirate
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X1 Magic Coins 3 100 12 +1
  •  Zecora may appear glowing during battles. Tapping her while she is glowing awards bonus Magic Coins (up to 5 taps at a time and 50 taps total before the glow disappears). This may be repeated every 1 hour.

Stage #1: Avast! (Boss)[]

Boss: Squabble
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Desert Temple (Décor) 10 100 1 minute
End Text
Whoa... I know I had to imagine most of the special effects myself, but... even when they're LARPing, Cactus Rose and Dust Devil are really cool!
  • Zecora is recommended to reach Level 1/2 on head/body to beat this boss (given that only Twilight Sparkle is active).

Zecora: "Fine!" says the captain. "You've locked up me mateys! But stand aside now -- for I've plans that are shady!"

Marini: Wait, so she's up to something BESIDES plundering, too? What's--

Zecora:"Never you mind!" is the pirates' retort! You should stop them -- or else they'll sneak into the port!

Stage #2: Hard to Port! (Minions)[]

Minion: Swashbuckling Pirate
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X2 Magic Coins 576 800 50 +1

Stage #2: Hard to Port! (Boss)[]

Boss: Mullet
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Kelpie Coaster (Décor) 38 570 1 minute
End Text
Okay, Crystal just made an ACTUAL ice sculpture in the middle of gameplay. So awesome...
  • Without helpers, is recommended that Zecora reachs level 11 on both pieces to beat this boss.

Crystal: WHOO! Eat loop-deloop ice ramp, you scurvy buccaneers! Did you guys see that? 'Cause, not to brag or anything, but I NAILED that--

Medley Brook: ... And my HUGE WAVE tips their silly little pirate boat all the way over! How'd I do, Zecora?

Zecora: You did GREAT, Medley Brook -- really making it happen! Now just the first mate's between you and the cap'n!

Crystal: *grumble...*

Stage #3: Arrr, Matey! (Minions)[]

Minion: Romantic Pirate
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X3 Magic Coins 1,065 1,500 45 +1

Stage #3: Arrr, Matey!(Boss)[]

Boss: Boyle
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Desert Encampment (Décor) 80 1,200 1 minute
End Text
Whoa-ho! They already tied up the first mate and all his cronies, just like that! This is going quicker than I thought...
  • Without helpers, is recommended that Zecora reachs level 18 on both pieces to beat this boss.

Zecora: All but one pirate's bested -- from deck to the galley! The captain stands tall: "Arrrr! This be the fina--"

Marini: Let's go into town to get a drink.

Zecora: ... Um. Marini? You must be one thirsty mare.... But I'll say it again: There's the captain, RIGHT THERE!

Marini: No, no... I get that, kid, but... I want to go get a drink at the juice bar. Trust me, I--

Zecora: Okay... well... the road there is... CRAWLING WITH BANDITS! And they're saying: "Go back! Yeah! Like Zecora planned it!!!"

Stage #4: Off the Rails... (Minions)[]

Minion: Caballeron's Bandolero
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X9 Magic Coins 2,619 4,000 40 +1

Stage #4: Off the Rails... (Boss)[]

Boss: Dr. Caballeron
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
House of Kettles

(or 20 )

234 4,680 1 minute
End Text
O-okay... They just defeated those bandits, too... (Bandits that I'm pretty sure Zecora just made up a few minutes ago...)
  • Without helpers, is recommended that Zecora reachs level 33 on both pieces to beat this boss

Marini: ... Okay! Bandits: defeated. So, like I was saying before -- let's all go to the juice bar to get a--

Zecora: THE JUICE BAR IS LOCKED! The key? You can't acquire it! For the love of-- Just go back and deal with the pirate!!!

Marini: Really? That's how we're gonna play this? Well, if you can't be even a LITTLE flexible about how you're running this adventure, then... Hey Medley Brook! Wanna LARP-fight Zecora?

Medley Brook: Ooh, I didn't know we we're going PvP... Sounds like fun! Let's do it!

Zecora: You're KIDDING me-- Hey, Crystal! Lend me your hooves, and I'll promise to notice your cool icy moves!

Crystal: Whoo! Finally, some recognition! Sign me up, buddy! I'll freeze those traitors in their tracks!

Stage #5: Pony vs. Pony! (Minions)[]

Minion: Medley Brook
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X24 Magic Coins 8,328 8,000 35 +2

Stage #5: (Boss)[]

Boss: Marini
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Medley Brook

(or 30 )

494 9,880 1 minute
End Text
Uh... I'm not really sure who's winning anymore. Sorry...?
  • Without helpers, is recommended that Zecora reachs level 49 on both pieces to beat this boss.

Crystal: HAH! Take that, ya wet blankets! Teach you to outshine all my sweetest moves...

Medley Brook: ACK! Foiled in LARP-ly combat -- and by one I once called COMRADE! (Oh, does anyone mind if I do a dramatic "lo, I am defeated" song? I've got the lyrics right--)

Dust Devil: Uh... Guys? Are we even still PLAYING, or--

Marini: Good question, Dust Devil! Maybe we WOULD be, if SOMEZEBRA would actually learn to loosen up and let her friends call an AUDIBLE once in a--

Prince Abraxas: Marini -- everyone! Grave news! I've just returned from the desert -- with the Grootslang gone, a gang of draconic thieves and ruffians has moved in, and--

Prince Abraxas: ... Um. Is... this a bad time?

