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A savanna biome.

The savannas are arid biomes, featuring scattered acacia trees. There are three different variants of the savanna biome.


Savannas are usually bordered by forests and plains. Acacia and small oak trees are the two types of trees that grow here; this is the only place where acacia trees naturally generate. As the savannas have arid climates, it never rains here and thus lightning can never naturally strike; however, overcast skies (and daytime hostile mobs spawning in the case of thunderstorms) still apply. Grass and leaves in the savanna take on an olive-green color, giving an illusion of dryness.

Survival in the normal savanna, along with its plateau variant, is generally easy. The acacia and oak trees provide a decent source of wood, tamed horses can allow for fast travel and outrunning hostile mobs, tamed llamas can serve as useful pack animals and villages can serve as a refuge and a way to trade items. However, the vast amounts of tall grass can prove to be a nuisance when building a shelter; additionally, it may serve as an obstacle when fighting hostile mobs, as the player might end up hitting the grass rather than the mob. Survival in the windswept savanna variant, however, is dangerous due to the extremes of the generated mountains.


For variants existing before 1.18, see Biome/Before 1.18.

There are three savanna biome variants (savanna, savanna plateau, and windswept savanna).


The savanna is mostly flat biomes, with vast amounts of tall grass all over the terrain. Savanna typically generates bordering a desert, forest or plains biome.

Villages generates in savannas, which made mainly of terracotta, acacia logs, and planks; the bright-orange acacia planks make savanna villages easy to spot from a distance. Pillager outposts may generate as well.

The following mobs are naturally spawned here:

In Java Edition
MobSpawn weightGroup size
Monster category
Slime[note 1]1005154
Zombie Villager55151
Ambient category
Creature category
Underground water creature category
Glow Squid14–6
  1. Spawn attempt succeeds only in slime chunks.
In Bedrock Edition
MobSpawn weightGroup size
Monster category
Slime[note 1]1004951
Zombie Villager54952–4
Creature category
Glow Squid10592–4
Ambient category
  1. Spawn attempt succeeds only in slime chunks.

Savanna Plateau[]

The savanna plateau is identical to the regular savanna, though villages and pillager outpost do not generate here.[1] This biome is found when a savanna generates on top of a plateau or beneath a stony mountain. Horses still spawn on the plateaus and this is the only savanna sub-biome where llamas spawn‌[JE only][2]. Deep Dark biomes can also be generated under plateaus. Normal savanna won't generate deep dark on its own, but if there is plateau near as a starting point for the Deep Dark biome, it can be spread underneath a normal savannas too.

The following mobs are naturally spawned here:

In Java Edition
MobSpawn weightGroup size
Monster category
Slime[note 1]1005154
Zombie Villager55151
Ambient category
Creature category
Underground water creature category
Glow Squid14–6
  1. Spawn attempt succeeds only in slime chunks.

In Bedrock Edition, savanna plateaus use the same mob spawning chances as regular savannas.

Windswept Savanna[]

The rare windswept savanna (formerly shattered savanna) variant generates in areas with high erosion and weirdness, which means that the terrain is arguably the most chaotic in the game, a contrast from the otherwise flat savanna. It is full of extremely steep mountains, enormous overhangs, floating islands and huge waterfalls and lavafalls, with higher and rougher terrain than the windswept hills biome, and can often go past the layer 200. Large and deep lakes often form on the bases of the mountains.

Windswept savanna biomes can often generate standalone bordering other biomes that aren't just the default savanna, with these biomes usually being temperate or warm. Windswept savannas can't generate in regions with cold or snowy biomes which means that these biomes can be found in extreme terrain.

The terrain is covered with a mixture of grass block patches and coarse dirt patches, with a large amount of exposed stones. Tall grass doesn't generate here in Java Edition. Villages and pillager outposts cannot generate in this biome[3].

