Почетен курс за Википедија
Добредојдовте на Википедија на македонски јазик, слободна on-line енциклопедија започната во август 2003 година!
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- Википедија, опис, организација и историја на проектот
- Петте столба на Википедија
- Почетен курс, што треба да знаете и како се користи (за повеќе детали погледнете ги врските од десно)
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Ве молиме, имајте во предвид дека сите придонеси на Википедија се смета дека се објавени под ГНУ-овата Лиценца за слободна документација.
The new articles
уредиI have noticed that you are putting interwikis here, on our articles. I have translated some of the articles that you have made on the Greek Wiki and they have nothing to do with the actual topic. For example, Тиквеш is a real fantasy and has nothing to do with the region in Macedonia, near the city Kavadarci. I would advice to write what you should write there, you must put Macedonian interwiki and what is most important you must put the Macedonian name for the place. Otherwise, I have to delete all the interwikis that you have put here. Thanks.--MacedonianBoy 22:49, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
Do what you think is right. I think that this is the right thing, because Kafandartsi used to be called Tikfes during the Ottoman times.Корисник:Pyraechmes
- Тиквеш is the name of the region around the city Kavadarci in Macedonia. Small confusion, but I will check again since some of your articles have been deleted. --MacedonianBoy 23:10, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
Hi, some of your articles on greek Wikipedia does not exist: Βογορόιτσα, Τίκφες, Νεγόριτσα... Where is the problem? --Виолетова (разговор) 23:22, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- Ok. Thank's for the help. I will do them again sourced.Корисник:PyraechmesPyraechmes (разговор)
- And again, if there is pov, and especially if there would be representation such as Macedonians are Bulgars and in that regions live Greeks, plus the already mentioned things, we would do what we have to. Keep in mind that you are editing for existing country for some people, not for empty area. You are offending the users here. --MacedonianBoy 23:26, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- Μπορείς να υπογράφεις στις σελίδες συζήτησης γράφοντας ~~~~ ή πατώντας το κουμπί της υπογραφής ( )--Р ашо 23:28, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
Think that if readers can read Greek maby they are not offended. But, anyway, I write about real things. Nothing out of history. It is good to be writen both for Greeks and Skopjans.Корисник:Pyraechmes
Warning before block
уредиPlease be very careful with your language. Skopians is offensive word, it is similar if we call the Greeks Ethiopians. This kind of offensive words are followed by block without warrning, but I have given you a second chance. Be careful. Thanks--MacedonianBoy 23:35, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- As well as Bulgars is considered offensive for Bulgarians, right? --Стан (разговор) 23:40, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- Not quite familiar of the Bulgarian problematic, sorry Stan. I am not familiar with those so called offensive words for the BG. I am speaking something different here.--MacedonianBoy 23:45, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- Noap, you mean Tatars, right?--Р ашо 23:43, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
Sorry, but I don't have any other word to call you people, since I am a Macedonian.Корисник:Pyraechmes
- Just use the accepted terms in en wiki as "Macedonians (ethnic group)" and "Macedonians (Greeks)". I think it's fare enough for both sides. --Стан (разговор) 23:52, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- But i have for you! --Р ашо 23:50, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- Honestly, I (and the science) have never heard of Greek Macedonians. They are Greeks or not.--MacedonianBoy 23:54, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- Take a look at the en wiki en:Macedonians (Greeks) for more information. --Стан (разговор) 23:57, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- EN Wiki?!? Are you serious? Never, not reliable at all. Take a look at other encyclopaedias. The talk ends here.--MacedonianBoy 23:59, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- Take a look at the en wiki en:Macedonians (Greeks) for more information. --Стан (разговор) 23:57, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- Honestly, I (and the science) have never heard of Greek Macedonians. They are Greeks or not.--MacedonianBoy 23:54, 23 мај 2009 (UTC)
- Dear Pyraechmes if you are Macedonian as I am that means that we are brothers. --Wikimk (разговор) 00:07, 24 мај 2009 (UTC)
P.S. Someone had said that "On the Balkans the frustrations are larger than the differences."
Yes! If you are real Macedonian. If you can read what ancient Macedonians wrote on the stones, like I do. And if you can understand what they wrote, on the stones, like I do. If not, then learn Greek, and then we are real brothers.Корисник:PyraechmesPyraechmes (разговор)
- "On the Balkans the frustrations are larger than the differences." :-) Wikimk (разговор) 00:12, 24 мај 2009 (UTC)
- I agreeКорисник:PyraechmesPyraechmes (разговор
- I am glad you agree. I have lived in a student dormitory where my best friend was a Greek guy from Athens. We together had a lot more in common than with other students (Austrians, Germans, French, Italians etc.). So, I would like to ask all the Wikipedians involved in this discussion to try to avoid the use of politically incorrect terms. Also I would like to remind you that the intolerance and xenophobia is what keeps this region far from being the mainstream of the contemporary civilization. Regards, --Wikimk (разговор) 00:49, 24 мај 2009 (UTC)
- I agreeКорисник:PyraechmesPyraechmes (разговор
Ok. But allow me, since I am a Macedonian to seperate Macedonians (Greek), from "ethnic" Macedonians. So I will call you ethnic-Macedonians if you don't mind.Корисник:PyraechmesPyraechmes Pyraechmes (разговор) 11:54, 26 мај 2009 (UTC)
- I do not mind my friend. Kind regards, --Wikimk (разговор) 11:57, 26 мај 2009 (UTC)
- Call us Macedonians and for the Greeks of the Aegean Macedonia say Greek Macedonians. Perfect solution. Salute.--MacedonianBoy 12:02, 26 мај 2009 (UTC)
I am searching for the village Grciste or something like this. Do you know it? Can you write it in your alphabet?Корисник:PyraechmesPyraechmes Pyraechmes (разговор) 12:09, 26 мај 2009 (UTC)
- On Macedonian Cyrillic alphabet the village is spelled like this: Грчиште. If it is this village. Reg--MacedonianBoy 12:11, 26 мај 2009 (UTC)
Ok. Thank'sКорисник:PyraechmesPyraechmes Pyraechmes (разговор) 12:12, 26 мај 2009 (UTC)