Cactus Rose: Oh my goodness... Zecora! Did you really get Prince Abraxas to perform a cameo in your LARP? That is SO creative!

Zecora: Uh... If that was the case, I would REALLY be braggin'... But no, this is real. We... should handle those dragons.

Stage #6: Back to Reality! (Minions)[]

Minion: Pink Dragon
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X47 Magic Coins 15,980 15,000 30 +3

Stage #6: Back to Reality! (Boss)[]

Boss: Aquamarine Dragon
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Farasian Marketplace ( shop) or 20 852 21,300 1 minute
End Text
Whoa... is it me, or are they a LOT better at fighting these dragons than they are at LARP-fighting each other? (Should I be worried...?)
  • Without helpers, is recommended that Zecora reachs level 65 on both pieces to beat this boss.

Dust Devil: Whoo! I'm running CIRCLES around 'em!

Marini: Great hustle, Dust Devil! See if you can whip that wind up into a full-blown tornado -- then Medley Brook can add water, and boom! Instany typhoon!

Medley Brook: WHOOOO! Teamwork!!!

Zecora: If I may add, friend Marini -- the thing that I would like to see is Crystal freeze that water breeze, to bring the dragons to their knees!

Crystal: Roger that, Stripes! (Also, SICK internal rhyme, there!)

Marini: I'll second that! And Zecora, if you don't mind me improvising a little...?

Zecora: Knock 'em silly, best-friend filly!

Marini: Yeah! So, Cactus Rose, are any of the pointier plants around here willing to be used in a catapult of some kind...?

Stage #7: Quest Complete! (Minions)[]

Minion: Charcoal Dragon
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X77 Magic Coins 24,640 25,000 25 +4

Stage #7: (Boss)[]

Boss: Ancient Dragon Lord
Reward Upon Completion Recommended Team Power Boss HP Time Limit To Defeat
Prince Abraxas

(or 30 )

1,284 32,100 1 minute
End Text
WOO! They won! I was rooting for Zecora and her friends the whole time -- those other guys may have been dragons, but they weren't very nice!
  • Without helpers, is recommended that Zecora reachs level 81 on both pieces to beat this boss and go at the magic chest.

Zecora: The dragons are beaten; we finally won! *sigh...* If only my LARP had turned out to be fun...

Marini: It was! I guess it would've been even better if I hadn't derailed it, though... Sorry about that, kid. It's just...

Marini: When you said the captain had plans in town, I figured she was gonna rob the juice bar -- since they're cash only! I wanted to set an ambush for her there without her catching on...

Zecora: Marini, my friend... there's no need to frown. That makes perfect sense for the mayor of the town! The fault was entirely my own stupidity: My LARPing should not have had so much rigidity!

Marini: Well, don't sell yourself short! Sure, you were a little railroady when we were playing pretend... but out there on the field, you encouraged us to experiment AND think for ourselves!

Zecora: Thank you... and I'll give you praise just as ample: I could never have done so without your example!

Stage 8: Magic Chest[]

Minion: Magic Chest
Reward per Minion Defeat Magic Coins Cap Minion HP Number of Minions to move on Bonus Coins per Tap
X77 Magic Coins 40,425 24,000 N/A N/A
  • Zecora doesn't glow in this stage and it is stay until the LTS ends.

Zecora: That wraps up our LARP -- hope you were keeping score! But do not despair... I've got more games in store!

The End


Character Team Power
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8
Twilight Sparkle +5 - - - - - - -
Applejack +5 - - - - - - -
Pinkie Pie +5 - - - - - - -
Rarity - +20 - - - - - -
Mane Allgood(360 ) - +20 - - - - - -
Rainbow Dash - +20 - - - - - -
Cheery Zebra(540 - - +20 - - - - -
Cranky Doodle(540 )/Captain Cranky(420 ) - - +20 - - - - -
Ragamuffin(540 ) - - +25 - - - - -
Cardsharp Pirate - - - +25 - - - -
Future Big Mac(600 ) - - - +30 - - - -
Marini(585 ) - - - +35 - - - -
Spearhead(672 ) - - - - +30 - - -
Fizzlepop Berrytwist(875 ) - - - - +30 - - -
Crystal(675 ) - - - - +35 - - -
Accord(625 ) - - - - - +45 - -
Chill Zebra(720 ) - - - - - +50 - -
Dust Devil(765 ) - - - - - +55 - -
Rockhoof(800 ) - - - - - - +45 +45
Ms. Alegre(855 ) - - - - - - +50 +50
Cactus Rose(810 ) - - - - - - +55 +55
  • Helpers increase the maximum amount of Magic Coins you can store in the "bag".