The steep generated mountains make this variant almost unsuitable for shelter and even just exploring quite hazardous, due to the sharp cliffs often risking fatal fall damage if not above water. Additionally, the giant overhangs often reduce skylight on the terrain below them, not only enough to spawn hostile mobs in daylight, but to produce complete darkness similar to caves, further adding to the difficulty of this biome.

Windswept savannas uses the same mob spawning chances as regular savannas.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key
Savanna Plateausavanna_plateaubiome.minecraft.savanna_plateau
Windswept Savannawindswept_savannabiome.minecraft.windswept_savanna

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID
[No displayed name]savanna37
[No displayed name]savanna_plateau39
[No displayed name]savanna_mutated163


Java Edition Alpha
v1.2.0previewAdded true biomes, including savannas.
Savannas were defined by having a rainfall value of 20% or lower and a temperature value between 50% and 95%.
Java Edition Beta
1.8Pre-releaseThe savanna biome has been removed.
Java Edition
1.7.213w36aSavanna biomes have been re-added with variant biomes, along with many other biomes.
13w43aSavannas now generate with new logs and leaves.
1.1318w16aRenamed Savanna M to Mutated Savanna.
Renamed Savanna Plateau M to Mutated Savanna Plateau.
18w19aRenamed Mutated Savanna to Shattered Savanna.
Renamed Mutated Savanna Plateau to Shattered Savanna Plateau.
pre5Changed the ID savanna_rock to savanna_plateau.
Changed the ID mutated_savanna to shattered_savanna.
Changed the ID mutated_savanna_rock to shattered_savanna_plateau.
1.1418w47aAdded pillager outposts, which can spawn in savanna biomes.
1.18Experimental Snapshot 1The savanna plateau and shattered savanna plateau biomes no longer generate naturally.
experimental snapshot 2Savanna plateaus generate once again.
experimental snapshot 5Shattered savannas are now less common.
Water lakes no longer generate in savannas.
21w40a"Shattered Savanna" has been renamed to "Windswept Savanna".
The ID shattered_savanna has been changed to windswept_savanna.
The shattered savanna plateau biome has been removed.
1.18-pre6The sky colors of savanna, savanna plateau and windswept savanna are all changed to
, from
, respectively.
The base temperature of savanna, savanna plateau and windswept savanna are all changed to 2.0, from 1.2, 1.0 and 1.1, respectively.
1.2023w17a"A Familiar Room" can now be played in all types of savanna.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.9.0build 1Added savannas, along with many other biomes.
Added villages, which can now generate in savanna biomes.
v0.11.0build 1Double tallgrass no longer generates in shattered savannas and shattered savanna plateaus.
build 8Reduced the amount of double tallgrass in savanna biomes.
?Double tallgrass once again generates in shattered savanna biomes.
v0.15.0build 1Villages that generate in savanna biomes now use acacia wood in their structures instead of oak.
Added horses, which can now spawn in savanna biomes.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha llamas, which can now spawn in savanna biomes.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta pillager outposts, which can spawn in savanna biomes.
1.11.0beta illager patrol which can spawn in savanna.
Caves & Cliffs (experimental)beta savanna plateau and shattered savanna plateau biomes no longer generate naturally.
beta plateaus generate once again.
1.19.40beta savannas now have a temperature of 2.0 instead of 1.1, and a downfall of 0.0 instead of 0.5.
Windswept savannas now uses the same grass color as Java Edition.[4]
Legacy Console Edition
TU5CU1 1.00 Patch 11.0.1Savannas, along with some other biomes, have been removed from the base game.
TU31CU19 1.22 Patch 3Savannas and their variants have been re-added.
1.91 Added pillager outposts, which can spawn in savanna biomes.


See also[]


  1. MC-238689
  2. MC-159092 — "Llamas do not spawn in regular savanna biome" — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  3. MC-128686 — Villages and pillager outposts don't spawn in windswept savannas
  4. MCPE-34936 — "Tall birch tree, shattered savanna, badlands plateau, and dark forest biomes have wrong grass color" — resolved as "Fixed".

External Links[]