From (Lvl) To (Lvl) Power (Mane) Power (Body) Mane Magic Coins Cost Body Magic Coins Cost
1 2 2 - -
1 2 3 3 1 1
2 3 4 4 2 2
3 4 5 5 3 3
4 5 6 6 5 5
5 6 7 7 9 9
6 7 9 9 15 15
7 8 11 11 40 40
8 9 13 13 99 99
9 10 16 16 234 234
10 11 19 19 273 273
11 12 22 22 288 288
12 13 25 25 316 316
13 14 28 28 360 360
14 15 31 31 402 402
15 16 34 34 446 446
16 17 37 37 489 489
17 18 40 40 532 532
18 19 43 43 648 648
19 20 46 46 693 693
20 21 51 51 743 743
21 22 56 56 823 823
22 23 61 61 905 905
23 24 66 66 985 985
24 25 71 71 1,067 1,067
25 26 76 76 1,147 1,147
26 27 81 81 1,229 1,229
27 28 86 86 1,309 1,309
28 29 91 91 1,391 1,391
29 30 96 96 1,471 1,471
30 31 103 103 1,553 1,553
31 32 110 110 1,665 1,665
32 33 117 117 1,782 1,782
33 34 124 124 2,520 2,520
34 35 131 131 2,676 2,676
35 36 138 138 2,820 2,820
36 37 145 145 2,976 2,976
37 38 152 152 3,132 3,132
38 39 159 159 3,276 3,276
39 40 166 166 3,432 3,432
40 41 175 175 3,576 3,576
41 42 184 184 3,780 3,780
42 43 193 193 3,972 3,972
43 44 202 202 4,164 4,164
44 45 211 211 4,356 4,356
45 46 220 220 4,548 4,548
46 47 229 229 4,752 4,752
47 48 238 238 4,944 4,944
48 49 247 247 5,136 5,136
49 50 256 256 5,569 5,569
50 51 267 267 5,758 5,758
51 52 278 278 6,016 6,016
52 53 289 289 6,251 6,251
53 54 300 300 6,509 6,509
54 55 311 311 6,788 6,788
55 56 322 322 7,003 7,003
56 57 333 333 7,262 7,262
57 58 344 344 7,496 7,496
58 59 355 355 7,755 7,755
59 60 366 366 7,990 7,990
60 61 378 378 8,249 8,249
61 62 390 390 8,507 8,507
62 63 402 402 8,789 8,789
63 64 414 414 9,047 9,047
64 65 426 426 9,330 9,330
65 66 438 438 9,432 9,432
66 67 450 450 9,702 9,702
67 68 462 462 9,972 9,972
68 69 474 474 10,241 10,241
69 70 486 486 10,510 10,510
70 71 500 500 10,742 10,742
71 72 514 514 11,088 11,088
72 73 528 528 11,396 11,396
73 74 542 542 11,704 11,704
74 75 556 556 12,012 12,012
75 76 570 570 12,320 12,320
76 77 584 584 12,628 12,628
77 78 598 598 12,936 12,936
78 79 612 612 13,244 13,244
79 80 626 626 13,552 13,552
80 81 642 642 13,860 13,860
81 82 658 658 14,206 14,206
82 83 674 674 14,592 14,592
83 84 690 690 14,938 14,938
84 85 706 706 15,284 15,284
85 86 722 722 15,631 15,631
86 87 738 738 15,978 15,978
87 88 754 754 16,362 16,362
88 89 770 770 16,709 16,709
89 90 786 786 17,056 17,056
  • Note: When you tap the bag to the left of the number of Magic Coins collected during a fight, all collected Magic Coins will be immediately added into the total amount you own.

Farasian Wayfarer Zecora (Zecora's Outfits)[]

Tier Piece Team Power Increase Magic Coins Cost Total Cost of Magic Coins
(Up to Level 11)
Mane: +19 681 1,362
Body: +19 681
(Up to Level 33)
Mane: +117 20,244 40,488
Body: +117 20,244
(Up to Level 55)
Mane: +311 96,951 193,902
Body: +311 96,951
Bluish Platinum
(Up to Level 77)
Mane: +584 213,175 426,350
Body: +584 213,175
(Up to Level 81)
Mane: +786 194,348 388,696
Body: +786 194,348
  • Finishing the whole outfit with the bonus gives you a total of 1,572 Team Power and a total cost of 1,050,798 Magic Coins.


Leaderboard Time Limit:
10 Days
Assign Characters to complete tasks and earn: Zecora's Bottles.
Prize 1 (1-100) Prize 2 (101-500) Prize 3 ([[1]])
Flax Seed Grootslang's Statue 20

Community Helpers[]

NOTE: unlike previous events where the player has to collect tokens from characters. The player must complete a mini-game similar to Equestria Girls mini-game in order to gain tokens and various items instead of assigning them to tasks.

Pony Zecora's Bottles Produced Time
Forsythia 200 2 hours
Mr. Breezy 200 2 hours
Garble (X2) 400 3 hours
Pink Dragon (X2) 400 3 hours
Li'l Griffon (X4) 800 5 hours
Glenda (X4) 800 5 hours
Gabby (X7) 1,400 8 hours